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here is what i do:
1. I use sexy to tank in center room, then gate him out (fs or banner back to near NPC).
Then, play cleric for decay stage 1 and stage 2 (game text sometimes bugged when i use the program to monitor 2 chars log file, failed once to jump building, so i rather control 1 char  after center room).  It seems we have enough tanks yesterday.  box ppl you can coordinate this with RL before raid depends on tank/healers numbers on that day.

2. bst u guys need to coordinate paragon.  After center mob down 100-75%, it seems we need paragon before we go in to 2 towers.  Pargaon again, after we back to center room for 75-50%.

3. Healers ( not only clerics, Druid, Ranger, Bst, Pal anyone has heal spells) u guys need to help out healing, put MT/MA on extend target.  USe your fast heal spells during green robe, and heal ahead of them as green robe will slow your spell casting time.
Yuma, I dont agree your suggestion about need one raider call emote name.
Because you need follow emote within 20s , everyone MUST learn self set audio trigger and do action .

For box char, just set different voice.
20-25sec is enough to run 2 chars if tank mini near window
of course it is more easy for a dps class + box a char to run purity stone
it is because if mini call  your nm while u are tanking mini in the same time
u still need to run to stone and summon by mini (if u are dps class then u can easy run chars )

so what i will say is to put box char in decay side if  when i run sk +cle in the same time
just jump out from window will not take long time for 2 chars

last night when we start dps mini in phase 2
i found that both mini wont call adds after inc in 10-20sec..
so the add pop may be aound 30-60sec eash time
adds not terrible if healer heal the ma/mt faster

just remind one info for adds for pahse 2 (50%)
both sides mini adds pop time base on mini hp ..

accoring to the freelance Forum...

Spawn at HP intervals

so we can prepare for add when dps mini...
just need to get more info for mini adds
(may be 10% each time? or 75>50>25.....we need to check)

anyway ...they are so powa can use open raid to pass T3 RT raid in july...


the raid run down

1 inc boss to 75%
2 pahse 1 inc  and dps 2mini  [emote game 1]
3 back to center and dps boss to 50%
4 WIZ AE TP inc box char get TP to blind point
5 pahse 2 inc and dps 2 mini
6 back to center and dps boss to 25%
2mini rest time box char can use campfire/gate/banner  back to raid to add dps
7  pahse 3 inc and dps 2mini
8  back to center and dps boss to 0%
9 we win!

u can let box char stay in npc room and wait until pahse 3 emote game finish then back to center to add dps!

for setting up the group in raid

EAST side (decay) need more heal and caster  to pass zombie in phase 1 !
WEST side(splendor) need more melee to pass in phase 1...west side dps always good compare with east side

For phase 2 emote...i see that some raider jump too fast when mini called just wait 1-2sec then jump out ..if u succeed then u will back to center at once!

For (EAST)Decay group  ... all raider should stand near window can help u run emote faster when mini call u

For (EAST)Decay group...raider in nm hate list no1 should not need to run emote in most of time ..hate list no1 should be Tank dont OT tank remember...

For (West)splendor group...raider should stand near window as purity stone will pop near one of window in mini room....just run to stone until emote pass....if u are tank and mini call your nm u need to run to stone too ...remeber!

I think our heal power enough this time...just need to pay attention and focus more for emote and pass 50% next time...

PS: when i box cle ,i will always focus on cle first will use to catch adds in center room and prepare for back up tank ...all tank need rdy to tank boss after each phase pass(after both mini die raider will TP back to center and inc boss in few tank and healer need rdy ...)




这个raid 并不要求很强大的dps,但是需要每一个raider真正完全懂得如果去做它


plz focus on left side of window..
for all raider...u should open a new window for shout channel
(mini will call nm in shout channel !)
if u are the one that mini called ...u will also see yellow emote in "other" channel
(just open a new window and choose "other".)
u can skip yellow emote and just focus on shout channel for emotei!ts ok!

u will see Nm called me [clericstar) to jump out in shout and other channel!

to make yourself more easy to run emote...u should use third person camera in raid
(the picture u see is in third person camera...then u will easy find purify stone in mini room

Today's result is very satisfactory: we need  more  (50%splits) let raider to learn how to do.

The main problem today:

healer  weak
dpser death too many  (do not know how to aviod the mud add)

This raid does not require a very powerful dps, but need each raider truly understand completely how  to do  it

How can I do to let you go seriously about this raid
泥巴損血不會很多.....我的CLE ALL BUFF 只有72K 站在旁邊10秒也不會死掉....
LK 說得很對...這場DPS 不用太多...不要快反而要穩...
我覺得第一次開打算是打得順的....只是進入PHASE 2後大伙不是太會掌握EMOTE 的玩法..

其實只要有專開一個WINDOW 留意MINI 的SHOUT ...基本上不會MISS EMOTE了...

SOE已經將遊戲改得容易一點了....(以前是9秒跑完...失敗一次REG 10%..現在是12秒跟 失敗一次5%)





通常 G1-G4 也是DECAY


要留意RL 可能會在每個PHASE 後調動RW...


我們應該有能力PASS 的!

本帖最後由 Ronnix 於 2012-10-8 00:52 編輯
------ Decay: The named will emote for people to jump out the window (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責DECAY的小組內每30秒會隨機提示3人要去跳樓 (9秒時限內要各應,不要讓身上有任何漂效果的法術不然跑不動,成功的話跳樓後會自動回到MINI ROOM,失敗的話MINI會回血!!)

------ Splendor: The named will emote for people to cleanse themselves with the Purity Stone (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責SPLENDOR的小組內每30秒會有EMOTE提示3位人員要號到PURITY STONE進行治療...(也是9秒時限)
for 50% mini (both sides):
剛剛測試過東塔一出emote ,沒call到我,但是我還是跳樓,並不會死,做group mission時也是如此;
西塔一出emote全部的人一起跑去purity stone,離開原地也可避免被call中沒跑的人AE波及。
MT跑位可能比較辛苦一點,會被boss summon幾次,不過也是可以跟著一起跳/跑位。

for 50% mini (both sides)
I think there's an easier way to do this:
Once boss call emote, everyone (east) just jump out / (west) just move to purity stone. yes, i mean all people jump / move .

emote -> jump, you won't die even if boss didn't call you(just tested and proved) and you don't need to check message, and you can keep focus on other important things.
emote -> move, you won't get AE by those who didn't move bcz you have already moved away from them

for our tanks, they can jump/ move as well , I believe.
for box, all jump / move together should be possibleso that we can get it down next time!
I Read if jump out window WITHOUT emote you die( Actualy Civvvvv jumped out the window 1 second too late and died ) ... Purity stone though all can definatly move too it
本帖最後由 Ronnix 於 2012-10-8 01:12 編輯
I Read if jump out window WITHOUT emote you die( Actualy Civvvvv jumped out the window 1 second too late and died ) ... Purity stone though all can definatly move too it
Newbie 發表於 2012-10-8 00:51
I should make it more clear:

boss emote -> jump(within time limit) -> won't die

boss emote -> ...wait ...check -> boss check "xxx fail to ...." -> jump->  ( out of time) -> die

so, once boss emote, don't waste your time to check if it calls you or not, just jump within time limit, BEFORE boss check, and you won't be dead. ( I tested 3 times today. Boss didn't call me but I still jumped out immediately and didn't die, lol)
I think only if you jump AFTER boss check, you die, but I haven't tested this yet

Summarize :

Die, or not die, depend on WHEN did you jump, not WHOM boss called to.
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-10-8 08:10

i think if emote wont call your nm u jump out will die.....according to the zam post or other
forum also said the same thing...( anyway ..we can test it in next time)

also ,if too many people jump down will affect the dps and heal to tank mini....(u still need 3-4
sec to finish the jump from window)

For purify stone.........Yes..all raider can move to purify stone to make sure u can pass the emote .so i will say make ne LK will feel more easy to do it. (just make sure dont let LK tank to tank mini and just run char to stone is ok)...all raider can move stone first and continue to
do your job(dps or heal anything) it wont make emote fail and 100% make sure u can pass emote especially for some lag raider

all Healer remember make sure MT zone in to mini room first...dont zone in faster than MT or u will kill by mini...if our heal stable we should just use 1 MT to pass 50% emote...of course
healer will also need to run emote ...just reaction faster and back to heal assp...

accroding to our raid dps...if our emote not fail to much...we should get the mini in 10emote
(30sec X10 =5mini)

we can watse too much mana on mini as we will auto inc 50% boss after both side mini die



黃昏EMOTE(OTHER CHANNEL)只限被點名的人看到...只要你清楚自己身在東邊或西邊...看到黃色EMOTE


這場RAID CLE 有一個VOA AA 可以補魔 ..CD 10分鐘...基本上每一個PHASE 也可以使用一次...在LOW MANA或是剛剛復活時也相當有用...配合ROD 一起使用的話可以撐一些時間了..BOX CLE一定要把這個AA拉出來...

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-10-8 13:38

从miniroom port 回中央的时候,我建议用ranger ws 当一下avator,给 tank和healer点时间接手

when we got ported back to center room, we should use ranger to ws the boss for some smoother transition time. Give both tank and healer more time.  all others go away from boss, until you see stable aggro and tanking from MT.

to box clerics: 多用interventaion, renewal line, 只要 1。5-1。8秒的cast time, (83-95级,好像有5-6个都是不同的cd line)一个个刷,最后刷zealot light,  zealot light 3.2秒太慢,+上boss debuff,要5-6秒cast time, 容易倒tank和被interrupt.

to box clerics: use your intervention, renewal line, they have casting time of 1.5 to 1.8 secs only, i believe u get 5-6 of them from lvl 83 and up, use them all on different timera, save zealot light for last resolve,  zealot light has a cast time of 3.2secs, with green robe boss debuff, casting time will be 5-6 secs, which means more spell interruption and dead tanks...
當王血量打到76%,51%,26% 拉到東面入口和西面入口的中間牆打入下一階段(即對面牆 .
大家可以rez, rebuff爭取一點時間休息10秒,之後再續打王.
請大家看一看 EQresource資料。
DECAY TEAM 不需全部人也留DOT。只要一個ZOMBIE 就可以了。
意味著可以用CURE SLOW. 加快DPS進程。

Decay Side
Shadow of Decay Casts:
--Rot - Root + 24k DoT (30 Corruption). It triggers the spell below after 2 tics (when it fades)
---Decaying Flesh - 16k DoT + Melee slow (30 Corruption). When cured Zombie Rot is reflected on the player.

This side has to have 1 player with Zombie Rot on them at all times. Using Splash or Purify type effects will remove the Zombie Rot which is BAD. You only will want to cure with spells that remove counters not detrimental. If no player has Zombie Rot, both minis heal.
So you want to let Rot run its course then CURE Decaying Flesh
IF u afraid u dont have enough time to jump out from window in East side(DEcay)
u can stand near window like me


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