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Few things in Raid

Just want to discuss with all.
1. When a player showed up late, and /gu RW DZ pls, takes forever to be added to raid.
2. During boss fighting in raid, seems we are not adding players to raid.

3. No MA ring in raid sometimes, FFA assist.
4. Can speed up Rez, players should be able to take 0% rez for now, then 96% rez back later.  Every Rez-able class should be able to help do Rez.
5. Item bidding, if can speed up.  Raid fight is 25mins, bidding is 30 mins.

Welcome to discuss more.

Post Last Edit by Herog at 2012-12-23 06:34
some idea to share with all:)

1 u can send Tell to RL to get DZ/RW faster, our RL are sexybeast/skofaz/kenming/nemo
    if u just say in /gu  RL will miss u as they need to hold many things in raid

Yuma Post at 2012-12-22 22:38
Maybe you are not seeing this as issue, and getting used to this already.  
From my stand point of view, and I am not Officer or anyone, I don't know inside story, but this is what I am seeing now. I am not saying I am correct on all of these.

#1,  Its been many times I experienced /tell /gu for RW DZ, 5-10 mins, no invite.  If I am not in Raid, I have to /gu or i wont know who is RL?  And Guildmotd doesnt even say who is RL.  If Raid leader is too busy with boxing, maybe can consider give RW job to other O or RL?

#2, What is the reason of during the fight CANT invite players in?  If first time raider to the event, I understand to avoid the wipe, but for normal fight, what's the point?  isn't that the more players in raid the better chance to win (or maybe wipe). Or to avoid Win DKP?

#3.  FFA assist on some raid is an issue. if you think FFA assist is good, then why in some raid we keep breaking Mez due to so many Tanker on add DPS all on different targets? Makes ENC eats dust in a second?

#4. I guess u should know by now how other guilds do with battle rez, if you dont, u can ask around. With our current healer, it is little short.

#5. It is not easy on this task, and Beat is doing great job, but he/she needs help for sure.  Can't anyone help on checking DKP while he/she is working on bidding to speed up the bidding?

If guild want to be better, many things need improve for sure. And these are the things I am seeing, and I am speaking out, doesn't mean they are the way should be.

I am sure some other people have the same feeling, but due to the nature of our great Chinese culture, keeping to themselves.
This post is longer than my weekly status report now. It is not easy I can put this much. /claps all
I am not going to say anything anymore, if someone doesn't see it as issue, that's fine, can carry on with the current status and keep RF where is, np.
Thanks for reading.

你可以学到其他公会raid的战略,但是他们的raid风格是学不来。  这就是为什么top guild是top guild。
你去其他guild呆过 就看到不同的地方了,一成不变不是好办法。现在又不是要把guild leader 给换了。
Post Last Edit by Herog at 2012-12-25 05:21


我在PoN的时候是觉得是PoN很了不起,box cle 可以砍怎么多raid boss。
离开PoN后,去过CTV,Triton,Traility. 在MS玩过个礼拜,个个都是high end 公会,亲身体验过那些raid experience是不同的。我现在提出来的只是皮毛而已。
Group Exp 可以play for fun,但raid 还是要raid的style。  如果你们不careraid也不会因为first kill 一个raid boss 而开心,那是因为大家都还很在意Raid,RF走多远。
不要等一些hard core 玩家走完后才想办法补救。


lklws Post at 2012-12-25 11:27
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