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Some question about Anfield's dkp

Why he never purchase T2 can "in with T2 " and only pay 2dkp for each T3 piece?
Cheating ?

From his dkp log, 10/5 T3 wrist still 2dkp
it is fixed  . and kaku fixing our rule .

i raised question about DKP bidding rule post as early as 9/21/2010 in officer section body bird me :(
about explaining how our DKP works? and rank of members?
use to be real faith constitution 2012
now i cant find anywhere?
Ok, all in all, its not Anfield's fault since our old DKP post were gone, no where to be found..

I said as soon as I was told, about 2 mins after I bid, I bought my T2 with coins, I said it in /gu where everyone could see?

and I didn't pay 2dkp for my T3 piece I paid the full amount
This DKP system made me wondered what was going on with my raid dkp at the moment.
It needs some Ranger PL..
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-10-22 23:50

anfiled already reported  the dkp problem  to the officer in game (anfield already said in /gu after bid..i can sure and i also saw it too :) )
dkp recorder is a very tire and hard job (if u update too slow will affect the bid result especially some hot drop )
if u find any mistake/error for dkp
u can use pm or tell to our officer
they will solve it

Post Last Edit by nibbles at 2012-10-24 16:47

Yuma thanks for your suggestion,
I did use tell Nemo, also in QQ group.
but Nemo said I need come post or he wont fix.
You can check the logs for the time

The original post was 10/22 11:04

Logs as follow:

nibbles(16677) 10:58:37
10/05/12 Stately Wristwraps of Ladrys VOA Raid Beasts' Domain: King of the Beasts 2.00 6.00
lklws/nemo(26910219) 10:59:28
泥巴 你发帖子比刷屏有效多了  

Firebeard浮图(25306029) 11:01:12
lklws/nemo(26910219) 11:01:50
公会频道已经说了 只是还没出公告  

nibbles(16677)  11:04:43
nibbles(16677)  11:04:55
lklws/nemo(26910219)  11:05:30
你发帖 我会3mins 内回帖  并且修改好
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