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Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-7-16 01:32

1.建议pally 放在mt group有团补比较好, MA 太浪费了, monk 可以MA, mt 组:2-3个医疗(cleric/druid/pally)+2xWar
2. 我认为2个real healer 或3个 real healer/box 可以cover 2个MT。  位置要控制好,一个在tunnel口,一个在tunnel中段就ok, 过 60range,    cleric/druid/pally团补cd短这里的都很有用, mt 组:2-3个医疗(cleric/druid/pally)+2xMT
3. boss melee 不强,但ae+旋风频率很高,还会打停施法,我觉得刷团补比单体效率高很多
4. 坦克 组不需要放dps, dps 会跑杀add, healer跟本补不了
昨天我把jajabing放在7(nunuke)tunnel 口和9号(kaka))tunnel 里的中间位子, 团补基本都可以补到,外加还可以医疗同队的healer, 就是HP有时会推MT那时要调整,不然oor, box 还是有点慢,
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-7-16 21:52

我是一个druid+2个box cleric 基本无压力
5v , lk请更正
tank part we are barely sufficient if we get lucky, we still lacking healing and dps

2. 一个tank至少要有一支不是box的healer,box healer 主要作用还是协助为主, 帮healer补血, 因为healer也会吃ae.   我把我的cleric 放在 7和9中间,团补2个tanks都可以吃到,但时间一长boss一推一吸,就乱了,只能医疗一个了。6个real healer :)
one MT needs at least one non box healer, box healer only can support but cant substitue main heaerl.  Box healer can heal main healer as they eat HP ae as well. I usually place my cleric jajabing in the middle of 2 Tanks (7 and 9), so his group heal can reach all, but after HP inc a while, Tank and healer positions will be very messy due to HP push, snare, stun, etc etc.  I can only heal one MT.

3. 和大家说一下,charlieugly和我说了一下,他离会了,和大家说声对不起,还是玩得时间有点不合
    Charlieugly has notified me that he has left the guild.  He said Sorry about this.  His recent playingtime does not match most of our guild memeber.  So, best luck to him!!!
freelance pull得略微合理一点

hp 9和7换位
hp 1喝 3换位,
2. pulll/park 9的时候也不用,冒险经过7  (1、3)同理
2个enchaner, 1个sk/pal, 1个healer比较较理想,可以吧templar mez/放在大珍珠哪里平地上?
这个组就慢慢负责templar,最好控制在 2-3个mez, 多的话,要开始杀
a Templar start to pop 20-30secs after trigger, then 1 pop every min
so, when 1st HP down (20/8), we had 2 Templar  ( out of control, we wpied)
1. need to keep these 2 under control
2. when we kill 2nd HP ( 2 more will pop as we use more time for 2rd HP)
3. 3rd HP ( 2-3 more pop)
4. etc etc
Mez Team need some basic  set up and strategy to deal this。 How many can they keep under mez, how many needs to be killed ( I cant answer this).
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-27 18:53

cool, we can use mix of real tank and mage pet for tanking ( if we are in short of both)

also, something to share with wars on pulling HP:

1.  Put your HP on your extended window and target window, turn on your atk.

2. keep distance from your HP (Scorn, Roar, Blast of Anger and Gut Punch all got range of 100), thus you do not need to melee it.

3. when you see Yuma's count at 5secs, Open  fortitude or flash of anger ( with either u have enough time to do the pull, i suggest fortitude, it is not a waste as u get to tank the HP healing free for some time as well.  Flash of anger, you can use 3rd personal view, run backwards)

4. Right after that, begin to SPAM your Scorn, Roar, Gun Punch, and Blast of Anger buttons.  I have most of them linked in one macro, i just spam that key 3secs before boss go activate.  Once boss goes alive, these land very quickly, and you should run to your position at the same time.  All 4 skills give enough of hate, 2-3 skills would be enough.

5.  DO NOT open your hate Pet UNTIL your HP is in position:
     a. Other HPs will hit your pet if they pass by ( as long as your pet is  closer than the other tank, remember other tanks are running to their position as well), so now u have more than 1 HP stacking together= no good
     b. Once your pet is dead, the hate will transfer to you, which means u will face more than 1=no good
6. Once your HP is in position, then you can further lock your hate (Rallo, hate pet , ect.)
    I don't see there is any need to further lock hate unless your HP is the first one to be killed ( as you have to build some good aggro vs. dpsers).  Otherwise, you would be solo Tanking the mob with healers.
what is the Order of HPX?
first 11, then it goes to?
any one know the order?
do we burn down HPX first or HP first?  anyone know the order?  I am always tanking in turnnel so dont know whats going on outside?

Should we place stronger, less lag tanks  and healers on HPX ( HP11 and HP 1)?
Raid burn down HP 7 (Hp7 healer go support HP9 same turnnel), Burn down HP 5 (healder go support HP1)? Burn down HP3?

Do we have the exact ordfer of where HPX about to spawn?  11-1-x-x? so good for healer to support other group?

yes, should try with mage pet tanking when we got some mages on
we try HP5>HP11>templar>hp1 this time
the key is to take down 2-3HP fast without any other tank down(all 6), so we can free up tanks/healers for HP5/HP11 to back up HP1, 7, 3, 9.
when we tank all 6, cant mak any mistake, as we dont have backup on tank and healer.

HP 5, HP11, HP1, HP7,  (HP 3, HP9)

I think we need war with disc and more real healer at least for first 3 HPX (5, 11, 1)
1.Last night took us 60secs to burn down HP5.
2. Never killed HP11, but take it down to very low HP, but used more than 90secs (then Wipe), which means HP1 is HPX already( around 90-96secs).  
3. i suggest first 3 need use war and real healers.  Once 5 and 11 down.  Half healer tank, go to support 1 and half go to support 7.  As HPX1 will be likely a longer fight. once we down 3 HP, the event should become easier.  MOre tanks and more healers to spread support the remaining 3.....
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