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Important-Voting Proposal 1

SinglePoll, Total 35 User joined

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60.00% (21)
34.29% (12)
5.71% (2)
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1. This is regarding Nibbst (recently kicked member)'s bidding status in current RF raid

should he be allowed to bid in 1.main or 2.follower rank?
(also, this will apply to anyone who got kicked out of guild), but then rejoins RF raid going forward
olny raid main (46+ dkp)  vote it pls .
这是一个不公平的Vote,当初kick Nibbst出会就是一个不合法的Vote,也造成了严重的后果:
Nibbst已经接受了公会的处罚:扣除一个月DKP,这样已经让他至少2个月时间无法以46+main身份参与bid,在他好不容易攒够了46分的情况下再来这样的Vote是有意将他挡在main 档外,这种再三追加处罚的目的何在?Nibbst仅仅因为用WIZ参加了两次RAID,而且用wiz在第一参加RAID前某人已经知道,事后也告知作为RL的我,就要接受如此严厉的处罚?

再次强调: Kick  Nibbst出会是一个不合法的VOTE(无任何公会章程可以参照,发起人身份我就不明说了,有明显的报复目的), 私人恩怨暂且放一放吧,这个只是游戏,注重raid中的表现不是吗?

顺便贴下今天sarith的raid parse:
1.  /ooc Captain Rysen in 49s, 17046k @347872dps --- Angbkr 2720k @64757dps (15.96%) --- Abream + pets 1356k @30135dps (7.96%) --- Skykline + pets 1264k @28090dps (7.42%) --- Nibbst + pets 882k @20038dps (5.17%) --- Skofaz + pets 831k @21315dps (4.88%) --- Crazywen 825k @22297dps (4.84%) --- Crazymasters + pets 624k @16874dps (3.66%) --- Penden + pets 620k @13785dps (3.64%) --- Xcat + pets 601k @15018dps (3.52%) --- Emerog 526k @12527dps (3.09%)
2. /ooc High Priest Vyers Rinad in 183s, 96271k @526070dps --- Skykline + pets 7136k @40778dps (7.41%) --- Angbkr 6128k @35424dps (6.37%) --- Gege + pets 5596k @31795dps (5.81%) --- Aroust 5336k @32339dps (5.54%) --- Qingqing + pets 4747k @27123dps (4.93%) --- Nibbst + pets 4167k @22897dps (4.33%) --- Rowad + pets 3923k @22415dps (4.07%) --- Emerog 3667k @24942dps (3.81%) --- Nobel 3372k @19380dps (3.5%) --- Firebeard 3355k @20208dps (3.48%)
Voted Main Rank
Nowadays what we focus on is how to FD time and tides ASAP, not the quarrel things
话说,当初所谓我知道的证据呢? 好像至今也没有公开的展示,对所谓圆桌的公平性,权威性可以说基本没什么信任了。
当初的处罚决定和结果, 和现在的raid不能关联起来。

raid里的bid等级, 按照raid的规定办理, 无特例。按规则到那个级别就是哪个级别。
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-13 19:07

说明一下,这个不是延续惩罚。 是为了制订规则。
现在工会制度里没有对被踢出工会者回来raid, 该在哪一阶bid没有说明没有规则.  所以投票。
note: this is nothing aim toward nibbst , we are simply trying to set up the rule of what bid level should one be allowed to bid at for future similar case.
踢會后的人,在rf raid里bid level
如果踢完可以再入, 為什麼要踢人???
我還沒投票...但 我想講一些話..
2.被踢出公會再回來raid理當從follow 位階開始,再app 再申請main階段.
2.對raid 方面我就讚賞他,最近raid他都有上榜代表他有努力在raid,我只尊重對RAID有幫助的人...
3.剛去看他的出勤率Last 60 Days: 66% of raids,Last 30 Days: 81% of raids ,如果讓他再重follow階段開始說真的不太好,如果是你自己你希望這樣接受處份嗎?

如果踢完可以再入, 為什麼要踢人???
Colortiger Post at 2012-8-13 20:22
在nibbst公开致歉之后,nibbst以非RF会员的身份(guest)参加rf的raid是因为,RF至今还保留guest to raid main的条例,(RF恢复raid就是当初由很多不同公会的朋友汇聚在一起,我由衷感激,所以一直保留此条例)。nibbst是bst(dps+buffer),请任何会员post该会员在raid中的dps(log),让我们确定他是否可以作为一个raid main。


The vote has been unrelated to  punishment nibbst

nibbst already has been suffering all the sanctions  from the guild , because prior to the violation (net of one month's dkp  and  was remove from RF). it is all ,No follow-up to the punishment ,so there is no need to mention this.

After nibbst public apology,nibbst be allowed  to join raid as non-RFer members (guest) , RF still retain the guest to raid main Ordinance (RF recovery raid was with a lot  friends of different guild ,i was  sincerely grateful, This Ordinance remain).

nibbst is bst (dps + buffer), so any members post his dps  in the raid (log). let us to ascertain whether he could as a raid main

Please do not misunderstand.
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-14 13:46

To lkl,
After nibbst public apology,nibbst be allowed  to join raid as non-RFer members (guest) , RF still retain the guest to raid main Ordinance (RF recovery raid was with a lot  friends of different guild ,i was  sincerely grateful, This Ordinance remain).
yes lk, we still have this set up, but nibbest has go through the process again in order to attain the status of Guest Raid Main, which means Follower-->App-->Raid Main.  You or any other memeber, any officer, can not automaticlly grant this status to anyone.  We have to follow through the process. Any future similar case has to follow the process, no matter who you are (a prince or a common people).  To me, before Nibbest or anyone  complete this process, they cant be considered Raid Main.  This is simply wrong....  not only  in  this case, but also creates massive problem for the future.  plz allow me to borrow your word from other poll: 此例一开 ,大家效仿的话, rf可以不用去尝试T3 raid了 。
回 lk,
第1, 既然這POST不是討論NIBBST就不應該用他做標提,  避免大家誤會
第2, 在我個人而言, NIBBST一事已成過去, 結果已定, 沒有必要再提,
       而我在上面沒有提及過他, 我只是針對投票要點來問
第3, 如果這投票是用來為未來 "給踢會和再入會再定等級的人" 而立慣的話, 就真是很奇怪,
       踢會本身經是一種終極和沒有商討餘地的懲罰, 既然走到這步, 踼走為什麼可以再入會,
to colortiger ,

RF的公会章程里面是允许非RF玩家参加raid的(作为来宾,其实上一个post我已经说了),并且来宾(guest)也可以成为raid main(我引用一下公会章程原文:參加RF Raid 的Guest有著近乎相同的會員待遇,我們歡迎所有熱愛eq的玩家來一起raid,來賓可以保持在原公會並且成為我們的raid main,但是若要成為raid main,必須有60%或者以上的raid出勤率,我們將會以會員投​​票的形式來決定。)

这个投票你也可以理解为nibbst 成为raid main的投票(因为之前已经为这个bg做过一次转main的投票,但是因为后来他被开除了,所以我们通过他的raid表现要重新投票一次),而这次的做法也将成为我们以后应对这类事件的做法。

這個我一早了解, 我亦沒有異議, 我再強調我不是在說nibbst事件, 我說的是指未來, 請你再看多次我在說什麼,
to LK:
此poll 是有关将来 被移除工会者,回来参加rf raid 该在那一rank bid (123)。。。。
这个投票你也可以理解为nibbst 成为raid main的投票(因为之前已经为这个bg做过一次转main的投票,但是因为后来他被开除了,所以我们通过他的raid表现要重新投票一次),而这次的做法也将成为我们以后应对这类事件的做法。
如果是以上case, 请把此贴移至 Real faith DKP/real faith vote/ 用 agree, disagree, 和 other 形式开出。  这一点请参照RF 转main投票规则,有制度时follow制度。
sorry 投錯票...請扣回我的一票(我是投了支持MAIN RANK)

那這位RAIDER 應該得到他應得的待遇...

至於是否要將DKP跟原RAID RANK 全部清空這個問題 (假如被踢出公會)
第一這種情況很少發生 (要跟公會大伙也是KOS 關係實在很難....這跟RAID出席100%同樣困難..)



能来raid是好事,如各项raid 标准均已达标,why not?

vote yes
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