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RT raid: Two Sides of the Stone

Post Last Edit by Skofaz at 2012-10-15 23:02

        Reklor Irespine gives this raid, the request phrase is: Willing. /Say Ready to zone in.
        /say Whispers to the sentry stone to trigger the event。
       raid分成以下几个部分,boss 在75%,50%,25% block off ,刷新:Vision of Splendor (west tower) ,adow of Decay(east tower)
1。Beat the Avatar to 75%.
    Split the raid into two: One to Decay; One to Splendor.
    Balance the Shadow of Decay and Vision of Splendor to their deaths.
    Decay: 12 people must keep the DOT on them.
    Splendor: 5 people must remain buffless.
2。Beat the Avatar to 50%.
    Split the raid again and balance the two tower mobs to their deaths.
    Decay: The named will emote for people to jump out the window (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
    Splendor: The named will emote for people to cleanse themselves with the Purity Stone (3 at a time every 30    seconds).
3。Beat the Avatar to 25%.
    Split the raid again and balance the two tower mobs to their deaths.
    Decay & Splendor: Both towers will have a book they must keep passed around (requires at least 5 people).
4。 Kill the Avatar ,25% to 0%  and win.

      The entire raid should setup the following Audio Triggers:

Main Boss -Your feet are stuck in a pool = MOVE!

Decay Team-Jump from this tower as the ultimate sacrifice to Sholoth = Jump out of a window (NO LEVITATION)

Splendor Team-Seek out the purity stone to remove the filth that surrounds you = Run to the purity stone that spawns in the room ASAP

一。main boss : Avatar (2种形态每65s切换一次,Avatar of Ladrys Avatar of Sholoth
     Avatar of Ladrys: 区域光环--魔法减速 60%。
每10-25s刷个" Inner Darkness " , knights picked up ,burn them ASAP !! add刷出来15s内不杀掉 ,56k PBAE 并且瞎眼。

     Avatar of Sholoth : 区域melee slow aura ,减attack 200,减攻击速度70%。 这个形态下会随机刷一黑色泥巴状的到某个人身边(有AT提醒,要马上跑开,否则是:52k dd ,减5k mana, snare)。大家尽量分散点,sholoth还会随机给人Targeted AE 30:Amnesia (Silence vs Melee Effect) (1 tick)并且42k DD 。
    (note :Avatar 100 to 75% , 75% to 50% , 50% to 25% , 25% to 0% 杀法一样. 3次分身到东西塔楼的情况有区别。)

二。Decay Team

Decay Phase 1(75%):
Everyone MUST bunch up on the mob / tank. He casts a targeted AE debuff on the MT. This debuff is REQUIRED to dmg the boss...he will also go into crazy regen if people do not have this debuff. Balance him down within 5% till dead. /say Center to the sentry stone to return to the main arena. (Decay Team can NOT have ANY ILLUSIONS) The debuff we need on us has a zombie illusion effect, don't block it with another illusion!

   这个阶段东塔楼的队伍每个人不允许变身,不要cure  dot, 保持团体医疗 , 至少要12个人保持mini的debuff dot在身,至少要保持一个人zombie illusion。

Decay Phase 2(50%):

Again we will balance the boss down. Durring the fight people will get the emote Jump from this tower as the ultimate sacrifice to Sholoth when this goes off... Jump out of a window immediately.. REMOVE LEVITATION. When dead, return to the main arena.

     mini每少15%hp会刷个add:''a cesspool" ,不能mez和stun,max hit 18.5k,需要杀掉。不要飞空,每30s随机3个人中AT,收到emote的人必须在9s内跳到窗外(大家可以事先靠近窗户,中emote了就跳出去,会被传送回来),否则Decay回会血!! ,注意: 有emote的人才能跳 ,跳了以后会回到raid,没中emote的别乱跳,会死人的。

Decay Phase 3(25%):

On this phase we will balance the boss down as normal. However we will need an assigned team to handle a book. This book will need to be constantly passed around. Do this by targeting the next assigned person and clicking the book, it will give the clicker a debuff. We need at least 5 people with the debuff at all times, we will assign a full group to pass the book between themselves.. When the boss dies, return to main arena.

    需要至少5个人传递这个debuff,一开始会随机给某个人''Book of Prayers'',emote会提示谁拿到了book  。拿到书的人必须尽快target a player and right-click the book,到时候专门一个队伍负责循环传递  。
    期间black oozes spawn on random people,带dmg aura的, 及时跑开!!

三 。 Splendor Team

Splendor Phase 1(75%):

We will assign a FULL group  to go 100% absolutely buffless until he dies. These 4 people can NOT have any buffs, shortbuffs (IE: HoT, Epics, Bard Songs) NOTHING or the boss will go into regen mode. balance him down within 5% of Decay boss. /say Center to the sentry stone to return to the main arena.

        这个阶段西塔楼至少要5个人保持no buffs,no songs and no aura effects (but not debuffs or rez effects). 否则boss 回血。

Splendor Phase 2(50%):

Again we will balance the boss down. Durring the fight people will get the emote Seek out the purity stone to remove the filth that surrounds you when this goes off... Run to the small sentry stone that spawns int he room ASAP.. When the boss is dead, return to the main arena.

      mini每15%hp会刷个add" a pure essence",不能mez和stun需要快点杀掉,打人很疼。 每30s随机3个人收到emote,中emote的人必须在9s时间内跑去sentry stone的所在的窗台cure(stone随机刷在5个窗台中,位置不固定),(同时中39k dot),没及时靠近stone的的人会被DT死,stone消失,并且会让mini boss回血。  

Splendor Phase 3(25%):

On this phase we will balance the boss down as normal. However we will need an assigned team to handle a book. This book will need to be constantly passed around. Do this by targeting the next assigned person and clicking the book, it will give the clicker a debuff. We need at least 5 people with the debuff at all times, we will assign a full group to pass the book between themselves. When the boss dies, return to main arena.

     同样需要一个队伍传递click book,至少要保持5个人有传递click book后的debuff。
     期间会刷"inner darkness"   需要15s内杀掉,否则PB AE 56k dd

      东西塔楼2mini(Splemdor和Decay)都死了以后,回归到boss:Avatar , 杀掉boss最后25% 后win!


Post Last Edit by Crazymasters at 2012-7-9 20:32

英文官方版(跟Skofaz post 的一樣)記得要設Audio Triggers ,雖然你得到 emote 畫面會有黃色的字體告訴你,但還是設定比較好,
這個Raid AE 非常多...如果你的Max HP 沒70k or  75k ....我不建議你來...屍體對我們沒用!!

繁體中文版 (依RT group mission體驗)
Boss我就不說了,因為boss 還比2隻小王簡單~只要注意會生出2種小怪,自己注意assist MA 跟跑開
先把boss打到75% HP,它會躺下,然後2邊會有2個stone
a perfect stone" in the west - 只要你靠近它就會被傳送到 Vision of Splendor 塔
a diseased stone" in the east)-只要你靠近它就會被傳送到 Shadow of Decay 塔
You can actually wait as long as you want, but the mini-nameds will power up 3:05 after the Avatar goes inactive (with an additional power-up every 3 minutes thereafter).

當Boss 假死的時候,Raid可以先復活/buffs/med up 等等,但是超過3分05秒的時候,2邊塔的小王會變強,而且再過3分鐘會更強

With no power-ups, the Vision of Splendor and Shadow of Decay each hit for a max ~20,000.
With a single power-up, they hit for a max ~25,000. Their DPS increases with further power-ups.
These two mobs must be balanced in health. They must remain within 5% of each other's health, or they'll heal the difference +5%

2個小王的血量必須控制在5%之內,,這邊不知道用 Extended Target 視窗可不可以看到2隻王的HP??不然就要找人call 小王的血量

The First Split (75%): Vision of Splendor
指派5-6個人點掉他們全部的buffs,包含Song跟Aura (記得注意自己有沒有拿到group buffs ,像是monk/war/rog的Disc,也不要放團隊DoT補血,小王會單人Silence spell 要小心

The First Split (75%): Shadow of Decay
The Shadow of Decay AEs "Rot", which leads to the AE "Decaying Flesh" (which gives a zombie illusion):
At least 12 people must keep these DOTs on them. The Shadow will check for this requirement every 6 seconds
As long as too few people have the DOT on them, the Shadow of Decay will regenerate

小王會放AE 然後你會變成殭屍的樣子,但不要 Cure,至少要12個人保持殭屍模樣,讓Raid去傷害小王,不然它會一直補血

The Second Split (50%): Vision of Splendor

Every 30 seconds, three random players get an emote. Those people must locate the Purity Stone and move to its had 9 seconds to cure yourself

每30秒會有3個人得emote(你的畫面會有黃色訊息),你只有12秒的時間去找房間內的stone去cure , 你只要靠近它就好,不然這個DOT是每tick 39K HP,另外會生add,記得assist MA 殺

The Second Split (50%): Shadow of Decay

Every 30 seconds, three random players get an emote. Those people must jump out a window
Note: Levitation effects greatly slow your jump speed, so click them off


The Third Split (25%): Vision of Splendor

明天再post ......
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-9 20:01




RL 最好安排兩個熟識打法的人員各自指揮,同時指示會員加入相關頻道(不然兩邊同時開戰會很混亂)
RS 的頻道最重要是讓左右兩邊按時報告MINI的血量降至多少,以免失衡


左 跟 右兩邊最難 ..傳書 ,跑位置 跳樓對容易AFK/SOK 的朋友不太好應付...最好找反應快線路穩的人員擔當,
又,由於有一個NO BUFF的關要過,這邊在安排上只能以具備一定裝備的人員作首選


RAID分為兩隊,在開戰後先集中一起DPS BOSS,待BOSS 的血掉到75%時要分為兩組各自按傳點到左右兩邊處理MINI BOSS
左 右塔的人員要各自處理一隻MINI BOSS (EMOTE PLAY!!)
殺完左右MINI BOSS後回到中間再次DPS BOSS [這時BOSS HP LOCK會解開,可以再次DPS直至下一階段)
當左 右塔兩邊也打完後 全個RAID人員可以集中,將MAIN BOSS 打死=WIN

其實三邊也要處理ADD...即是說每邊最少要安排1隻SK/PAL 應付ADD [當然理想的最法是2+2+2)
同時也要安排至於2位TANK處理BOSS 跟MINI,即兩邊的安排大概如下

左 (20-28人) : RL 1  + 2WAR +2 KNIGHT + 3 HEALER  + DPS

右 (20-28人) :  RL  3   + 2 WAR + 2 KNIGHT + 3 HEALER   +DPS

這是底線..如果不達這個人數...大概可以PASS這個RAID ...

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-9 19:56



- Say "willing" to Reklor Irespine to initiate the expedition.

- Say "whispers" to the Sentry Stone to trigger the event.
- Beat the Avatar to 75%.
RAID 將BOSS 的血量打至75% (這階段不用分組..是集中一起打...很容易的部分)

--- Split the raid into two: One to Decay; One to Splendor.
BOSS 血量下降至75%時RAID便要分為組 [左(MINI)  右(MINI)] ,這時候的BOSS 會LOCK,左右兩邊人員點傳送石到左右兩邊

--- Balance the Shadow of Decay and Vision of Splendor to their deaths.
  這邊左右兩組RAID要各自殺掉第一隻MINI (DECAY 和 SPLENDOR) ,殺的時候兩邊MINI 的血量不能相差超過5%,要注意的EMOTE有兩樣

------ Decay: 12 people must keep the DOT on them.
負責DECAY 的人員要留意組內最少要有12位人員維持DOT 狀態,不能解掉DOT,不然MINI 會回血

------ Splendor: 5 people must remain buffless.
負責SPLENDOR 的組內人員最少要有5位維持NO BUFF 狀態,不然MINI 會回血

- Beat the Avatar to 50%.
將兩隻MINI 殺死後,左右兩邊回到中間合力DPS BOSS,將BOSS 血量打至50%,迎接下一階段

--- Split the raid again and balance the two tower mobs to their deaths.

------ Decay: The named will emote for people to jump out the window (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責DECAY的小組內每30秒會隨機提示3人要去跳樓 (9秒時限內要各應,不要讓身上有任何漂效果的法術不然跑不動,成功的話跳樓後會自動回到MINI ROOM,失敗的話MINI會回血!!)

------ Splendor: The named will emote for people to cleanse themselves with the Purity Stone (3 at a time every 30 seconds).
負責SPLENDOR的小組內每30秒會有EMOTE提示3位人員要號到PURITY STONE進行治療...(也是9秒時限)

- Beat the Avatar to 25%.
保持MINI 血量平衡,殺掉2MINI後左右回到中間合力將BOSS 血量打至25%,準備迎接最後階段!!

--- Split the raid again and balance the two tower mobs to their deaths.
BOSS 血掉至25%後兩次將RAID分為兩組

------ Decay & Splendor: Both towers will have a book they must keep passed around (requires at least 5 people).
負責DECAY 和SPLENDOR 的小組最少要準備5人負責傳書工作,直接MINI DOWN

- Kill the Avatar.
兩邊MINI 殺完後左右組回到中間將BOSS最後25%血打掉



看來Yuma沒打過RT Mission 2 ~
中間不用排人,打Boss到 75% / 50% / 25% 直接打Raid分2邊 , 點石頭傳送進2邊塔打Mini boss
沒打過RT Mission 2的人真的要去打看看....你會很happy .....就可以知道誰沒注意emote 跟跑位...(Name 會一直回血)
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-9 20:02

因為BOX 6不可能打這種又要走又要跑的TASK

嗯..那樣的話只要先將RAID 分成左右兩邊就好了...
54 RAID 分兩邊即G1-G4 跟 G5- G8 兩邊... 多出來的G9可以視情況安排到那一邊...


如果我们要打这个raid,每人最好先做3遍以上的group 任务,否则raid时候你根本不知道要干嘛.在raid时候去解释说明这些要点,实在太浪费时间了.
if we want to do this two side stone raid,all of us need do the group version of two side stone task at least three times.or u even dont know what u should do in this raid.and explain all of the tips in  raid time and make most of us understand would waste too many time.


1 BOSS的幾種AE也有機會擋掉(檢測-900),詩人唱歌應該能擋到一點
2 LADRY 型態時POP 的ADD 應該有快速殺掉..問題不大
3  SHOLOTH 形態時房間內隨機POP 一隻黑色泥怪....很易看出亦很易避開...只要你不是BOX CHAR...
4  AVATOR的AE相當猛...那個DOT的AE幾TICK便可以扣掉40-50K的血...這時候只有依賴CLE的團補支持
    不然就排個MGB HEAL讓場內也吃到....
5 DPS只要足夠的話估算要將AVATOR打至75%應該不用10分鐘

B AVATOR 75%後的情況

1 BOSS會停打...兩邊POP 傳送石
2 這時候大概會有1-2MIN讓RAID CR或REBUFF
3 2分鐘過後會有紅色EMOTE提示人員要進左右 INC MINI
4 紅色EMOTE 後大概1分鐘會看到EMOTE提示兩隻MINI POWA UP
5 時間一到(我猜可能是系統若在限時內未檢測到兩邊同時開打的話...)兩邊MINI ROOM的人會被踢回AVATOR ROOM..EVENT RESET
6 EX WIN 是不能看到對方的MINI 血量,因此要利用RS 頻道報告掉血情況
7 NO BUFF 人員最好選坦和HELAER以外的人員 ,如RNG,MAG,WIZ這一些也不用近戰和非關鍵人員(HELAER 吃AE死掉=準備CR了..因此不可以NO BUFF..)為RL方便可以在頻這樣提示:[G4-G5 NON TANK AND HELAER PLZ CLOSE ALL YOUR BUFF AND AURA PLZ!!)...這樣不用一個一個點名...

C 要測試的東西還有什麼?

1  AVATOR 75%後系統實際給予多少時間讓RAID CR/REBUFF?
2  兩邊INC MINI 後直至MINI DOWN期間MINI 會不會POWA UP?POWA 的原因是時間過太久還是因為殺掉AVATOR後沒有在限時內進左右MINI ROOM 才引致的?
3 MINI 寬血量大概多少?ADD 的血量又是多少? 殺掉50%要花多少時間?

yuma  辛苦了
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-16 23:06


1 DECAY 難度比SPLENDOR 更高...人員分配上一定要再多一些[54人的話派5隊到這邊就無錯了]

2 DECAY MINI DPS無法下降是因為 ZOMBIE 人數不足12人...而剛INC的時候BOSS 不會立即讓全員變成ZOMBIE的,因此要硬擋一段短時間...又,MINI 的DOT + DPS 打在MT身上時可引致接近40K DPS[16+ 22=38K]...一個CLE肯定補不住

3 SPLENDOR 的NO BUFF 問題...ZAM 只是指出不能有AURA 跟SONG在身上..有會友指出GIFT OF MANA 這類東西計不計算BUFF..我猜應該不計...因為計算的話就是BUG 了[因為這個AA是任何法術也有機會產生的不可能避開]

4 兩邊MINI 血量在INC 後也可以看到...不用猜...

5 ANDRY MODE的時候[即綠色] POP的ADD 要在15秒內殺掉,不然ADD 會自爆 引致40K AE+ 盲眼

6 SHOLOTH 形態的時候 BOSS 隨機POP一隻黑色泥怪在玩家附近...要立即走開不然會吃AURA DMG直到死...我這晚有一次吃到,其實只要立即走開便OK,除非是AFK/SOK..不然只要BUFF 有70K以上就不會輕易死掉...

7 RL 宜在BOSS 78-76%時開始REZ跟重整BUFF,因為75%BOSS停打後便立即計時..3分鐘安全時間原則上不可能用盡..[2.5分就要READY衝進去了...]因此提早一點準備REZ 跟BUFF...

8 進MINI ROOM只要接近傳送右就會自動傳進去..不用按石頭,因此無指示下不要太接近傳石

9 DECAY TEAM不要使用任何有變身效果的法術....不然ZOMBIE效果無法打在身上....

10 DECAY TEAM 不可以使用任何DOT HEAL法術..[經6人任務測試後證實會令MINI 回血]

PS:人員分配上DECAY TEAM 人數一定要多一點..不然DPS太低加上死太多的話將無法維持12 ZOMEBIE而令MINI 永不掉血...

昨天跟KURIS, FIRE , DIOS, ANFIIELD ,MASTER 打了一次RT 副本(最後25%千萬不要掛掉..不然任務要重打..死5%EXP 還要CR結束...吐血..)

雖然跟RAID 的情況有一點不一樣,不過關於最後25%那個傳書任務也有一些地方可以注意

1 傳書的人員不要讓HEALER 跟 TANK負責,因為傳書時要點人跟按書,我在TANK的時候基本是停止坦王才可以傳書,副本的MINI不強幾秒不坦無問題,RAID的MINI不可能這樣做..而傳書時產生的DOT BUFF 含沉默,讓HEALER 傳書的話便無法補血...只是自殺!!


请负责SPLENDOR 的队员在下次RT raid时输入如下命令:
(The commands for blocking spells in RT raid are as follows:)

/block add me 30644
/block add me 27527
/block add me 29330

以上是gift mana 和shm hot的代码, 请cle提供hot aa的代码,或者SPLENDOR no buff组不要安排cle
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-17 12:02

HEALER 人數還是不足夠...
軍官們要不要明確表明歡迎玩家的BOX HEAL CHAR只要符合一些基本條件(如BUFF 60K或以上.抗性不低於XXX ,一些與治療相關的AA有修滿)的情況下在不影響MAIN CHAR參與RAID的機會下可以BOX 幫忙HEAL?

不然我看以現下的HEALER 陣容還是很緊...除非40個CHAR以上也是T2裝打滿...

補充一下...RT 副本那個BOSS 即使CR 還是可以重打
只是BOSS 血量會由100%開始..

打了兩天基本上RT RAID不用看攻略也會跑了 ORZ

今天晚上有打贏嗎 ??...
我在PL ...不能跟~
不過還是PASS 了:)
大家也充分了解這個EMOTE PLAY要怎樣玩:)


1 打NO BUFF MINI 的時候千萬不要使用任何EPIC 2.0 CLICK BUFF,這樣會令你的隊友吃到BUFF(等於SONG) 一樣會被判定失敗

2 GIFT OF MANA 似乎也有機會判定為SONG,如果有觸發到一是立即點掉,或是如ROWAD說的一樣暫時將功能關掉...

3 ANDRY MODE POP 的DARKNESS ADD DPSER 只要看到就要遠離...因為即使15秒無法殺掉也不會被AE範圍波及...

4 傳書遊戲開始時是場內任何人也有機會接到書本的(MT也有機會!)接到書的人不要慌,只要按原來的計劃將書
傳到給指定人員讓他們負責不停傳就可以了,只是傳書人要小心一點,不要被ADD 打死(SPLEDOR那邊還要殺ADD..DECAY只是閃避泥怪會輕鬆一點)

5  跳樓遊戲只有MT (正確一點說應該是BOSS HATE LIST第一位的人)才不會被點名,因此DPSER千萬不要OT MT,不然MT不在第一位的話也變成要跳樓,這種情況可能會發生在MT DOWN換人接坦的時候,總之不要發呆,有被點名就快去跳樓..只要有EMOTE在身一跳下去就會自動傳回MINI ROOM,全個動作不過幾秒

6  同理,走圖騰NPC治療的遊戲似乎也是相似的情況,只要MT被OT也會被MINI點名...總之看到自己被點到,就是MT也要跑位...只要站在傳石附近待一會兒就可..無信心又怕LAG的朋友站在窗邊DPS/治療也行,反正POP圖騰的地方就是窗邊附近[只有四個窗口!]

7 ZOMBIE TEAM 開始的時候大家一定要緊貼MINI,讓MINI盡快將大家變成ZOMBIE!副本是要求6人也要ZOMBIE,但RAID的要求只是12人,因此剛開始的時候先不要治療DOT,讓大家變成ZOMBIE後...MT組才用治療將MT DOT解掉(因為DOT + 20K DPS對MT負擔太重..不能讓他長期ZOMBIE...讓其他人員擔當就好]

8  CLE 治療的時候要留意!LV91的團補不帶CURE 效果!LV95 團補則有CURE 效果!千萬不要看錯!

我有找到CLE AA 的CODE 了..
不知ROWAD 會不會看呢?@@ ... ;search_fd12=Cleric

aura只从short buff栏点掉有时是不行的,必须从Shift+A里面取消aura,才能真正的clear buff
[s:20]And in english, what u mean with all that ?
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