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关于我,致全体RFer/about me, To all RFers(English on 2nd floor)

本帖最后由 Mists 于 2012-11-26 15:31 编辑

当然,这个是我的个人意愿,并且已经向officer kaku提出,具体接下来如何自会有管理层决定




本帖最后由 Mists 于 2012-11-26 16:32 编辑

After a period of AFK , i would like to be back to raid with my mage because i have difficult continuing playing my nec due to the limit of my playtime as well as the big difference between what necromance is and what i had thought.

This personal willing has been told to Officer Kakakuku. Whether it will be accepted is to be decided only by the officer team.

Here i just want to explain some potential misunderstanding on me.

I pay little attention to gears when i play this game. And magician and necromancer need me not a lot of gears compared to other classes. As a provement is my top RA ( just second to LK and beatraci) in the period that RF just began to raid HOT,upper floor. In that period, gears were called to tanks and healers leaving no chance to classes as mages.

The only reason why i swithed mage to nec was that i wanted to try necromancer after playing mage for a long time. And attending raid is the way to see how well a dps class is played. Now there are several reasons why i want to switch my mage back. First, i dont have the same playtime and enthusiasm as before to play nec. Second, my friends approve my mages in group or in raid. Their approvemnt give me the most satisfaction in this game. Third, i personally dont think i was treated fair when my nec tried to become main from app. Last, my nec is not fully raid geared atm. i am afraid there will be more arguments after it does ( joke)

At last, i just want to use the class i like to do as much as i can to help the raid regardless of in what raid rank. Any attack that describe me in a mean way will i "reposite".
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