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ROF RAID:Raid Expedition: Zeixshi-Kar's Shard

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2013-2-25 00:33

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2013-2-25 00:32

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2013-2-22 23:33


how to zone in raid instance?(如何進副本?)

go to map pointed Zeixshi-kar in South of map .  u will see a big purple hill on it..
run to the top side of purple hill you will get and window ,click yes to zone it

到EW地圖上 標示ZEISHI-KAR 的地方會看到一個紫色水晶山..走到山頂時會接到一個視窗,選是便可進入RAID副本


- This event plays out exactly as in the group mission, only with stronger mobs and more adds.
- Say "death" to Zeixshi-Kar to trigger the event.
- All corpses (including PC corpses) gain a 20' range damage AE which they will cast periodically as long as the corpses remain. This occurs through the entire event.
- The first waves consist of drakes which spawn all around the event area and make their way into the raid.
- The next waves consist of a mix of Coldain and giants (NPCs with "soldier" in their names can be charmed to make them attack the opposing race; note that this doesn't act as a normal charm, so you can use it multiple times with more than one "pet" per charm caster).
- Zeixshi-Kar goes live and auto-aggro's after all adds are dead or after a timer runs out (whichever occurs first). He summons from 100% health.
- Zeixshi-Kar has an AE rampage (full damage), rear AE, frontal AE, a PBAE nuke+dispell, and a PBAE knockback+nuke; and will encase random players in crystal (kill the crystal to free the player).
- Kill Zeixshi-Kar to win the event.

simply say:
1  this raid run down same as group version ,only boss and adds power up !
2  all raider try not to die in raid. more corpse in raid ,more AE we get (like DON VTF raid,we cant die too much or cr)
3  after event start ,we need to face few waves of adds

    first wave : drakes (they will auto inc and fly to raid camp)
    second wave:  including Coldain and giants (npc with soldier can charm to add dps and this event can allower raider
    to charm more than one pet in the same time...however...more charm pet ,more danger when charm off)

4 boss will inc after all  adds dead  or times up (need to get more info for time)
5  boss (Zeixshi-kar) summon at 100% and have AE rp ,frontal ae,tail ae ,PBAE with dispell effect (need use 0sec item
to prevent hp buff lose !)
6  Boss will random target raider to become crystal ..raider need dps crystal (just like what we do in Ctov for frame
   crystal ) or raider will die soon

   這場RAID     流程跟6人副本版本差不多,只是ADDS 跟BOSS的強度增強了

注意!! 這場RAID RAIDER盡量不要死掉,任何戰場上的屍體(含玩家)也會引致AE 發生...死的越多,AE越頻


這RAID 主要分兩部分..前部分是打ADDS  後部分是打BOSS

1  進副本後跟 NPC(ZEIXSHI-KAR 那條大黑龍BOSS) 說關鍵字"death" 引發事件

2  RAID 開始後要先應付數波的ADDS,資料顯示共有兩波ADDS 要處理

    第一波: 小飛龍(DRAKES) 為主,他們會自動INC 向RAID CAMP 進攻
    第二波 : 主要是矮子(COLDAIN )與 巨人(GIANT) ,怪中只要頭上有SOLDIER字眼的也可以CHARM,要注意的是這場RAID容許玩家
    可以CHARM 多個一個目標,RAID 可以CHARM 一些矮子巨人讓他們相殘增加一點DPS

3   當ADDS 全部清理掉 (或經過一斷時間後) BOSS ZEIXSHI-KAR 便會POP,這條龍會在100%時候SUMMON TANK

4  BOSS 有各種不同的AE ,有前方AE, 尾部攻擊, 含消除法術效果的PBAE (要準備好垃圾BUFF放前! TANK 掉了BUFF要立即回應)

5  打王的時候王會隨機冰封RAIDER,DPS 要立即將冰打碎不然被冰的人很快會掛掉(跟CTOV 火水晶的處理情況差不多..ASS 一部分戰力專打水晶) 記住..死人越多,BOSS 越頻

RAID 注意地方

1 盡量不要死..死了盡快復活..避免戰場上堆積太多屍體(我有一點擔心LD的朋友..屍體會一直在場上讓大家持續吃AE)

2 HEALER 可以集中在一處,讓一隊DPS 專門守護同時負責幫HEALER打掉BOSS POP的冰

3 前部分的兩波ADDS 是有時間限制的..殺太慢時間到便要同時應付BOSS 跟ADDS..善用CHARM PET可以令RAID效率更快(RF ENC不足但BARD 可以負責CHARM的工作)

4 資料未有顯示BOSS 會召ADDS...以此觀之似乎BOSS戰的部分較簡單,RAIDER只要盡量不要死掉,那餘下的就是BOSS PBAE 跟一些普通的EMOTE RUN


星期四: CTOV>KD
星期五: CTOV>SL
星期天: CC>EW

KD SL CC 這二場只要關鍵人員足夠,無CR的話45-60分鐘應可推完一場

VK 暫時不打也無差..
反正T2 COINS應該可以在EVILTREE RAID拿回來(應該是T2 最易的RAID了..大部分剛進T2 的公會也是找這個試刀)


boss各种容易,连小弟都没有。。。不就是个CTOV的Lord Feshlak
這場RAID 有FLAG的要求[ SL CC WIN LOG) ,沒有FLAG的玩家可以85% 法則夾進副本(54X 0.15]=8個夾人位置 (46有FLAG 可帶8個無FLAG進副本)

以昨晚CC的紀錄 開始應該不太大(不放心的話星期六先進行CC RAID那星期天就無問題了..當然要預先公告活動行程以便RAIDER 準備)

Pre-Requisites for Participating:
- Completed "Danela's Stand (Crystal Caverns raid)
- Completed "The Madness of King Tormax" (Kael Drakkel raid)
- Players lacking the above two flags can be zoned in via the 85% rule.




基本上能跑過EW 的公會幾乎可以立即開打ROF T2..
T2 可以開打後我將向公會提議增加第四天RAID 讓大伙每個RAID DAY也可以拿到ROF COINS!

after we pass EW and get our ROF T2 win log
i will suggest RL and offiers add one more raid day to let our raider get ROF raid coins in
each raid day!

打T2时候 CTOV估计就可以PU了!
Post Last Edit by Skofaz at 2013-2-20 03:08

     Zeixshi-Kar : has an AE rampage (full damage), rear AE, frontal AE, a PBAE nuke+dispell, and a PBAE knockback+nuke; and will encase random players in crystal (kill the crystal to free the player).

1 . Wing Buffet : PBAE 32.5k , AE range 400 !  Push Up: 4  and Push Back: 7   .    flank AE each 40s  
2. Crystallizing Fear :    1: Mesmerize (0)2: Invulnerability .  each 30s  four random players  get emote . AT - You have become crystallized by fear .  ( player 5 mins cannot do anything if not kill the crystal ).    Berserker  can decapitate crystal  quick . and about 400k hps only
3 . Lava Breath: PBAE  48k  , AE range 200  and  Cancel Magic .   frontal AE each 25s
4. Sweeping Tail :  AE 39k . Push Up: 2   and  Push Back: 10  .  Tail AE   each 15s
Post Last Edit by Skofaz at 2013-2-20 14:27

         龙侧翼的AE最小,时间间隔最长,但范围很大(400码),龙头能控制好的话,dpser可以考虑就在侧翼最大肉搏距离外dps(AE ramp猛),每40s吃32.5X0.65=21k的伤害不算什么,但是healer要注意push打断魔法,如果是在侧翼每40s硬吃Wing Buffet的话,最好做个AT- The dragon beats its mighty wings and sends you flying.做好被push后快补的准备!
        Zeixshi-Kar就比TOV的Lord Feshlak 猛一些,40k max Hit  , 水晶的pop速度快一倍,AE ramp麻烦些,使用range dps,考虑用pet tank。肉搏dps可能要考虑去帮忙清水晶了,水晶Crystallized fear 绝对要清的快,解救被困人员,特别是释放healer;MT需要准备瞬间垃圾buff,龙头位置的AE带取消buff的。
看到achievement里,有关于可以free 巨人和矮人Add的选择,还是全部杀死。。。难道可以劝化一些add加入我方阵营?貌似更能降低难度
Post Last Edit by yamatotw at 2013-2-23 02:59

boss 的Lava Breath (PB DD  35k及Cancel Magic (9)) ,我每次被打到都會被消除一個buff ,以下是0秒buff的東西,有空的人可以去做...
Your body combusts as the lava hits you. 這是訊息也可以設定AT 這樣就不會忘記要補buff..
23-2-2013   EW first try!!

some exp for share in our first try

1  our tank position too close to our camp ,so healer keep get big AE push and die fast

2   Tank should use wall/hill  and back tank dragon and healer just stay in other side(just like what we do in CTOV in tanking some push big dragon) if healer not enough just all melee use range attack for boss..we will make a long fight but ensure we can get win if
healer not get too much push and AE

3  For two waves adds..first wave just cake and second waves adds dps a bit hard but our
dps is ok to finish the event before times up .So we can let 1 adds up and rebuff our tank
to prepare boss in next try



昨晚坦的位置不太理想,沒有背靠牆邊利用地型坦龍,而其他輸出跟傷害則站在另一邊輸出治療,我不清楚那個AE PUSH的範圍是有多大...但最少有地型的幫助下可以令大家不會被推到太遠




PUSH 的AE帶消除法術效果..坦一定要準備0秒垃圾BUFF應對..不然一會兒就消光光(幸好龍BOSS DPS不太強..就是打在我的牧師也只有連擊33K  X3 左右...只要持續補血坦應該不太容易死掉


few screenshot share

first wave adds just a cake

second wave adds dps a bit hard, bard can charm some adds (with soldier name in head)
for help ,this raid can allow to charm more than one target!

our tank too close to our camp so we keep get AE push and cant heal and dps goo in right
but our dps not bad..even die a lot but still get boss down to 70%...

check the left side chat box,the yellow emote means  crystal pop on you . you should use ooc/guild to let raider help u assp (healer dont forget to set hotkey) .in this case crystal pop on Freewind

according to ROF raid wiki info ... p?title=Zeixshi-Kar

Zeixshi-Kar's Shard
Courtesy of The Silent Minority on Rathe

Requires completion of Danela's Stand and The Madness of King Tormax to get in without being raided in.

Click on the Giant purple stone to get the raid. Move near it with raid and get pop up about pushing through. Say yes and your inside. This is buggy and some people have issues getting the pop up. Need to move well away from the stone and then back to get it. If not you can banner in. Evidently must have Kael and Crystal Caverns on lockout to get this.

Say death to the dragon to activate.

Position the raid in the North East corner of the area. This is away from pathing in adds and when the dragon goes active it lands to the south and will not instantly aggro if you are well north.

Summons a wave of little dragons. They are pretty easy. Once the last one dies he emotes and a timer starts giving you about 9-10 minutes to kill the next waves of 20 mobs.

He summons waves of Giants and Coldain which are much harder. Nothing can be mezzed. Dragon will summon people out to the adds preventing you from pulling slowly.

Must kill the adds faster than they aggro. They get harder as you go. A coldain soldier and A kromrif soldier can be charmed and they will attack the opposite kind of adds.

When adds die their bodies combust (will see flames on the ground) this is a short range AE so people need to move if getting damaged. Also occasionally the dragon breaths fire causing the same ground flames/DOT so move to get out of it.

Once the timer is up Zeixshi Kar goes active. Should have all adds dead by the time he goes active.

Tanks Zeixshi Kar on the edge of the platform (appears to hit for less if on the platform). By staying on the edge you avoid the tanks being hidden by the giant corpse laying in the middle which makes seeing who is in crystals much harder. He starts to hit harder the last 30%. He does a nasty AE ramp so range DPS him down while all Melee focus on breaking the Crystals that pop on people freezing them. Berzerkers can kill shards in one hit if they get lucky on abilities.

He also does a wing buffet emote that will knock all back. This is zone wide.

Keep the entire raid close together so people do not have to run far to break crystals. Berzerkers should focus on freeing tanks. All healers should be spot healing the MT.

Once dead chest pops in the middle of the platform.

remarks for this raid

1 Tank must tank boss on the platform (boss will power up if leave from there)

2 BOSS will cast Zonewide knock back ,so all raider should use wall to against big push

3 Use range dps for boss fight ,just let tanks on boss and all raider just stay together focus
on  POP Crystal and range dps boss

4 better use two tanks on boss to prevent boss summon dps when tank down. after Tank 1 disc off then tank 2 open disc on go ....

5 BOSS power up after 30% we should burn boss after 30%


1  全場RAID坦一定要在平台坦王..只要龍BOSS離開平台便會變強(即表示不能利用牆邊戰術擋震飛攻擊,因此一定要以雙坦形式才會保證..不然坦一倒就是DPS治療被王召喚殺掉

2  BOSS的震飛攻擊是全區域也會吃到的..因此除坦外其他人員應該背靠牆邊避免被彈到太遠因而吃不到治療

3  全RAID除坦外其餘人員只以遠攻打王...全部人員應集中在一起處理水晶POP..資料上說只要DPS足夠..

4   這場RAID應以治療工作為第一要點..DZ 人員可以留待王最後10%血時處理,依據經驗,只要在王死前被DZ   
      到,RAID完後以BANNER進ZONE一樣可以拿到FLAG 跟COINS..不用擔心因PH 關鍵職業因而無法讓本
      尊拿FLAG 跟COINS問題

Lava Breath: PBAE  48k  , AE range 200  and  Cancel Magic .   frontal AE each 25s
如果是这样的话,就正面 tank/range DD boss。 硬吃 48k cancel magic(大家都要准备clicky了)
侧面的wing buffet 虽然间断时间长,32k,但400 range,+push&pull ,可能得不偿失
正面 tank我们可能还可以利用pet

if this is the case, i rather take boss frontal AE.  48K 200 range+ cancel magic  frontal tanking we may be able to use pet as well to back up.

Side AE only 32k but the effect just too troublesome:400 range +push+pull
ok, for tactic, but crystals pop really fast...see 4 up in less 1 min....need any infos
ALL RAIDER CAN SET A  Hotkey  /target crystallized fear   
it will help u fast get target and dps down when crystal pop

(no need mouse click target one by one and easy get your target!)

good idea
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