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about raid follow

now  we did it ,prohibit box to join raid .

RF can prohibit follower join raid?
If not, when can it?
hmm...i think we can try no box/no ph for raid atm
but should not make a rule to ban box/ph to join raid for add dps/heal for future
of course iits good for RF can use main to pass raid
but i still worry for our heal power is enough to pass T3 or not
our raid record show that we have around 6cle + 2shm + 2-3 dru for T3 raid
of course including box char in raid
if we take away our box from raid, i quite worry we can pass RT before ROA inc..

after ROA inc..
i think near 1/3 member wont buy it at once (may be wait half to one month)
so after we start our first raid in ROA in December ..
we will still need our box to add power/heal
(of course base on how many raider pop in that time)

our raid is not much atm ...(just 2 T2 raid and 1 T3 raid for loot)
so i dont think its a good time to ban follower join raid
of course if RL think that follower hp/mana too less [u can set the requirement)
u can ask them sit out and zone for coins and loot after we win

i think join more raid can train the skill for raider
so i dont agree to ban follower to join raid if they dont make trouble for us...

some view to share :)

I suggest to authorize few specific chars as raid box.
ok my view on follower in raid:
1. we have follower who are 95 and good aa count, almost or same level of HP and Mana vs raid app (They spent time upgrade themselves in group content, full group T3/T4 gear with AUG needed), they only just miss one or 2 things to be raid app,  could be epic 2.0, MPG or DON, or maybe miss 100-200aa .  I think they GOOD assets for raid, and raid can help them grow stronger further win win situation.

2.we also have follower less than lvl95, with gear far less sufficient for current group content not to mention raid content.  don't really bring any thing to raid,  I think they should spend more time upgrade themselves in group content, aa, other stuff before join raid.
1.I suggest we should limit the number of boxes: one raider only can box 1-2 tongs, more boxes means less effciency.
2.Don't tell me you are using hack software,and you can act your boxes as real player ...blablabla... I hate hack.
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-11-8 02:33

one box is enough per raider, maybe maybe in some special case, 2boxes.

Box also needs to qualify some guild lines
ie. Beneficial to overall raid performance with consideration of class balance vs. particular raid
ie. Certain aa/hp/mana requirement
if need to make a rule for box, i suggest in this way:

1  at lest raid app level  with edkp >40 [ reason: follow no raid exp , seriously they may not
know how to play their class well ..idkp>40 because if idkp<40 means they less pop in recent
raid so they need to focus on their main first and learn more for raid]

2 one char one box , unless RL allow,raider should not pop other box char that not in box list

3  Box char should meet the min requirement for raid.  all class : hp/mana at least 45000 [our app rank requirement is 50000 ,so just take a balance ,] AA at least 2000 [easy nowaday~]

4  make a list for box in guild web and let the raider to post their box char ,after that RL can
give a permission or not case by case.

5 set the box class list that guild need in raid ,make more clear what class we need most.
base on the list RL can allow the box class in/out in raid if we have full RW [ eg : in BD raid
we have 42 char +14box . so RL need to ask someone sit out , then we just follow the box list and class need in raid and let the box out ..i think its more fair for everyone]

6 in raid ,if the rw is full .the rw order should be in two situation

for VOA T2 raid : member> app>follow >box [easy raid so all welcome]
for VOA T3/T4  ROF raid : meber >app>box >follow [if follow meet the hp/mana/aa reqirement
can let them sit in before box..if not they should wait outside ..low hp/mana  just a burden
for raid. ..waste the healer to heal them...]

now  we did it ,prohibit box to join raid .

RF can prohibit follower join raid?
If not, when can it?
lklws Post at 2012-11-6 10:07
That would be after RoF released, that's the time when old players back to EQ.
when SOE relase a new exp
that will be a big change for guild memebr list [quit or new join]
so any rule will affect Rw should wait at least 1 month after the new exp release
it  is more safe for us and wont affect the raid run

if eveything is run good after ROF release

RF should have enough raid and loot for member
when we start VOA T4 and ROF raid ..
our guild member can burn their dkp to bid loot [very sad ...our raid still stop in T3  BD many old member can only bid loot for their alt/box...its no good for a guild long run. if we want to make more ppl join raid..we need to get new target and loot...then old
raider may back to raid...]

as i know, ROF Tie1 raid not too hard to win...just keep our RW around 35-40main char with some box help we have big chance to win [ T1 raid no need to run many emote, but still need some kite and ass ma dps in raid..]

base on our raider gear.. if we can have 30 main char with at least full T2 gear , i think we
can start ROF raid after 1 month]

if we can beat VOA T3 and start T4 in  the end of DEC 2012...then VOA T2 should become pick up soon...

so, it should have enough actvities for our member to join and attract more raider come back join us

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