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Rangers' big bug

A few days ago Aroust told me that his Focused Rain of Arrows sometimes miss hit. So I decided to make a effort to
reconstruct this thing. After several attemps I got this log:
[Fri Dec 28 01:13:38 2012] You try to hit Combat Dummy Azia, but miss!
[Fri Dec 28 01:13:38 2012] You try to hit Combat Dummy Azia, but miss!
[Fri Dec 28 01:13:38 2012] You try to hit Combat Dummy Azia, but miss!
[Fri Dec 28 01:13:38 2012] You try to hit Combat Dummy Azia, but miss!
Until I checked the info on today, I realize its a big bug for rangers.

With Eyes line spell+Accuracy buff, you have 100% miss rate on Focused Rain of Arrows!!

click off your Eyes of Howler when your have ur accuracy on!

After RoF release, Rangers are getting nothing but nerf nerf and nerf
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
swap to Eyes of Raptor and Focused Storm of Arrows still the same
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
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