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Post Last Edit by Crazymasters at 2012-7-9 20:32

英文官方版(跟Skofaz post 的一樣)記得要設Audio Triggers ,雖然你得到 emote 畫面會有黃色的字體告訴你,但還是設定比較好,
這個Raid AE 非常多...如果你的Max HP 沒70k or  75k ....我不建議你來...屍體對我們沒用!!

繁體中文版 (依RT group mission體驗)
Boss我就不說了,因為boss 還比2隻小王簡單~只要注意會生出2種小怪,自己注意assist MA 跟跑開
先把boss打到75% HP,它會躺下,然後2邊會有2個stone
a perfect stone" in the west - 只要你靠近它就會被傳送到 Vision of Splendor 塔
a diseased stone" in the east)-只要你靠近它就會被傳送到 Shadow of Decay 塔
You can actually wait as long as you want, but the mini-nameds will power up 3:05 after the Avatar goes inactive (with an additional power-up every 3 minutes thereafter).

當Boss 假死的時候,Raid可以先復活/buffs/med up 等等,但是超過3分05秒的時候,2邊塔的小王會變強,而且再過3分鐘會更強

With no power-ups, the Vision of Splendor and Shadow of Decay each hit for a max ~20,000.
With a single power-up, they hit for a max ~25,000. Their DPS increases with further power-ups.
These two mobs must be balanced in health. They must remain within 5% of each other's health, or they'll heal the difference +5%

2個小王的血量必須控制在5%之內,,這邊不知道用 Extended Target 視窗可不可以看到2隻王的HP??不然就要找人call 小王的血量

The First Split (75%): Vision of Splendor
指派5-6個人點掉他們全部的buffs,包含Song跟Aura (記得注意自己有沒有拿到group buffs ,像是monk/war/rog的Disc,也不要放團隊DoT補血,小王會單人Silence spell 要小心

The First Split (75%): Shadow of Decay
The Shadow of Decay AEs "Rot", which leads to the AE "Decaying Flesh" (which gives a zombie illusion):
At least 12 people must keep these DOTs on them. The Shadow will check for this requirement every 6 seconds
As long as too few people have the DOT on them, the Shadow of Decay will regenerate

小王會放AE 然後你會變成殭屍的樣子,但不要 Cure,至少要12個人保持殭屍模樣,讓Raid去傷害小王,不然它會一直補血

The Second Split (50%): Vision of Splendor

Every 30 seconds, three random players get an emote. Those people must locate the Purity Stone and move to its had 9 seconds to cure yourself

每30秒會有3個人得emote(你的畫面會有黃色訊息),你只有12秒的時間去找房間內的stone去cure , 你只要靠近它就好,不然這個DOT是每tick 39K HP,另外會生add,記得assist MA 殺

The Second Split (50%): Shadow of Decay

Every 30 seconds, three random players get an emote. Those people must jump out a window
Note: Levitation effects greatly slow your jump speed, so click them off


The Third Split (25%): Vision of Splendor

明天再post ......
看來Yuma沒打過RT Mission 2 ~
中間不用排人,打Boss到 75% / 50% / 25% 直接打Raid分2邊 , 點石頭傳送進2邊塔打Mini boss
沒打過RT Mission 2的人真的要去打看看....你會很happy .....就可以知道誰沒注意emote 跟跑位...(Name 會一直回血)
今天晚上有打贏嗎 ??...
我在PL ...不能跟~


9 / 27 今天跟Ronnix 打RT mission 2 ,在boss 75% HP 的 Decay room
發現Shm只要cast direct heal spell ( lv 93 Gotikan Mending) 會觸發一個 Copious Healing buff ,
因為那個buff 是30sec time , 所以那會讓Boss regen to full HP
另外使用lv 92 Gotikan Recourse Spell 也會觸發一個 Gotikan Watch buff / Gotikan Forbearance / Gotikan Persistence buff
也都會讓 boss regen HP .
結論 -- Shm 不能在75%  HP 的Decay  team 使用 Direct  heal spell and Group heal ~
75 % 的 decay team 是變Zombie  part , 我們5個人都在zombie 狀態 , 但 boss 還是 regen hp , 就找到是shm 的heal 問題
Note 測試結果 Shm Direct  heal and  group heal 都不能使用在 75 % decay  team !
I thinking there a way  for shm / cle  cast Direct / group hot heal trigger heal AA  make Boss regen HPwhen shm / cle cast these  spell ...will  get a quick buff  in  your  song  window ,

Right click your PC mouse , will  get  3 choice
1)Remove the buff
2)show spell information
3)Add this spell to list of blocked spells

75% Decay team players  must  block shm / cle cast  Direct / group hot heal trigger buff , that will  not  make  Boss regen HP when shm /  cle  heal you !!

This way should better  than when you  saw this  trigger buff on  you  ...then you  click  it  off
我想對於shm / cle 的直接補血跟團體補血魔法,有個方法避免boss 回復血量
當shm / cle 用這些法術的時候 , 被補血的人跟施法者會得到一個額外的補血魔法在你的歌曲魔法格

當你用你的滑鼠點右鍵的時候, 你會看到3個選項

75% HP 的Decay 每個玩家一定要確定你有封鎖掉這些因為shm / cle 補血觸發的魔法,這樣當 shm / cle 幫你直接補血或者團體補血的時候就不會回復血量了!!

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