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To completely and utterly maximize your DPS, you need:

* To know the duration of fights. Observe for future reference, because what you do and which spells you weave changes as the fight duration changes. A lot. For how little DPS we actually put out in comparison to other classes, it's a lot of work, which was the point of the comment.

* Get arms, legs, head, and a wrist from VoA, or get cultural cleave, fero, magic, and chromatic focus (last one is less important, more on that later). Even if you're not in cultural, get a cultural piece with aug for either your hands (Which have no focus) or one of your wrists (which are doubled). Look at the stats on those pieces and decide which has the worst stats (for this purpose, you want to hold on to spell damage, heroic str/dex) and make the cultural piece for that slot. The focus you are after is "of the Magus." The links are examples of three versions of this focus. It is an "all DD spell damage" focus. This is the only thing that will focus your Contravention Strikes and your Intervention Strikes, as they are prismatic. If you want to outDPS a bard just with throwing (which I have, and they were perturbed. ~Laughs~ ), you also want Sharpshooting, but for obvious reasons (Hi spells!) this is not really important.

* The highest version you can get of the following spells: Abolish the Undead, Annihilate the Undead, Remonstrance, Rebuke, Vow of Veneration, Glorious Admonition, Glorious Censure, Glorious Denunciation, Elysian Intervention, Elysian Contravention, Celestial Intervention, Celestial Contravention, Holy Intervention, Holy Contravention, Yaulp, if you're also tanking, Ward of Recrimination, and as lesser importance, Chromacleave, Chromarend, Infallible Hammer of Zeal.

* To know who you are going to be grouping/raiding with. If you've a necro around, you want the Scorched Bones line used. If you have a chanter around that uses their spell tash and you're not around a lot of meleers or a mage, that will alter your spell lineup also.

* AAs you want maxed: Divine Avatar, Hastened Divine Avatar, Battle Frenzy, Improved Twincast, Hastened Improved Twincast, Celestial Rapidity, First Spire of Divinity, Celestial Hammer, Hastened Celestial Hammer, Extended Swarm, Righteous Zeal, Twinproc, Twincast, Turn Undead, Hastened Turn Undead, Quickened Turn Undead, Destructive Fury, Fury of Magic, Spell Casting Fury, Forceful Rejuvenation, Hastened Forceful Rejuvenation, Silent Casting, Quickened Silent Casting, Hastened Silent Casting, Mnemonic Retention, Planar Power, Power of the Keepers, Veiled Cunning, Veiled Strength, GoM for maintaining your mana, and a recommendation for potion and bandolier slots. Also Glyph of the Cataclysm and Intensity of the Resolute (limited availability for some).

* Some items. A good 2hander auged with damage augs. The aforementioned gear foci. An Underfoot BP. Tonic of Resonant Magic/Elemental. Spider's Bite poisons, haste buffs/potions and an overhaste item. Some desired additional items include: Runed Cold Iron Warhammer, Rod of the Ruined, Frostrift Chestplate, Enameled Black Chestplate.

Now it gets fun.

Knowing the duration is important. None of our DPS augmenting AAs have the same duration as each other. All will land on you at once and not knock each other off, but there are significant differences between the augmentation of melee DPS and spell DPS. Ask a wizard who likes to research such things, and a rogue/zerker likewise, and you'll see what I mean. As a general rule, as long as it's not on the same slot, melee effects can combine and can go multiplicative. DD crit chance and crit damage boosts do NOT, they are additive at best (excluding twincast), and for the damage boost, only the highest mod will apply. So, for your nukes, if you use Cataclysm you have a 160% DD mod, if you use Avatar you have 127%, Intensity will give you 100%, First Spire will give you 130%. If you hit all of them at once, you'll have 160%, from the Glyph. Battle Frenzy is easy- it will give you 100% crit rate on DDs for 35 seconds, so that's a nobrainer. If the duration is going to be over that, you need to start tallying up crit rate to get you to 100% or as close to as possible. First Spire will give you 6%, Intensity will give you 50%, Power of the Keepers/Dark Reign is 3%, then you have your crit AAs, which, combined, bring you almost to 100% crit rate. If you have a bard, or a chanter, et cetera, that's going to alter things again, so we'll go with unsupported.

Divine Avatar being cast first right before you engage and hitting your other burn abilities is recommended, because it has a three second cast time that cannot be hasted in any way- Quickened Divine Avatar did not work and so was refunded- and it has the longest duration of any of our DPS augmenting abilities. It is also going to mod your melee damage on swings between casts, while you're also stacking glyph/7th.

Your first phase on a short or relatively short fight is going to be when you're Twincasting (Avatar, Improved Twincast, Glyph, Battle Frenzy, Celestial Rapidity, and hit Celestial Hammer and Underfoot BP at the back of the mob just to get them in and starting))- For this, unless you are fighting undead, have no malo but do have a chanter and no one else is meleeing, or something is Anguish-style magic-resistant/immune, use Remonstrance and Rebuke. Last expansion's magic nuke is higher base damage than current chromatic nukes, and does not push (chromatic do). There's a perception that magic gets resisted a lot more, but it is the easiest resist to debuff, so most of the time, your chromatic nuke is going to check off magic anyway. If you have a chanter using spell, not AA tash, and do not have a mage or shaman around, and you do not have to worry about push at all, you can switch Chromacleave in for Rebuke. Do not use Contravention/Glorious at this time- It will eat Twincast procs yet not twin the nuke on Contravention, and Glorious recourse will knock Improved Twincast off you entirely, wasting all unused procs. On a non-Undead target in an ideal setup with no lag, this would take 46.5 seconds after casting Divine Avatar, but allowing for some latency, Frenzy is going to run out about two-thirds to three-quarters in, so then you need First Spire and Intensity running. Celestial Rapidity should last up to 18 or so seconds after twincasting runs out, so at that point, it's still worthwhile to use all your best versions of your highest damage nukes regardless of base cast time, however, while you still have a heavily boosted crit rate and crit DD, it's advisable to use Glorious to force twincasts of Intervention strikes, using swift tabcasting so you're not losing swings.

Once that wears out you still have two minutes or so of Divine Avatar, and you should be chaining, in descending order of strength, all of your fastest nukes, being Glorious, Contravention, and Intervention (though the pattern should look like Contravention1, Glorious1, Intervention1, Intervention2 [unless Glorious was resisted, in which case you hit Contravention2, Glorious2, then Intervention1, Intervention2], Contravention2, Glorious2, Intervention3 [once again, must be paired with successful Glorious], Glorious1, Forceful Rejuvenation, Intervention1, Intervention2, Contravention1, Glorious1, Intervention3, Contravention2, Glorious2...) to ride out the higher DD mod on second spire without slowing down your swings, since Divine Avatar has Hundred Hands 15, and if you're losing swings while you have all of your melee-boosting running but your nuke boosts tapering off, you will lose DPS if you have a decent 2hander. If you're forced to rely on a 1hander for your melee DPS, you will lose a great number of swings- you want a delay over 30 at least. I'm not going to repeat the HHE formula here because it makes most pure melees heads hurt, that rely on it every day , But just basically remember, high damage, 35-36 delay, you're going to be better off. Avatar will last for three minutes, and then your melee damage will drop to about a fifth of what it was, and much slower swings, so at that point, the priority becomes spell DPS, and your lower delay means that Remonstrance and Rebuke will re-enter your spell weave with Remonstrance after Intervention2, and then any time your weave is greyed out above Intervention/Contravention/Glorious2, and Rebuke if Remonstrance is down. If the fight looks like it's going to be a while at this point, a persistent hammer pet should be positioned at the back of the mob (they backstab, or as I prefer to call it, backthump- it's a hammer, after all).

If you know ahead of time that a fight is going to be long- say you're grouping an old raid- then start off with the weave above to grey it all out under Avatar, then go into your ITC immediately after, and you'll have your contraventions and interventions refreshing for after ITC is over.

This is for live mobs.

For undead you're going to replace Remonstrance and Rebuke with Abolish the Undead and Annihilate the Undead. After activating Divine Avatar, Turn Undead should be hit with your Glyph/Battle Frenzy/Improved Twincast, and after ITC is over, you should stick to the top two each of Glorious and Contravention, three of Intervention, and chaining Undead banes in between.

If you are fighting something magic-immune, replace Remonstrance and Rebuke with Chromacleave and Chromarend, be ready to strafe and counter your own push. Drop all Glorious from your lineup, and your lowest Intervention- without the boost of twincasts, it is not really worth it in DPS. Your weave outside of ITC is purely in descending order of spell damage with this one, repeating from the highest spell as things refresh.

All of this presumes you are not tanking and you have the luxury of not needing to heal. The OP's situation, using a pet tank, precludes some of this, unless you're doing a) Content the cleric can tank (depending on gear, this can be quite a bit), or b) Content the cleric can tank with a 2hander. If you are merely seeking to augment your damage from range, only through spells, you can stagger divine avatar and spire out more on longer fights, since you're not using melee. Your spell weave for ITC will be the same, after it is over it will look like the model of a meleeing cleric after Avatar is over, since you need not concern yourself with the Hundred Hands Effect. Also, since you have a pet tank, if you start this straight off, make sure you use silent casting- combined nuke/heals and heal/nukes can be a lot of aggro initially.

Message edited by Mykaylla on 01/30/2012 05:47:55.
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