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Summons a wave of little dragons. They are pretty easy. Once the last one dies he emotes and a timer starts giving you about 9-10 minutes to kill the next waves of 20 mobs.

Suggestion : Before Killing LAST mob of FIRST wave... Let everyone med and prepare to knock down second wave of adds.

Info: He summons waves of Giants and Coldain which are much harder. Nothing can be mezzed. Dragon will summon people out to the adds preventing you from pulling slowly.

Must kill the adds faster than they aggro. They get harder as you go. A coldain soldier and A kromrif soldier can be charmed and they will attack the opposite kind of adds.

Suggestion : Second wave is on timmer to spawn Boss... Burn all small disc or melee disc that you can't use for range attack.

This will give us time to med / rez before Dragon. Burning all melee disc on waves won't be a problem since we will be ranging the big dragon any ways. So if its not a disc you can use from range use to kill adds...
We will win Next try.
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