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Summons a wave of little dragons. They are pretty easy. Once the last one dies he emotes and a timer starts giving you about 9-10 minutes to kill the next waves of 20 mobs.

Suggestion : Before Killing LAST mob of FIRST wave... Let everyone med and prepare to knock down second wave of adds.

Info: He summons waves of Giants and Coldain which are much harder. Nothing can be mezzed. Dragon will summon people out to the adds preventing you from pulling slowly.

Must kill the adds faster than they aggro. They get harder as you go. A coldain soldier and A kromrif soldier can be charmed and they will attack the opposite kind of adds.

Suggestion : Second wave is on timmer to spawn Boss... Burn all small disc or melee disc that you can't use for range attack.

This will give us time to med / rez before Dragon. Burning all melee disc on waves won't be a problem since we will be ranging the big dragon any ways. So if its not a disc you can use from range use to kill adds...
second wave only on timer  or     (either on timer or last add killed whichever comes first)?
anyone can confirm?
second wave only on timer  or     (either on timer or last add killed whichever comes first)?
anyone can confirm?
sexyBeast Post at 2013-2-24 11:46
BOSS will auto inc once all adds dead or times up(kill adds too slow)
so if we kill adds fast we can save 1 add and keep tm it to let RW rez/buff dead

wing buffet zone wide?  its seems it is the side ae?
Sweeping Tail is back side.  both of them have push and pull, very nasty for us 400 range ( cant hide)

it seems only boss front Lava Breath has no push or pull effect, anyway we will see tonight
ae is also 200 range
wing buffet zone wide?  its seems it is the side ae?
Sweeping Tail is back side.  both of them have push and pull, very nasty for us 400 range ( cant hide)

it seems only boss front Lava Breath has no ...
sexyBeast Post at 2013-2-24 13:14
it seems that boss have zonewide AE push
so its better to stay all dps back to the hill and keep dps crystal in whole fight
we cant dps too fast and need to save all dps disc before 30% (Boss power up after 30%)

for tank ,as boss will summon ,so its ok for tank even boss push them away from platform
(tank 2 need run himself as not hate list better tank in a good postion)

use mnk/rog to pull tank corpse back to camp for rez/buff and always keep 2 tanks for boss

last night we are in trouble becuase big push and crystal pop fast without killed assp
so what we should do tonight is to make sure all crystal is killed when they pop

for boss...let range dps (rng /mag pet )
let mag called pet for tank boss too
with Em17 and def disc wont be second kill by boss and gain a little time for raid to replace tank for tank
if our tank 1 and tank 2 down in short time...

once agian...Boss have zone AE way to escape it
we just use hill to let us dont be push too far from push and do G heal assp

this stupid boss HP quite low just let tank not die and we will get win log soon!

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2013-2-24 13:35

tank need to do 0sec buff item on them in tanking
this boss push/ae with CM effect
if u do nothing u will become no buff tank in short time

boss dps not high but danger if no buff on tank when tanking

RL also need to check the tank connection is good or not before inc
its very bad when tank LD after inc...

good connection tank with good gear in recent raid

1 tiger  2 sen  3 sexy  (skofaz and mateal can be back up tank for it)

connection not stable tank in recent raid

1 bodo

yes melee will kill crystal only,  yes range dps fight only

concerning push and pull on tank and healer, push/pull on healer=no good, if we can avoid by  face boss front will be great,  but if push/pull=zone wide, no choice, we just have to face it lol

good job all and we finally got the key point for this raid!!!

1 for two waves adds: we should kill all adds in upper hill and move back to banner for boss fight so that we dont need to eat adds corpse ae [48k !!] of course we need to dps
fast before boss wake up (last try dps a bit low so boss auto inc before adds down)

2 for boss fight : just set a mag tank list and all use range dps and focus on crystal pop
we need to stay together and kill crystal assp .

pet very very strong for this fight!!! our mag so great!!EM 17 powa!!

key point for this raid

1 use mag pet for tank boss!

2 always stay together and kill crystal assp!

first post seems bug after edit .. repost again with map for zone !

how to zone in raid instance?(如何進副本?)

go to map pointed Zeixshi-kar in South of map .  u will see a big purple hill on it..
run to the top side of purple hill you will get and window ,click yes to zone it

到EW地圖上 標示ZEISHI-KAR 的地方會看到一個紫色水晶山..走到山頂時會接到一個視窗,選是便可進入RAID副本


- This event plays out exactly as in the group mission, only with stronger mobs and more adds.
- Say "death" to Zeixshi-Kar to trigger the event.
- All corpses (including PC corpses) gain a 20' range damage AE which they will cast periodically as long as the corpses remain. This occurs through the entire event.
- The first waves consist of drakes which spawn all around the event area and make their way into the raid.
- The next waves consist of a mix of Coldain and giants (NPCs with "soldier" in their names can be charmed to make them attack the opposing race; note that this doesn't act as a normal charm, so you can use it multiple times with more than one "pet" per charm caster).
- Zeixshi-Kar goes live and auto-aggro's after all adds are dead or after a timer runs out (whichever occurs first). He summons from 100% health.
- Zeixshi-Kar has an AE rampage (full damage), rear AE, frontal AE, a PBAE nuke+dispell, and a PBAE knockback+nuke; and will encase random players in crystal (kill the crystal to free the player).
- Kill Zeixshi-Kar to win the event.

simply say:
1  this raid run down same as group version ,only boss and adds power up !
2  all raider try not to die in raid. more corpse in raid ,more AE we get (like DON VTF raid,we cant die too much or cr)
3  after event start ,we need to face few waves of adds

    first wave : drakes (they will auto inc and fly to raid camp)
    second wave:  including Coldain and giants (npc with soldier can charm to add dps and this event can allower raider
    to charm more than one pet in the same time...however...more charm pet ,more danger when charm off)

4 boss will inc after all  adds dead  or times up (need to get more info for time)
5  boss (Zeixshi-kar) summon at 100% and have AE rp ,frontal ae,tail ae ,PBAE with dispell effect (need use 0sec item
to prevent hp buff lose !)
6  Boss will random target raider to become crystal ..raider need dps crystal (just like what we do in Ctov for frame
   crystal ) or raider will die soon

   這場RAID     流程跟6人副本版本差不多,只是ADDS 跟BOSS的強度增強了

注意!! 這場RAID RAIDER盡量不要死掉,任何戰場上的屍體(含玩家)也會引致AE 發生...死的越多,AE越頻


這RAID 主要分兩部分..前部分是打ADDS  後部分是打BOSS

1  進副本後跟 NPC(ZEIXSHI-KAR 那條大黑龍BOSS) 說關鍵字"death" 引發事件

2  RAID 開始後要先應付數波的ADDS,資料顯示共有兩波ADDS 要處理

    第一波: 小飛龍(DRAKES) 為主,他們會自動INC 向RAID CAMP 進攻
    第二波 : 主要是矮子(COLDAIN )與 巨人(GIANT) ,怪中只要頭上有SOLDIER字眼的也可以CHARM,要注意的是這場RAID容許玩家
    可以CHARM 多個一個目標,RAID 可以CHARM 一些矮子巨人讓他們相殘增加一點DPS

3   當ADDS 全部清理掉 (或經過一斷時間後) BOSS ZEIXSHI-KAR 便會POP,這條龍會在100%時候SUMMON TANK

4  BOSS 有各種不同的AE ,有前方AE, 尾部攻擊, 含消除法術效果的PBAE (要準備好垃圾BUFF放前! TANK 掉了BUFF要立即回應)

5  打王的時候王會隨機冰封RAIDER,DPS 要立即將冰打碎不然被冰的人很快會掛掉(跟CTOV 火水晶的處理情況差不多..ASS 一部分戰力專打水晶) 記住..死人越多,BOSS 越頻

RAID 注意地方

1 盡量不要死..死了盡快復活..避免戰場上堆積太多屍體(我有一點擔心LD的朋友..屍體會一直在場上讓大家持續吃AE)

2 HEALER 可以集中在一處,讓一隊DPS 專門守護同時負責幫HEALER打掉BOSS POP的冰

3 前部分的兩波ADDS 是有時間限制的..殺太慢時間到便要同時應付BOSS 跟ADDS..善用CHARM PET可以令RAID效率更快(RF ENC不足但BARD 可以負責CHARM的工作)

4 資料未有顯示BOSS 會召ADDS...以此觀之似乎BOSS戰的部分較簡單,RAIDER只要盡量不要死掉,那餘下的就是BOSS PBAE 跟一些普通的EMOTE RUN


星期四: CTOV>KD
星期五: CTOV>SL
星期天: CC>EW

KD SL CC 這二場只要關鍵人員足夠,無CR的話45-60分鐘應可推完一場

VK 暫時不打也無差..
反正T2 COINS應該可以在EVILTREE RAID拿回來(應該是T2 最易的RAID了..大部分剛進T2 的公會也是找這個試刀)


1. top hill is a good spot to kill wave 1 and wave 2.  Melee need to burn on wave 2. worst of worst we can hold down to the last one( if time is not running out) for med/rez.
2. We will put banner down the hill. After wave 2 cleaned, need move to banner and stay VERY TIGHT.
3. boss will be pulled to edge of planform ( our banner to planform should have some distance for avoid boss ae rampage).
4. we need monk and sk to keep boss at spot so pet wont push it oor and entire raid begin to move forward slowly.
5. some disstance from banner, we will set a fs, will have some meelee drag corpse there for rez, so main raid wont eat AE.
We will win Next try.
Post Last Edit by rowad at 2013-2-25 08:56

iirc PB ae has not degrees, wing buffet is PB ae, affects everyone in ae range

from Lucy raw data:

wing buffet
unknown195        0        unknown196        0
that confirms it.

unknown195/unknown196 are degrees variable

HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
Mage need lv96 rune purchase Burnout XI RKIII : )
这个raid打起来令我想起我们当时开始打BD时候一样,一个mt的确定不住,但2个mt同时上就需要2个治疗组,不过经过上周日看来,下次我们可以试试让mag pet作为一个mt,war们作为另一个mt,让2个mt互相吸boss的伤害,但是前提是需要足够的治疗组及复活buff组,尸体吃AE也会很快挂,建议让puller吧尸体拖到指定的地方复活,不要在main raid中放AE。

有人记得, crystal每次做多4个,还是不打掉的话会会每个wave会增加4个?
anyone remember the crystal we got 4 maximum at any given time or it will go 4 8 12 if we don't kill them in time?
有人记得, crystal每次做多4个,还是不打掉的话会会每个wave会增加4个?
anyone remember the crystal we got 4 maximum at any given time or it will go 4 8 12 if we don't kill them in time? ...
sexyBeast Post at 2013-2-27 13:47
seems not 1 time =4 crystal pop [n
that means if u dont kill any crystal it will become more and more crystal at the end
also raider will become mez mode when crystal pop on them [mez buff last for more than 4min!!]
u can do nothing [dps or heal]
so its no doubt that we need to kill crystal assp

our dps should be ok to kill crystal pop
the main problem is tank lost and boss summon dps/healer

no matter use pet tank or MMT method for boss
we need to keep up the tank to the end

then other thing is easy~~

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