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1/27 raid clues:

1st try:
1. The murderer is not shorter then an elf.
2. The murderer is not of a human sized race.
3. The murderer is not a hybrid.
4. The murderer is not a pure melee class.
5. The murderer worships a god of neutrality.
6. The murderer calls Antonica their home.
7. ?
Our answer:Harmony(barbarian shaman don't know god) <= correct.

2nd try:
1. The murderer calls Antonica their home.
2. The murderer is not a priest.
3. The murderer worships a god of pure good.
4. The murderer is not of a large sized race.
5. The murderer is not shorter then an elf.
6. The murderer is not a hybrid.
7. The murderer is not of an elven race.
8. The murderer's total adventuring time is between xxx to xxx days.
Our answer:Oldgen(human monk Quellious) <= wrong.

3rd try:
1. The murderer is not shorter then an elf.
2. The murderer is not of a large sized race.
3. The murderer is not of a human sized race.
4.  The murderer is not a pure caster.
5.  The murderer is not a priest.
6.  The murderer is not a hybrid.
7. The murderer calls Antonica their home.
8. The murderer carries neither the Solteris key  nor the Discord Tower key on their keyring.
Our answer:Kosmadtiger(darkelf warrior) <= correct.
according to ... ds/race-sizes.2913/

me think:
races call Anotnica their home : human, barbarian, darkelf, halfelf(?), halfling, ogre, troll, froglok
race size : small < elf < human < large
small : dwarf, halfling, gnome
elf : woodelf, darkelf, froglok(?)
human : human, highelf, halfelf, drakkin, erudite
large : ogre, troll, barbarian, vahshir, iksar(?)

iksar need to be confirmed...
One of our clues the other night for our Iksar murderer was a large race.
Yunec please refer the post of Kaku about the size
hmm mine not 100% correct wa, i got from soe forum, combined several posts and findings
so ppls can/shall try the group version a few more times to find more answer and confrim if their thoughs correct.
guess so, learning as doing XD
one thing i noticed that was alot of old info from soe and allakhazam regarding  on racial size and armor size etc,  which is not 100% correct for SL raid.
Hamoray just insist she is not large sized... :P
summary for 2/2/2013

1 back up tank need fast tank when HP tank down (when tiger tank need fast tank
or we will get AE more often

2 healer need to move fast when hp adds pop soon ....if u die...your team meber no longer
live long

3 DRU/CLE can make a mgb AE heal list ( not much but should be helpful after each 40sec
AE pass... for me..with all aa finished ..i can cast mgb AE and up for 2 min (8cle =16 min)

4 tank need to use disc AE taunt all adds (6/8/10 adds pop that phase!!) ...your action can
save lots of dps and healer...even u will die fast but better than lose healers and die together...

later will post some screenshot for Guess murder game ...

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2013-2-3 23:01

我觉得 除了tank,offtank add或拉add,其他人没啥必要跑出红框区域吧, 炸弹range很小,ie.在west的,中炸弹,稍微往east挪几步就好,再中,往west挪回几步即可,没啥必要一直跑到黑区,特别是跑到最南端,40秒一次的ae,是躲不掉的,只有healer  团补可能oor补不到你,或被inc adds打死

事实上我们前面所有的工作都是为了最后10 adds的状况


所以 :
1 每一个raider 努力让自己活一下,每清理完一次adds,每个raider要检查自己的buff ,

为了最优化医疗,我们决定采用raider 群体移动的方式

如图 有2个蓝色和绿色的方框,每次炸弹刷新的时候,除指定的tanks外,所有人都南北之间移动,不要移动很远,healer的group heal 只有 140 码左右,炸弹范围只有 20码 ,所以南北移动约 60码 ,RL 会指定call bomb and move 。

2 每一个enc brd nec 在此时都是优先协助mez 再去dps  ,RL 会指定 你协助Mez的位置 ,比如 Imelody+ shavin TM E5 ,nobel + meatbal TM E4

3 临近adds刷新的时候,adds tank 要提前就位 ,第一时间无伤害angry ,所有被指定的adds tank 都要做到off tank,就算死你也不能kite,你要保持贴近你的adds,并围绕adds调整位置来躲过你附近的炸弹,一旦MA的目标是你所指派的adds, 你就可以全力攻击在这个adds 上,所以tanks 请把你最终要的防御disc 留到10adds的时候,并且做好随时切换offtank 模式的快捷键。一旦你负责的adds 杀掉后,请去back up 你对面的 其他adds tank(我们会先击杀西边的 adds)。

4 RF短缺的healer 在此时表现的更突出,healer die几乎等于 group die ,等于raid CR 。clr 请把100% rez 留给战斗中死亡的 其他clr ,如果你mana 充裕,还可以直接aa 恢复其他oom healer的mana。

5 dpser 只能攻击MA call tag,保存你生命到10 adds 。full burn 。
some reminds for this raid:

1 for cle ,keep mana recover AA until your mana lower than 30% or die ...we need to keep
heal and make our team members live until win, for me, 50% mana enough for me in whole raid , u can cast your aa to other healer (cle better) if u find that he just rez

2  For dps ,ma ......dont inc adds when the boss ae coming..just wait boss ae bass then
inc adds (for example .15% will pop 10adds.. so just hold dps around 13-14% and wait ae pass and healer cast G heal )  u cant control the ae coming but u can control when the adds pop ...last night is quite danger when boss 15% ...with AE + adds pop...we will easy

3  for bombs..just move a bit from them is need move too much and make healer hard to heal you

對 HEALER來說...控制好MANA 與盡量不要死掉就是RAID 勝利的關鍵....特別是SL RAID..在BOSS 30
15% 那兩波ADDS 出現時不要死掉 (即使讓隊上TM 全部死掉也不能讓自己先倒!不然很大機會CR...)那餘下的問題就不大了

復活的對象應該以 CLE TANK優先...只要場面能控制下來..DPS慢慢復活也無差
MGB HEAL可以視情況使出...持續時間2分鐘左右..可以增加整體存活機會
我是留到BOSS 50%以後才看機會使出的

見到OOM 的CLE手上又有補魔法的AA 的話可以請他吃一下..大概補20% MANA左右
再加一個ROD 便有30%左右的魔..足夠讓他持續進行補血工作了 (ROF那個AA是自補不可對他人施放..
我個人是會留那個AA 直至50%/ 死掉剛復活時才使用...)

接下來的CC RAID大致也像SL/KD 那個玩法

我們應該有機會一個晚上清掉3場 ROF T1 RAID (SL/KD/CC)
那樣的話每兩個星期就可以換一件ROF T1裝


1. 进入stage 2前, 最后一只add还是要hold一下,给点时间 rez/buff dead
2. stage 2的 add, 90% 2个, 70% 4个 50% 6个, 30% 8个, 15% 10个,特别是 6个,8个, 10个 pop时点,我们要控制在ae过后,group heal完毕后。中间还需要rez/buff dead, 50%, 30%, 15%前还是要适当hold一下
16%的时候建议hold一下 等boss AE过去再 触发10adds
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
any cleric used ward pet, issurance of gratz of xxx?   add auto go to u? whats your aggro like with add when u have ward up?
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