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Raid Expedition: The Librarian's Nightmare 打法探讨

本帖最后由 Mists 于 2011-11-3 12:34 编辑

- Have someone pick up the ground spawns in the lower level of the zone, then click them one at a time to spawn book dervishes. Kill the dervishes until one drops a "Words of Opening" and then go up to the next level to the Butler.
这一步主要是click地上的书籍pop小怪后,loot尸体得到任务物品"Words of Opening"。书一共有8本,一次pop1-2只怪,pop的怪虽然等级会相差很大,但主要能力差不多。运气好的话click一次这阶段就打完了,运气不好最多就要打8波。
2、ae造成大量死亡。解决方法:完成don5,抗性顶到750。 pal注意刷splash,各队医疗注意cure

- Hail the Butler, give him the Words, say to him "Love is the consumption of self" and then say "prepared" to trigger the next phase.
- The raid will be intermittently silenced while animated books spawn. Keep killing these. Four minutes after saying "prepared" to the Butler, you'll see an emote about reading the librarian's books.
这一步会产生全zone的silence,一切技能无法释放。期间会定时pop The Animated Books 。这个book攻击最大8k左右(与allak不符)。silece每一间隔后会消失,caster和healer要抓紧nuke和heal。这一阶段持续四分钟(emote:The butler's voice, frail and cracking, comes wafting weakly across the library, "Do what she wants... Read her books..."
)。这一阶段结束后,仍会持续pop books。我们先试试等pop停止再开始下一阶段


- Have someone on the second level of the spiral staircase click the stone pedestals one at a time. For each click, you'll get either a spawn of 2-4 book dervishes (the same as the ones from the first part of the event), or one of three different stories (an emote will indicate if it's a story). Which pedestals spawn which mobs, is random.
- The three stories are Miss Muffet (kill "a spider"), the Seven Dwarves (kill 7 dwarves + 2 nameds), and the Pied Piper (kill Billy the Piper and his rats). Each story spawns in a different area of the library and can be pulled to the raid.
- The Librarian will need to be kited or offtanked while the rest of the raid kills the stories. She'll port herself to different parts of the zone, taking with her the top six players on her hatelist at the time.
通过“click on the pedestals on the second floor of the spiral staircase” 触发这一阶段。click一次触发一个story。这一阶段禁用任何swarm pet。任何非kite组都不得aggro boss。
1kite设想一(by mists):
    成立一个kite组,组员为4sk+1bst+1heal(务必凑足6人)。kite组先跑到boss刷新房间,然后出发phase3(added by nobel)在触发phase3后,kite组主动去aggro,不要等boss自动aggro冲raid。bst pet先无敌上去snare(sk也可试下sk的aa snare能否打上)。待snare成功后,sk开始在顶楼kite,(如果sk的snare打不上,bst的pet一直跟在屁股后面打(proc snare))。
设想二(by clog)
    原则:反正没KITE 好之前,千万不能开始杀story
KITE 的方式
无敌DISC -->AGGRO --》 拉离人群到空地(指旋转楼梯一楼处 ---》 放AGGRO PET--》 跑路上顶楼(AGGRO PET 会TANK 上一段时间),期间snare的任务交给wiz。

2、解决了kite问题,在通道里面的人员,开始杀3个story(中间会pop 假的story)。值得注意的是如果pop的是piper,必须优先杀之,不然老鼠无限刷

- After the third story is killed, the librarian's defenses drop and she can be killed. You may need to kill her next to the Butler's location or you chance the raid getting bugged. You only need to take her to 10% to win.
到了这一阶段,基本可以说就win了。NCM是直接冲楼顶杀。(ncm是拉到通道杀的 corrected by clog)
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