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本帖最後由 Ronnix 於 2012-10-8 00:52 編輯
------ Decay: The named will emote for people to jump out the window (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責DECAY的小組內每30秒會隨機提示3人要去跳樓 (9秒時限內要各應,不要讓身上有任何漂效果的法術不然跑不動,成功的話跳樓後會自動回到MINI ROOM,失敗的話MINI會回血!!)

------ Splendor: The named will emote for people to cleanse themselves with the Purity Stone (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責SPLENDOR的小組內每30秒會有EMOTE提示3位人員要號到PURITY STONE進行治療...(也是9秒時限)
for 50% mini (both sides):
剛剛測試過東塔一出emote ,沒call到我,但是我還是跳樓,並不會死,做group mission時也是如此;
西塔一出emote全部的人一起跑去purity stone,離開原地也可避免被call中沒跑的人AE波及。
MT跑位可能比較辛苦一點,會被boss summon幾次,不過也是可以跟著一起跳/跑位。

for 50% mini (both sides)
I think there's an easier way to do this:
Once boss call emote, everyone (east) just jump out / (west) just move to purity stone. yes, i mean all people jump / move .

emote -> jump, you won't die even if boss didn't call you(just tested and proved) and you don't need to check message, and you can keep focus on other important things.
emote -> move, you won't get AE by those who didn't move bcz you have already moved away from them

for our tanks, they can jump/ move as well , I believe.
for box, all jump / move together should be possibleso that we can get it down next time!
本帖最後由 Ronnix 於 2012-10-8 01:12 編輯
I Read if jump out window WITHOUT emote you die( Actualy Civvvvv jumped out the window 1 second too late and died ) ... Purity stone though all can definatly move too it
Newbie 發表於 2012-10-8 00:51
I should make it more clear:

boss emote -> jump(within time limit) -> won't die

boss emote -> ...wait ...check -> boss check "xxx fail to ...." -> jump->  ( out of time) -> die

so, once boss emote, don't waste your time to check if it calls you or not, just jump within time limit, BEFORE boss check, and you won't be dead. ( I tested 3 times today. Boss didn't call me but I still jumped out immediately and didn't die, lol)
I think only if you jump AFTER boss check, you die, but I haven't tested this yet

Summarize :

Die, or not die, depend on WHEN did you jump, not WHOM boss called to.
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