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一 。  upstairs will spawn 6 Ry'Gorr  Miners  when Danela  at 90%, 60%, and 30% .  those Miners dont KOS . need 2 groups dpser  burn asap   because each Miners  will drop a barrel of dynamite  each 25s . ( AT-throws a barrel of dynamite at YOURNAME  , 70k PBAE , range :20  . you have about 4s to move only ).
二。 A boulder on the ceiling begins to shake  ( boulder about to fall)  the emote happens 5s-45s  random  ,   and 24s later  the boulder will drop down !    Tanks need set these 4 points into your map(crystalshard_1.txt):
P -472.8388, -408.9264, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, South2
P -460.2408, -458.1176, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, East
P -470.5359, -433.0177, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, South1
P -477.5542, -472.1804, -399.8416, 0, 0, 0, 1, North
a ppl will call in /rs  which point  will drop the  boulder. we need let the boulder hit  Tentical Terror 2 times    to down it 10% hp!     . no pets for this phase  plz ! . let tank easy move Tentical Terror.
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