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will try to make it simple to let all know:)
we just  finsihed TR mission yesterday and try to make some notes to remind radier :)

OK 簡單小結  23/9

Avatar of Ladrys (綠色)

2 becareful for add (inner darkness ,ma should get target assp or dpser will kill by it)

Avatar of Sholoth (紅色)

1 caster DPS go ,melee dps hold
2 zooe(黑色泥巴) will  POP , move aways from it ..easy!

boss mode change every 60-65sec

for East and West side

1 zomebie team rember dont use any gheal with cure effect [cle use lv91 heal dont use lv95 heal)
will make emote fail

2 for no buff team side, dont use ae song and ae heal ! dont use 2.0 click and dot heal on no buff team! these effect also count as song will make emote fail

3 keep 2mini hp balance ,if 2mini hp difference more then 5% 2mini will reg hp5% for each fail check


44 ppl in rw with many box char...but we can still let mini hp down to 91%,so it means that mini
hp is not much but we need to make sure emote game not fail

for box char ...u should keep away from boss and move your char away assp when zooe pop...

east side :need one more healer

west side:one clr use wrong aa  . make boss heal itself
first time cr is because Group 9 (LKL group) not remove buff as assisgned buffless group
to 牧师:

大厅的boss每65秒变一次,绿袍是有spellcast slow 60%+interupted.

不知道这些较快的heal line (cast 1.5sec vs. zealot light 3.2 sec)会不会好用一点
*这些cd比较长,但你只要撑住MT65sec就好,boss就变了,一般的light就又有用, 参考一下 真的有没有好处, 请给位牧师讨论一下
Celestial Contravention                 (1.5s)DD boss/Heal MT (boss' target)
Elysian Contravention                 (1.5s)DD boss/Heal MT boss' target)                                                                    
Celestial Intervention                 (1.5s) Heal MT/DD Boss
Elysian Intervention                 (1.5s)   Heal MT/DD boss                                 
Forteenth Catalyst                 (0.5s)


9 / 27 今天跟Ronnix 打RT mission 2 ,在boss 75% HP 的 Decay room
發現Shm只要cast direct heal spell ( lv 93 Gotikan Mending) 會觸發一個 Copious Healing buff ,
因為那個buff 是30sec time , 所以那會讓Boss regen to full HP
另外使用lv 92 Gotikan Recourse Spell 也會觸發一個 Gotikan Watch buff / Gotikan Forbearance / Gotikan Persistence buff
也都會讓 boss regen HP .
結論 -- Shm 不能在75%  HP 的Decay  team 使用 Direct  heal spell and Group heal ~
有指定的队伍 作为unbuff 队伍 ,但是还是要避免  mass buff。
75 % 的 decay team 是變Zombie  part , 我們5個人都在zombie 狀態 , 但 boss 還是 regen hp , 就找到是shm 的heal 問題
Note 測試結果 Shm Direct  heal and  group heal 都不能使用在 75 % decay  team !
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-9-28 10:08

30秒內持續補血(1 TICK 2000HP ..CRI 4000HP...)
不然就是一看到那個PROC 出現在SONG BUFF位置便立一些點掉...
(因為NM CHECK應該是每XX秒一次..不可能一出現就立即判定FAIL)..

順道一提...最近CLE 的數量真的不足...(BEA , DIOS, YOTOWN...只有3位REAL CLE...且除BEA 能完整打完每一次RAID外...其他兩位CLE也有RL 要顧..很多時10:00PM以後便要LOG OUT...BOX CLE 不是一個好選擇,不過除LK BOX CLE + JAJAPING 外..我覺得可能要開始規劃一下BOX CLE的相關準則....將其規範化.
不然兩個T3 RAID也很難推過去...


SHM 那個LV92 HEAL 100%發動PROC 效果..不可以用(效果是出現一個短時間BUFF 在SONG BUFF位置,BUFF OFF 後自動補血...)

I thinking there a way  for shm / cle  cast Direct / group hot heal trigger heal AA  make Boss regen HPwhen shm / cle cast these  spell ...will  get a quick buff  in  your  song  window ,

Right click your PC mouse , will  get  3 choice
1)Remove the buff
2)show spell information
3)Add this spell to list of blocked spells

75% Decay team players  must  block shm / cle cast  Direct / group hot heal trigger buff , that will  not  make  Boss regen HP when shm /  cle  heal you !!

This way should better  than when you  saw this  trigger buff on  you  ...then you  click  it  off
我想對於shm / cle 的直接補血跟團體補血魔法,有個方法避免boss 回復血量
當shm / cle 用這些法術的時候 , 被補血的人跟施法者會得到一個額外的補血魔法在你的歌曲魔法格

當你用你的滑鼠點右鍵的時候, 你會看到3個選項

75% HP 的Decay 每個玩家一定要確定你有封鎖掉這些因為shm / cle 補血觸發的魔法,這樣當 shm / cle 幫你直接補血或者團體補血的時候就不會回復血量了!!

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-9-30 23:53

50% emote warning for decay (EAST) and splendor( SIDE)

plz focus on middle window . for all raider u will see mini shout in red colour and for the nm
radier u will get yellow message in your own window .

first red  msg shows that 3 raider that mini called need to jump out from window
second red msg shows raider fail to do jump out emote so mini reg his hp

this red msg shows that raider that splendor called fail to run to purify stone (randow pop in room so u need run to stone to pass emote if mini call u )

again .. this red msg is mini called 3 raidesr to jump out from window [just jump out from one of windows is ok remember no fly buff on u)

so its a bit hard for box amries to pass emote if u box more than 2 char as u have 9sec to do emote after mini call you name ...

all raider remember open a win for short channel then u can make sure u wont miss any emote and help RL to call the raider to do emote

OK lets make some conclusion for raid :) (30/9)

First of all cong all raider!
u did better than what i want!
we can beat boss down to 50% and enter phase 2..
so we can get more info about emote run

fews things we can do better in next time
1  when boss change to Avator of Ladry (green) .all raider should ass ma and kill add assp
so adds wont kill out dps!
2  when boss change to Avator of sholoth (red) ,all raider should move away from zooe when it pop! it should be a good  time for rez dead
3  when boss hp down to 75% /50% /25% ..boss hp locked and we have 2min to rest and rez dead...rdy to zone in mini room when RL call in RS

4   When both mini dead all raider will zone back to central and boss will active in few sec
so tank and healer should rdy for fight or u will make lots of raider dead!

5 For phase 2 (50%) Decay(EAST)  room  3 raider that mini called need jump out from windown so make sure u wont have any fly buff on u and action fast(u have 9 sec after called)

6 For Splendor (WEST) room .3 raider that mini called need move to purity stone in 9sec to pass emote !

7 If u are box 1 or more char... u should open a window for shout chat so that u wont miss any emote when mini called your box char nm in shout channel !!

8 lastly ..For phase 3 (25%) both side need to do pass book game ,what RL need to do is to set up 1 team for pass book game ....this team member should not be tank or healer..
just like what we did in group mission ..make sure the pass book game keep run until both side mini die ...

although 80% cle is box ,we still do better than i want , next time my box cle will join RT raid too to strenghern our heal power ..i hope we can see boss corpse next time!!

thx all for raid !!

JUST make a mistake For picture1 ..

the first red msg that splendor shout 3 raider to run to purify stone for cure
the second red msg that decay shout is raider fail to jump out from window when boss call your nm!

i dont endit the msg as it will bug if edit passage more than 1 times...:)

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-10-1 08:10

For  phase 3 (25%) pass book game

after raider zone in mini room and inc mini
radom raider will receive a book

For Splendor side(WEST) the book name is""Book of Prayers" (you'll see an emote indicating who receives it).
For Decay  side (EAST) the book name is""Book of Chants" (you'll see an emote indicating who receives it).

so all raider should prepare 1 free slot for book once you have receive book
u should pass the book u book team assp

for book team...
each time u pass the book to other team member
u will get a buff ( dot hp + silence)

For Decay (EAST)side u will get this buff while passing the book

Chant of Decay: Single Target, Unresistable (-900)
1: Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect) (2 ticks)
2: Decrease Endurance by 3000 per tick
3: Decrease Mana by 2000 per tick
4: Trigger Effect: Strained Voice on Fade
5: Decrease Hitpoints by 16400 per tick

For splendor (WEST)side u will  get his buff while passing the book

Prayer of Purity: Single Target, Unresistable (-900)
1: Silence (2 ticks)
2: Decrease Mana by 6000 per tick
3: Decrease Endurance by 900 per tick
4: Trigger Effect: Strained Voice on Fade
5: Decrease Hitpoints by 16400 per tick

this buff will pop after you receive the book from other and takes 1-2 tick (6-12sec)
u must pass the book to other before the buff off

if this buff off(Chant of Decay)...u will receive the other buff called (Strained Voice)
and this buff this 3-4 sec ,mini wont count pass book emote while this buff on
just wait 3-4 sec until buff off then u can continue pass book

Upon Passing the Book: You recite the Chant of Decay as you pass the book to _____.

Upon Failure (Shadow regens health): The Chant of Decay must be maintained.

u  need 5 people at least for pass book game... i will say 4-5 ppl in group can do it well
just set a msg in group to tell team member to keep pass book to other

u can set the msg like this:   /g   Yuma pass book to Freewind !!! Freewind is next one!!!
                                          /g  Freewind pass book to kakakuku!!!kakakuku is next one!!     

  Remember!!! dont make any member die while  doing pass book game!!! if member die
while the book on his hand...u need to rez him assp or mini will reg 5% for each fail check until the book game continue!!!

for Decay team (East) ..zooe will radom pop whille dps mini and doing pass book game
For Splendor team (West) adds called "inner darkness " will pop and hit 15k and u need to kill it in 15sec or u will get ae silence and blind !  

one thing i need to remind for phase 2 (50%)
both side have adds while dps mini and doing emote run

For Decay (EAST) , an add called "A cesspool " will pop while dps mini and run emote game
For Splendor(WEST), an add called "A pure essence" will pop while dps mini and run emote game

Both add hit 18.5k and immune to mez and stun and must kill it assp will reg hp until add die!

so raider need to ass ma and kill fast while add pop

大家可以试试用这个audio trigger

现成的trigger和wave file可以去 ct freelancer forum rt two sides of strone stragety 篇下载
5 /10  (FRI)

1  we dont have enough cle to keep heal our tank  so we need to use our box cle to pass the raid ( actually the most difficult part for box char is phase 2 (50%)

2 to make the boxer feel less pressure i sugguest RL should ass box char into decay (EAST)
team as mini just ask raider to jump out when emote call ..more easy compare with west side (west side need to run purify stone and it just pop one stone each time when mini call )

BOX CHAR 要跑STONE 有一點困難...特別是兩個人物同時被MINI 點名的時候...因為每次只會POP 一個STONE ,因此要跑位置有一點困難,反之跳窗口則不用選位置,只要隨便找個窗口跳下去就行了...因此將BOX 放到DECAY 那邊會容易一點..到了PHASE 3則是傳書遊戲..有專人負責EMOTE..因此BOX的壓力反而大大下降...那就是說..RF 的BOX CHAR目前最難克周的就是PAHASE 2的50% EMOTE!!

3 RL PLZ PUT MY BOX CLE(clericstar) into same group  next time ...last try RL just put my box cle in west (splendor) my main sk in East side (decay) make me hard to control (but lucky we pass 75% in first it means that heal power is a key point to pass this raid)

RL 有勞 下一次RAID的時候將我的BOX CLE ID:(clericstar) 跟我的SK 一組..這樣我可以控制得更好...今晚由於我的SK 跟CLE 被分開了..因此要同時照顧兩邊..控制有一點困難...CLE 目前有5500 AA HP/MANA 也有55K ...足夠應付T3 的RAID了...只要再練習幾次應該可以有更好的表現:)  

4  I still have a question for mini adds pop in pahse 2...if it just pop in every 60sec then it will make our tank and add tank more easy to control as mini call emote in every 30sec...
if we did emote better....we should kill both side mini in 300sec [=10 emote call ]

once we pass phase 2 and dps boss to 25% then we can enter pahse 3...for deacy side mini will pop adds (inner darkness) and splenor side just pop zooe while we are doing pass book should be more easy as our box char no need to run any emote if our
book game team did their job well...

so after both side mini ko then we can get our last 25% for boss and see its corpse at last!
so what will i say for the most important things beside emote run?

YES ! of course! Tank and healer!

Today miss emote list:
Skyline, Sexybeast,Kenming,Xsmalla,Yuma,Nobel,Yamaha,Newbie,Silencee,Mammalia

Hope you guys learn how make audio trigger and do better next time
2clr +2 dru cannot  hold tank ? ,when they inc mini boss(50%) .

it is all healer of RF  . shm  slow mini boss , pls ,

we can win it , just  Understand it and done it .
east side have AE to make all dps dead too
I think the raid version mini should be similar to the group verson mini in phase 2 (50%)
everyone have chance to called by mini even we are tanking it ....
so what we can do better to make sure our box char can run faster when mini call us?

the answer is: try to tank the mini near window for both side..
as Decay room need to jump out from window and Splenfor room need to run purfiy stone
when mini call will help us a lot

we should also make a Window to Check boss shout too!
then it will help us not miss the emote when we box char..

heal power need more to pass this raid
so cle is more impotant besisdes shm or dru for heal [both class CD time too long..]

for pahse 1 last night the problem is low heal we down fast

PS:For Purify stone emote is very easy...just run to stone when mini call u and stone should ramdom pop in room (near window) ..if u dont make sure mini call u or not u can just run to stone when it pop (it wont make the emote fail and of course the nm called by mini must run near it...just near stone and wait time off then emote pass!)

I have one Question need to make clear....for each emote fail mini will reg 5% or each nm
that mini called will reg 5%? each nm reg 5% it should be more hard for us as all fail in 1 round can make mini reg 15% hp!!!....

lastly , i strongly suggest 1 raider help call nm in phase 2(50) especially for box char...
each 30 sec have 1 emote so it should not be too hard to do it....

sorry and hope raider understand we try our best to do our job
As we dont have heal power we need to use box cle to pass the raid
it is hard but iam sure we have chance to pass it

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