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[RoF cToV Raid] Lord Feshlak

Post Last Edit by rowad at 2012-12-6 22:37

From my parse:
Lord  Feshlak casts two random AEs every 20 secs:

A、Flood of flame:
1: Decrease Hitpoints by 42500
200AE range

B、surge of ice
1: Decrease Spell Haste by 30%
2: Limit: Minimum Mana Cost (10)
3: Decrease HP when cast by 38000
4: Decrease Movement by 50%
5: Inhibit Melee Attacks by (30%)
6: Negate Remove Detrimental Effect

200 AE range

need melee range parse to analyse more
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
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