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Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2013-2-15 12:56
[33222] Instilled Fear
Target: Single
Range: 1000
Resist: Magic -950
Casting: 0s
Dispellable: No
1: Decrease Current HP by 45000
2: Decrease Current HP by 30000 per tick
3: Blind
4: Cancel if Moved 40
Text: You are blinded by fear.

This DoT will kill you if you do not move to remove it.  Do not be the person wasting your healers mana by standing around like a clown please.  Thank you.

Healer Note: The method I use for the above is to face a direction where I know I can run straight 40 feet without running into a wall.  This saves me having to navigate with the map.
Source freelancer

Boss有随机单体blind+DD(45k)+DOT(30per tick).  中后跑出40码就可以自解。建议开着map来定位跑位,或自己在blind前,知道往哪个方向可以跑40码(没有wall等等)。
Some AT Info ( to be confirmed and tested):
1.You are blinded by fear.  (move 40 range when blinded will cure it)
2.A boulder on the ceiling begins to shake ( boulder about to fall)
3.throws a barrel of dynamite at YOURNAME (a bomb will be placed on/near you, move away similar to SL, range to be tested)
4.YOURNAME has fallen to the ground (simpl3 FD emote)
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