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Evantil: Heart of the Oak

从之前的raid 反映一个问题,Real Faith Raid Tactics 的帖子 写的太复杂 很少有人逐字逐句的看 我尽量写的简洁点,分中英2个版本

中文版 npc Yioanin Beasts' Domain
2.Adds group在斜坡底部集合
3.Caster group在斜坡顶部集合
4.任意一个人靠近molar会被踢飞到zonein 附近,此时event开始
5.Casters用火系dddot攻击Molar andImpacted molar
6.斜坡底部将会每波刷新4addsadds定时刷新。肉搏可以走过火堆获得一个proc。对addsboss都能造成额外伤害;同时将adds 引到火堆可以charm来攻击boss(不是必须)。
7.Molar andImpacted molar死后 raid 进第一个入房间
9.Tank/healer/Castergroup 进入boss房间触发boss
10.Adds group 处理adds. Adds是根据boss hp和时间刷新(这里还需要刷新的具体信息)
11.raider 需要躲避橙色的光环,会有dotspash 可以cure

Boss 技能和Adds时间需要进一步确认

1、任何一个aggro boss的人不能fade 否则event会重启
2boss adds 均不能靠墙tank,现在有bugbossadds 会冲出墙壁,导致无敌。特别是adds 发生此bug的频率比较频繁,只要有一只adds无敌,就要重打event

1.Raid Giver Yioanin Beasts' Domain
2.Adds groupsmoves to the bottom of the ramp up
3.Caster groupsmove up almost to the top of the ramp.
4.One person movesclose to molar and gets tossed back to the zone in to trigger the event.
5.Casters attackMolar and Impacted molar and kill them.(fire dds and dots)
6.Bottom of theramp inc 4 adds per wavetime based
Melee can run back across the chasm near theramp and step into the campfire there to get a buff that does extra fire damageto adds. If the adds are pulled across and through the fire they can then becharmed and sent onto the molars for extra DPS(option).
7.Once Adds, Molarand Impacted molar are dead the raid moves up to the first room. and buff
9.Tank/healer/Castergroup move into boss room.trigger boss
10.MA will callfor raid to kill adds. Adds are both time/boss health based.need more info here
11.Raid needs tododge the Orange Aura that roams the room to avoid getting dotted
Spash can cure it.
12.Around the roomare approx 15 Mantraps. They will Flowery Grasp, a Silence + Leash someonerandomly, The person is stuck at the mantrap and cannot move. You can kill itto free them. 1 group will be assigned to kill mantraps to free people.
13.After the Nest Defenderis killed and all Aggressive Ants are dead you win
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
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