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樹底下的NM + ADDS

分析:基本上清ADDS 的部分涉及DPS的問題,只要不要死太多問題應該不大..至於到火堆拿BUFF實際效果不是太理想(因為人要跑到ZONE IN拿BUFF再跑回來已經浪費了不少時間)

第二部分 BOSS戰 (位置應該是螞蟻區域...?)

分析:TRAP 的部分找一隊人員處理就可(15 TRAP很快會觸發完)...主要問題還是ADD的處理方面

打王的時候安排兩隻MAG PET一起坦王可以讓坦的負擔減輕下少

(例: 坦1 死掉> MAG PET AGGRO LIST1> 坦2上前開技接坦...>順利接上)

基本上一個多月下來RF 的TANK (WAR/SK/PAL) 已經有相當的成長..(只要這個月有參加RAID的身上最少有4件ROF RAID裝或更多...而ROF AUG加持下坦的硬度已有可觀的提升)

只是治療方面仍是不足..希望借此機會多收一些MAIN CLE進會(YOTOWN 和DIOS 仍在努力DING 100中..BRY CLE跟MAD 的裝應該超越BOX CLE的水裝已可獨當一面了) ... l:_Heart_of_the_Oak

Evantil: Heart of the Oak
Courtesy of The Silent Minority on Rathe

Raid Giver Yioan in Beasts' Domain

Raid moves to the bottom of the ramp up. Caster groups move up almost to the top of the ramp.

One person moves close to molar and gets tossed back to the zone in to trigger the event.

Casters attack Molar and Impacted molar and kill them. They can be meleed but must be at max range if you get to close you get tossed away. Fire damage does the most damage to the mobs. Fire Dots seem to land and mellee/bow damage lands for full.

The rest of the raid stays at the bottom of the ramp and fends off the adds. Adds come in waves of 4 and appear to be time based. Melee can run back across the chasm near the ramp and step into the campfire there to get a buff that does extra fire damage to adds. However the buff only lasts for 1 minute and the loss of DPS while people run over does not seem to make it worthwhile. Knights lock aggro and kill all adds.

If the adds are pulled across and through the fire they can then be charmed and sent onto the molars for extra DPS. The will explode damaging them and die. Do enough and you get an achievement.

There will be puddles of SAP that spawn. Avoid them to not get snared.

Once Adds, Molar and Impacted molar are dead the raid moves up to the first room.

Raid then moves up the ramps killing ants as they go. Raid stops just below Named for final med and buff.

Will move raid just short of the nameds room. DA knight chargets in to lock aggro while tanks and healers move in. If aggro is lost on named the event will reset.

Caster group stays on the named at all times unless specifically called off to help on adds.

Rest of the raid DPS's named unless adds are up. MA will call for raid to kill adds. You get Adds based on time and based on the mobs health.

Raid needs to dodge the Orange Aura that roams the room to avoid getting d
otted. Splash occasioanlly to cure it since dodging is almost impossible.

Around the room are approx 15 Mantraps. They will Flowery Grasp, a Silence + Leash someone randomly, The person is stuck at the mantrap and cannot move. You can kill it to free them. 1 group will be assigned to kill mantraps to free people.

After the Nest Defender is killed and all Aggressive Ants are dead you win. If the event does not finish and all you see are dead an ant may have gotten stuck somewhere. Have rangers use track and Bow to try and kill it.

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