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quit in raid


我愤怒因为在RF可以不需要任何规则可以拒绝其他人参加pick raid,然后说pick up 跟RF公会无关。




罢免这些所有涉事的officer / class leader(kaku civvvvv freewind)




Sorry  I am  quit in raid, I surprisingly angry, I can not take anger into the raid.Now that I've calmed down, write my point of view.

I am angry that , officer/class leader  refuse to invite others member to join in pick raid, Because of personal animosity between them.

I am angry that , the RF do not need any rules .RL can refuse to invite others member to join in raid

Chinese people are keen to struggle with each other, has a long history, and continues, I had thought  that  Officer's duties is to relieve the internal contradictions of the guild, at least not to aggravate it, do not let your personal vendetta to vacillate guild rule, the tolerance is large.

But they still occur,what can  I do?

Removal  all officer / class leader of  involved(kaku civvvvv freewind)

Or is it my own?

I chose, I dismiss my own.

I am extremely honored to raid with u guys ,and watch that The RF turned into one raid guild , I think it never be forgotten in my life,  the bg be with us.
to kaku:

我所认为你失职的是:你做为officer兼RL的时候不能履行RL职责,听由部分会员抵制而拒绝其他会员参加pick raid。

对错与否,每人观点不一样,但这不是我们已知的raid rule或者guild rule。当你做为一个oficer或者RL的时候,你只是一个执行者,为raid和guild rule服务的执行者。

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