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另外我说一下,除了在主camp的healer最好不要box,其他几个camp的尽可以box,应为空地比较大,人密度低,完全可以自己原地吃whirwind,并且继续heal mt,不用跑开!所以尽可以用box的去heal其他位置的t,压力相应要下多多
并且,可以设一个dru或者撒满的在banner附近,不能太靠近banner,作为机动healer,无事时可以帮助heal 血线比较低的t,在中whirwind的人跑到banner之后,可以tell 这个机动healer,应当可以大大减少dps减员,否则按中whirwind就死一人的减员,我们也是承担不起的.
[i=s] Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-24 09:08

同意,昨晚我跟KAKA JAJABING (KAKA BOX CLE)守在HP 7 跟 9 之間,這個位置非中間地區因此人員不多,是非常適合放置BOX HEALER的地點,而JAJABING 有被點名要跑AE,當時CLE 要一邊走開避AE TANK一邊要坦HP..幸好KAKA 當時的HP沒有變身為HPX..不然很易被秒...(因為CLE 要跑AE基本上很難治療...因此這個區若能放置
3 BOX HELAER 跟一個SHM (昨晚其實 已有2 BOX CLE + 1BOX SHM..只要再放置多一個BOX CLE應該可以有更好的表現..)

LAST TRY SK 皮太軟因此擋不住..[基本上我的坦法是 INC 24SEC DISC (這期間是最安全!!因為是無敵)>
24秒完了後開LV93 DISC [這個可以擋掉30%左右的DPS...只要治療有接上大概還OK)> CLASS AA DISC 1MIN(這個不清楚效果如何總之就是防衛DISC ] 三個DISC開完就要等DISC UP...

若是不幸遇上HPX 只有一個HEAL的情況一定GG....T_T...希望HP1 能盡快推倒..這樣我們的TANK便能支援其他HP TANK

以我看目前最硬的WAR 大概有以下幾位...
1  SEN
5  AMADEOUS (最近坦穩了很多)
6  CHAR (我們的新WAR 他身上有穿OSEKA T3的DROP...依他本人說法應該是T2 打滿 + 幾樣T3 GEAR..技術也有可惜POP時間不穩)


DA (最近變了 RARE POP?)
TYRAN (最近好像是BOX..?)

只要任何一個TANK 失誤也會讓RAID CR...

tank part we are barely sufficient if we get lucky, we still lacking healing and dps

2. 一个tank至少要有一支不是box的healer,box healer 主要作用还是协助为主, 帮healer补血, 因为healer也会吃ae.   我把我的cleric 放在 7和9中间,团补2个tanks都可以吃到,但时间一长boss一推一吸,就乱了,只能医疗一个了。6个real healer :)
one MT needs at least one non box healer, box healer only can support but cant substitue main heaerl.  Box healer can heal main healer as they eat HP ae as well. I usually place my cleric jajabing in the middle of 2 Tanks (7 and 9), so his group heal can reach all, but after HP inc a while, Tank and healer positions will be very messy due to HP push, snare, stun, etc etc.  I can only heal one MT.

3. 和大家说一下,charlieugly和我说了一下,他离会了,和大家说声对不起,还是玩得时间有点不合
    Charlieugly has notified me that he has left the guild.  He said Sorry about this.  His recent playingtime does not match most of our guild memeber.  So, best luck to him!!!

1st HP        35-40s(870K dps)
2nd HP        100-120s
3rd HP        150s


/GU Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 173s, 23283k @134582dps --- Angbkr 4753k @36285dps (20.42%) --- Skykline + pets 4121k @28224dps (17.7%) --- Makos 2468k @19748dps (10.6%) --- Skofaz + pets 2408k @16724dps (10.34%) --- Penden + pets 1580k @12064dps (6.79%) --- Crazymasters + pets 1104k @13631dps (4.74%) --- Tianyamag + pets 876k @16856dps (3.76%) --- Rowad 839k @11654dps (3.6%) --- Xcat + pets 778k @15880dps (3.34%) --- Flybear + pets 725k @4739dps (3.11%)

/GU Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 143s, 27948k @195443dps --- Angbkr 2930k @29593dps (10.48%) --- Skofaz + pets 2783k @19460dps (9.96%) --- Rowad + pets 2658k @20930dps (9.51%) --- Tyan 2131k @25370dps (7.63%) --- Skykline + pets 1995k @15002dps (7.14%) --- Penden + pets 1993k @14763dps (7.13%) --- Nibbst + pets 1573k @12586dps (5.63%) --- Kuria 1440k @10745dps (5.15%) --- Kenming + pets 1315k @13843dps (4.71%) --- Makos 1314k @10597dps (4.7%)
/GU High Priest Xalziks in 49s, 11422k @233110dps --- Angbkr 1496k @33254dps (13.1%) --- Rowad + pets 1413k @31411dps (12.37%) --- Tyan 1258k @26200dps (11.01%) --- Kenming + pets 745k @15212dps (6.53%) --- Skykline + pets 713k @14849dps (6.24%) --- Skofaz 677k @13810dps (5.92%) --- Tianyamag + pets 607k @12916dps (5.31%) --- Penden + pets 560k @11421dps (4.9%) --- Makos 534k @11133dps (4.68%) --- Crazymasters + pets 523k @10669dps (4.58%)

我们dps相差了4倍,我们第一个hp用了143+49=190秒 ,如果你是一个dps职业请在GGH多训练让自己成为一个合格的raider,一个合格的dps(ber/rog/wiz/rng/mag/bst/mnk 第一分钟得超过40k,nec 可以持续10分钟持续25k) 。通过call aug计划,我们的tank 装备已经没有什么很大的提升空间了,但是医疗和dps至少还可以提高3倍以上。

zelot我们不再安排2个dps队伍去清理了,而是每个通道2个dps 负责清理(bst+rng最好?bst pet proc snare?)。
HPX的医疗不能太靠近tank  ,避开hpx的 吸人aoe,注意每90秒HPX会随机变化到任意一个HP上面,一旦tank的HP变成HPX,该tank要尽快在raid 频道say 你的TAG,机动医疗尽快把医疗聚焦在该tank身上。

bg god bless RF.
三個洞各置 一隻RNG + BST  應付ZEALOT 之法可以一試
主要是要爭取多一點時間儘快殺掉HP1 + HP2
以我們RAIDER的裝備大概只有1/3 的裝還可以的...
其餘1/3是普普...最後的1/3 大概是只有等級....[除非能像BEBE一樣全天候打寶..那樣身上只要全套GROUP
T3 +T4LOOT的話應該還不會被AE秒殺...

NCM 公會應該是用當Event begin 後40秒時間內,全部Raid的DPS 先去殺第一隻High Priest
因為第一隻Zealot是Raid  event begin 40sec spawn ,我們也可以試試,但前題是我們的tank可以很快把每一個High Priest拉到定位??
SK跟monk都有AA , 可以拉怪到定點,下次可以試試monk幫忙Tank pull  back spot when trigger Raid event ??
上次我的shm 跟Kaka / Yuma 一隊, 我試著heal 但因為跟monk不同隊,還要切回另一個視窗看monk
可以試我的monk / shm 跟Kaka / Jajabing 跟Yuma/Clericstar 一隊在 lowest floor,這樣我還可以幫heal 而且當我們殺掉第一隻High Priest後
我的Monk就回到 lowest floor 去殺Zealot ( 再加個DPSer 應該就夠hold lowest floor Zealot )

(未確定)因為Zealot spawn後會走向水池,不知道 monk 或SK 的 拉怪AA 可不可以把它們拉回,如果可以的話,是否3邊都排一隻Monk ,當Zealot 走太遠的話就拉回??
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-28 00:20


1 MA 組只有1 SHM 幫血治療不太足夠...要求多派一位1CLE進駐.....
3 看到被點名的人要遠離他們...自己被點名的話要立即走向BANNER...不要讓大伙吃到AE...

4 我們的DPS輸出應該有進步了..這次HP1 DOWN的時候較上次快了一點..加油!

c Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 136s, 27950k @205514dps --- Crazymasters + pets 3256k @25050dps (11.65%) --- Angbkr 3150k @25607dps (11.27%) --- Firebeard 2413k @21545dps (8.63%) --- Aroust 2034k @17096dps (7.28%) --- Skofaz + pets 1797k @13822dps (6.43%) --- Penden + pets 1364k @24364dps (4.88%) --- Crazywen 1287k @10134dps (4.6%) --- Kuria 1235k @10205dps (4.42%) --- Tianyamag + pets 1200k @11763dps (4.29%) --- Flybear + pets 1193k @9782dps (4.27%)
第2次: HP11没变HPX就挂了
c High Priest of Oseka in 89s, 28440k @319550dps --- Angbkr 3804k @46395dps (13.38%) --- Crazymasters + pets 3261k @39292dps (11.47%) --- Firebeard 2793k @33656dps (9.82%) --- Penden + pets 1828k @23436dps (6.43%) --- Fayhungx 1718k @23528dps (6.04%) --- Skofaz + pets 1463k @16818dps (5.14%) --- Fantomex + pets 1405k @20364dps (4.94%) --- Bebeto + pets 1384k @18448dps (4.86%) --- Colortiger + pets 1320k @30697dps (4.64%) --- Aroust 1296k @24449dps (4.56%)
c High Priest of Oseka in 85s, 28139k @331052dps --- Angbkr 3208k @39601dps (11.4%) --- Aroust + pets 3008k @38082dps (10.69%) --- Colortiger + pets 2514k @32232dps (8.93%) --- Crazymasters + pets 2384k @29067dps (8.47%) --- Bebeto + pets 1882k @23522dps (6.69%) --- Skofaz + pets 1785k @21246dps (6.34%) --- Firebeard 1745k @21539dps (6.2%) --- Fayhungx 1724k @21030dps (6.13%) --- Tianyamag + pets 1561k @28381dps (5.55%) --- Fantomex + pets 1252k @18686dps (4.45%)
c Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 102s, 29000k @284318dps --- Angbkr 3669k @37062dps (12.65%) --- Crazymasters + pets 3474k @34741dps (11.98%) --- Firebeard 2421k @24455dps (8.35%) --- Tianyamag + pets 2344k @24937dps (8.08%) --- Aroust + pets 2195k @25230dps (7.57%) --- Fayhungx 2190k @24066dps (7.55%) --- Skofaz + pets 1769k @17868dps (6.1%) --- Fantomex + pets 1243k @12552dps (4.28%) --- Bebeto + pets 1216k @12669dps (4.19%) --- Kenming + pets 981k @9913dps (3.38%)

we get info  about hpx  ,  it is 5 -11- 1 -?-?-?

we fail :
kosmadtiger ' hp change to hpx  3 times . healer(hpx) should quickly more at next time .tank do your message quickly too .

someone miss emote  ,make some raider die and snare .

i think we should keep all tank live  more long time . we low dps ,  but we can hold tanks ,  it is mean  that we should win.
一开始 zealot 组应该在 中间位置dps HP的,浪费了好多dps
To help with random HPX I think the real clerics should be with the side groups.. Our last try I was the healer for Skofaz he took the first HP. He had a lot of healers, I was his main healer with Anfield but he never  got below 75% it was too easy.

I Had Kakakulu, Nunuke, Amadeus all in my HoTT and there life was very bouncy from incoming too the time they died. like getting down too 20% of health then getting heal, then when there mob turn into hard hitter and they call for heal, there already dead.. If real cleric is with them and there mob turns into the hard hitter. Real clerics can react use our tools to up our healing power and can react at a faster pace.
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-6 23:15



1 DPS 大有提升,推第一隻HP 要花的時間大大下降了

our dps improve a lot this time, we can down first hp in a short time

2 AE EMOTE 還是要大家留意,看到EMOTE 後請遠離RAIDER 或跑到BANNER,一個的失誤便會令大量DPS死亡...

we should more care for the ae emote,when the emote pop, we should move away from raider or move to banner if u have enough time

3 不要接近珍珠附近以及任何水邊...以免令蛇POP

dont near the pearl or  water , it will make adds pop

4 我們在殺掉第一隻HP後出現失控情況...要注意HP 每90秒會變身為HPX...TANK要在頻道叫出來讓補血支援

hp will change to hpx after 90sec, tank should shout in rw when u got hpx to make our healer give u support!

5  以今晚的治療量我覺得是不俗的..[9 CLE 3 DRU BOX HEALER 是大趨勢我們應該要適應] DPS也不差,唯有AE EMOTE上要注意一下...若電腦反應較快的朋友不妨在頻道提一下吃了EMOTE的朋友..當然自己也要專心

our heal power and dps not bad this time [with 9 cle and 3dru even some are box chars]
if your comp are better u can try to remind ppl if u see them get ae emote, of course every raider need to take care for emote in raid

hope we can do better this time and i believe we can do better!

hp become to hpx will be the bigest problem .we should arrange one more healer on every time hp change form into hpx.
hpx max hit 22000,it always kill our tank in a sudden. there may one rule that hp become t hpx, we should know it ,and make a good arrangment to handle this.
TANK HP11 (即第一隻要DPS的HP) 在FIRST HP DONW後 宜做好準備協助處理任何TANK DONW 的情況...

其實SK 本身也有24 秒無敵DISC...如果情況不是太混亂的話是有能力在短時間協助處理HPX 的突然變身情況
(前提當然是沒有被RL 安排到TANK LIST )... SHIVIN 跟 YUMA若沒有被安排TANK HP 或 MA的話其實可以充當臨時HPX TANK 一下...

BOX HEALER 一定不要安在中間....因為EMOTE POP在BOX HELAER時會很危險(MISS 了EMOTE便會令大量RAIDER 吃到AE) 放在HP7 或 HP 9 安全一點

big lag the day ,  At least 8 raider  told me big lag.

but we still get our best dps in oseka so far ,

459K dps in 62 s  , we down first HP .  u are so good .  thanks

update  info :

we try kill first HPX next time .  

The benefits of doing so is:

No longer  whirlpool, a second HPX no longer transform
如果只是一隻HPX 的話應該是有法子的(最少要支持10-15秒不會是太大問題)
每次會CR的原因是因為當LOSE CONTROL的時候通常是2-3隻HP已經亂跑。。。
SK 本身有幾種 0秒但很TAUNT的AA。。。如果只是一隻的話是可以的
當然能找到HPX 變身的次序會更好
我們已有的資料是HP 在INC 後第一個90 及第二個90 秒那一隻HP會變成HPX。。。(上次LK有做了一點筆記,在前幾個POST)
但不肯定我們在90秒內DPS DOWN 第一隻HP後那個變身次序會不會有變化。。。

whirlpool 是个16300的 DOT,这点更正一下
更正一下....兩個AA 治療量...

Celestial Regeneration  (max 24等級)  1 tick =3900 CRTI =7800 1 TICK
全部相關AA 有修的話(含延長時效 + 縮短CD時間)  2分鐘 + CD 10分30秒

Focused Celestial Regeneration  (12等級MAX) 單體DOT HEAL 50秒 內 1TICK 5600HP
CRI 10800HP !! 有修完縮短時間RECAST TIME =10分鐘

由於是DOT HEAL ,因此 一定要配合HEALING BOON (MAX 等級21)才有理想效果!

以上兩AA CD 時間獨立計算!

還有一個相當好用的被動技能 ABOUNDANT HEALING (MAX 等級25 )
效果是任何直接治療也有機會令治療對像得到一個持續治療的DOT HEAL效果,時效30秒左右..1TICK
2000 HP,CRI 4000HP...多無少補...也不會跟其他DOT HEAL效果重疊

至於 BRUST OF LIFE 與 BECON OF LIFE 兩個治療AA 是使用共同CD時間,前者是單體後者是團體HEAL,
不過BRUST OF LIFE 本身還有一個AA 可以增強治療效果(每1 AA 增加1000治療量)...0秒施放相關AA 修完的話NON CRI 也可以打出30K 治療量...CD TIME是3分鐘...異常好用..不過要花的AA相當多..

其實當FIRST HPX 推掉後 FREE出來的 3位 HEALER可以 立即支援第二隻HPX 的治療 (因為HPX 死後會自餘下的5隻HP中便會有一隻自動成為HPX...那時MT 便要盡快在RS 頻內叫IAM TANK HPX,PLZ HELP!讓其他FREE出來的治療支援...如果不幸TANK DONW,那 HPX1 的TANK應該支動接上去..那麼LOSE CONTROL 的機會就會大大下降

至於HEALER 方便..我提議全部HEALER 可以在EX WIN 內(如果AA 有修完你的WIN 可以放10 個TARGET)
放上當晚的MT..MT LIST 也很簡單變動也不大,例如


當看到頻道有MT 說他在坦HPX 的時候便可以從WIN 找到目標治療...十分方便

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