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RAID , show or no show

I find it  odd that   we have players  that skip raids that do nothing for them ,  but will show for  t3 raids,(the one we win)  Yet these people  won  majority of the bids. Also we kick people from the raid that had been with us all day.

Stuff like this is why we can never get a  strong raid force  on days we do Oseka raids. I enjoy raiding, sure i prefer to win, but this is not helping and  seems unfair to others.
I agree, people should not just pick and choose their raids.

They don't help the Guild, they just help themselves.

And where are these people when we are trying to do Oseka?

I bet we seem them pop once we start winning it
I agree, it is very nice to upgrade your character but please show TEAM WORK. log in Like the rest of the people that do t1 and t2 every single week and don't need ANYTHING from them, but grows the guild. Which in turn grows the entire raid force.

If the Better geared people never raided to help gear app's and followers then we would be out of luck to ever win anything good.
Entirely agree with Newbie

1. more DKP or other reward for Main/app who comes to raid for oseka and other raids, that we havent beaten yet
2. Time to think about split raid for T1 and T2 ( at least try for T1).  2x reward
hmm...i know raider will understand if we cant pass oseka raid
we never have a chance to raid T4
even we can use box amries to support raid
more real chars to join raid always better than box
CR is not funny and always make me upset
however ,we need to pass it ! thats is our road...the Road for RF!

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-9-8 10:50

this is good post, talking about guild managment, i think RL and all other offices need to think about this and then make appropriate changes...

we have now 3 types of raiders:
Type 1:  full raid gear, bascially dont need much of anything from current raids, but still come raid T1/T2
             (most of them using DKP bidding for ALT)

Type 2: gear wise same as above, but show up to raid more casually ( choose raid to come either by inttantion or coincident)

Type 3: Young Raiders, show up to most raids, trying to self gear up ASAP, but some of them got to sit out in T3 raid like BD

so, how can we adjust and to maxiumize all three types motivation/reward to come to raid?
Post Last Edit by Brett at 2012-9-8 16:05

sorry for negative reply,
but i think there is no answer for this issue happened for more than 10 years,
Just do with what we have and do our best and enjoy this game.
Talk more specifically.

keeping winning new raid is the only way for a raid guld to exsist. RF is now stopped by Oseka Time and Tides. But it is not the consecutive failure that stops us but how we fail.

Last week i attended the Oseka raid with my new nec which was the first time in the past 3 months. I had to say no improvement at all-----emotes still not well handled by some new guys;some tank died too quickly and caused the whole raid crash. And worst thing, prepared for an hour and got wiped in a minute, this is what i think make ppls consider to choose raid to attend.

Why made this and how to improve? I have my answers but i am not going to share at this moment. In fact PPls like Yuma/Rowad made conclusions and gave advise after EACH attempt. But i seldom see any officer to reply , not metion to give their owns. So advise is still the advice and we keep failing.

So i guess we have something more basic to solve?
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-9-8 16:06

actually, the main problem for oseka are tank and healer...
even dps is low ,if we can keep our tank live longer , then we should make raid better
sadly to say ....we lack of tank and heal atm (real tank and real cle)
so everytime after inc hp if we get bad luck that ae emote happened in box cle
then we will have trouble
for tanks , lag problem also hard for them
even u have full T2 gear ,if your ping >400
then your performace in tank will downgrade 20-30% when tanking hp espeically hpx

once HP tank down,then CR will coming soon
our hp tank is just enough for tanking hp more atm

以目前情況來看...特別是HELAER 方面更為緊張

而DISO 目前還未有MAIN RANK 水準,那即表示還在成長中
至於其他幾位REAL CLE....AA始乎比BOX CLE還要低...(沒有眨意,只站在RAID立場來說)
前幾前看到YOTOWN..DING AA 1000...
只有1000AA的話...你有再多GEAR跟技術在RAID 能發揮的表現一定會受限制
最近新進了一位CLE VANXXX (應該是老會友)...AA 有7K 自然漂亮..不過GEAR 大概停留在HOT時代...除非
能像BEBE 一樣一天12小時CAMP VOA T4...不然要待好一些時間才能成為戰力

至於LK 手上的幾位BOX CLE,論裝備一定無問題.,肯定FULL T2 + 一些T3..不過BOX 就是BOX
反應一定不如REAL CHAR,且LK 要控TANK 自然會限制了RAID 的表現

相較之下,我們的HP TANK 雖然數量緊緊合格,但論AA 跟GEAR 方面自然好很多,只要LAG 的問題不嚴重的話

這就是為什麼老是CR CR CR 的關鍵原因
可以的話,我也希望可以只控一隻CLE 幫忙OSEKA
但我們的TANK 方面以目前來說還是很緊
因此無法抽身出來幫忙 ...(最少要待幾隻新進SK/PAL 長大才能有此機會)

但RF 應該能找到自己的步調

DPS 快速推倒HP 未必是唯一的方法
穩住TANK 跟控制好TEMPLAR 或許是更好的選擇

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-9-8 17:44
don't forget the druid team:  5v, yamatotw, anfield   ( roadcan, ronnix very hard upgrade them self, magelo with 55k+hp not  bad to start with, just been follow raid for 1 month and 1month+).   they can hold tank just fine...
1 tank need 2 healer currently, i think.......
Talking about Oseka raid is getting off the main point.

But with Oseka, I feel we don't make enough use of our Mages, both Nathans AND Geobush's friends are in the Number 1 and Number 2 raiding Guilds, and they have BOTH been told by different people, the way they win is utilising Mage Pets.

We don't seem to have taken this advice onboard, shouldn't we at least try it, for a different approach?

We need to see some improvement, because all these fails make heavy hearts.
The main point of the post is riaders only showing up for Raids (loot)  they want.
This is unfair to all guild memebers .

But since we are on the topic  of oseka , time and tides.

We  repeat the raid  over and over again  with no change, not just in strat, but in the raid itself (players). We burn down the first hp, then  use what discs we have left to  kill the second, by the time we hit the third  we  are running on autoattack mainly.  We need better dps as a constant, not just it small bursts.
   WE need a boost , some sort of bump up.    I was told , as i posted befor  , that we should  do the RT raid to unlock the t3  melee weps , it should boost the damage we do that is non disc for a more constant dps rate.
  Also i believe that a change up  in raids would help boost the raid attendance.  WE should have  few issues with this raid, its all about comunication and team work ( both things we need to work on)
14# merdi
Post Last Edit by Makos at 2012-9-9 07:26

Just saying =]

Mage EARTH Pet Rock (Earth pet have innate mitigation melee 8%)~ Full Gear, Full Buff (cleric mit buff 10% especially) with 2 aggro weapon~ Foritify Compansion (boost mitigation and evasion depends on AA)~ Steelstance after mob in position (up to you)~

Earth pet rock and CUTE too !!!
/whisper it beat meatbal (dont tell him) XD

Anyway just saying =D
As we have full Rw in recent raid
we can also try RT in future
of course the main problem is emote play
however,as more and more raider finish RT misison in past few weeks
i think we can do better

RF always fails a lot before win a raid. But what Merdi metioned did not occur.
Time and Tides is not the main point but the main reason in my opinion.
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