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2、free和silver账号只能选4个种族4种职业。魔法只能学RK1、aa只能练250(1000)点、inventory只有4(6)格、每个角色身上pp只能有100(500)每等级,character slot是2(4)个
8. If I decide to downgrade from the Gold to Silver or Free membership, what will happen to the Gold perks I had with that membership?You don't lose anything permanently, but Gold membership content will become inaccessible to you until you repurchase a Gold membership. Letting a membership lapse is similar to allowing a subscription on the regular EverQuest subscription service to lapse, where you become unable to access the features of that service until you renew your subscription.

- Character Coin Limits: The amount of coin you have is unaltered when you lapse your Gold membership. However, you'll be unable to gain any more coin until you reduce your current coin total below the Silver or Free per character limit.

- Backpack and Bank limits: Any bags or items that are in bag slots that are no longer available in Free or Silver will be mailed to you using the parcel system.

- Quest Limits: If you already have more quests in your Journal than are allowed at Silver or Free, those quests still exist, but you'll be unable to add new ones until you reduce your quest count to below those limits.

- Character Slots: When you downgrade from Gold, all characters that are on the account will still be visible to you. Characters that were created before February 29, 2012 will be allowed to log in (regardless of if you are currently over the cap of characters or do not have their race or class unlocked). Characters that are created on or after February 29, will only be available for use if you have both the race and class unlocked. For character slots, only the most recently logged-on characters (up to the character slot cap for your membership level) will be available for play.

- Items: Any Prestige Items become unusable if you downgrade from Gold. They will remain equipped, but will be tinted yellow and will no longer function. You can use them again when you renew your Gold membership.

- Spell/Skill Tiers: When downgrading membership, any Rank 2 or Rank 3 spell will stay in your book. When you cast these Rank 2 or Rank 3 spells, they will cast as the Rank 1 version. In any content where there are no spell ranks, you will be able to continue to use those spells as normal.

- Alternate Abilities: All Alternate Abilities already earned will remain usable if you choose to downgrade your membership, but if you are over the limit that you are allowed to earn (based on membership level) you will not be able to earn any more Alternate Ability points.

- Races and Classes: Any character you created before February 29th 2012 will be playable regardless of race or class. New characters that you create will be limited to the four available races and four available classes unless you purchase access to another race or class or upgrade to gold.
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