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raid strategy:time and tides (Rubak Oseka raid策略)

Post Last Edit by rowad at 2012-6-19 10:31

总结一下,该raid 需要注意如下几点:

1、避免whirlpool AE。
在Event的玩家会随机收到emote,“A whirlpool begins to form around you”9秒后会以你为中心施放一个PB AE,所以把A whirlpool begins to form around you 设置到你的AT里去,9秒之内跑到banner去。

2、每45秒会刷新一只 Zealot,位于南面的三个角的任意一个(就是整个六角形地图的南面3个,北面3个是水),Zealot刷新后会走向北面的水,到达后会刷新add。所以需要设置dps小组清掉zealot。

3、每60秒在珍珠(6个HP围住的就是珍珠)周围会刷新 The Devout Templar,可以mez,但不能stun和snare,网上建议幻术和bard mez这里,等积攒满5-6只后由rl指挥raid dps统一清光,The Devout Templar掉落Ancient Pearlescent Talisman 用来激活boss的最后阶段,最少需要9片。

4、远离北面3只角的水面,只要有玩家靠近,就会刷新The Serpents,非常猛的add。

5、6个HP不能靠太近(50码) 会相互医疗。

After triggering the event all 6 mobs go live. To win the event you must kill 5 High Priests and then confine the final High Priest by clicking 9
Ancient Pearlescent Talismans on High Priest Xalziks within a 10 second span.

所有High Priests 免疫CC(控场技能),100%开始 summon/snare/stun,你必须Offtank 5 and kill 1 at a time.

High Priests 的AOE属性决定了各个Priests的tank位置为60码为宜(太远太近都会触发惩罚效果)

队伍配置可以如下:  using 3 tank groups and 1 add group:

Group 1 = 3 Clerics/Druids, 2 Warriors 1 Paladin -- Purple and Black --
Group 2 = 2 Clerics/Druids, 4 Warriors/Paladins/Shadowknights -- Orange and Green --
Group 3 = 2 Clerics/Druids, 4 Warriors/Paladins/Shadowknights -- Red and Blue --
Add Group = 1 Shaman, 0-1 Bards, 4-5 Monks/Beastlords

All 3 groups will get 2 High Priests each to offtank. Group 3 will tank 1 in the corner near where the raid zones in and 1 near the base of the water (up a bit from it, near the wall where it veers to the right). These two minis will be pulled to these locations then killed. 1st the corner mob then pull the other into the corner after the 1st dies. After that this group will control all templar adds.

The other two tank groups can set up up the ramp and tank their 4 High Priests seperated from each other careful to not overlap their AOEs. You can split 2 and 2 between the two tendril things that just out from the main room.

pull 路线和tank位置表如下:

Boss AOE  属性:
High Priest Xalziks
--Pure Waters
- 6million HP Heal, 60 range
--Up From the Depths
- 36k PBAE DD + Stun + Pushback
--Sea Spray
- Single 3s Stun + 70% Snare
- 19k PBAE DD + Slowpull
5 x
High Priest of Oseka
- Casts:
--Pure Waters
- 6million HP Heal, 60 range
--Up From the Depths
- 36k PBAE DD + Stun + Pushback
--Sea Spray
- Single 3s Stun + 70% Snare

When the event is activated 1 High Priest (the one closest to raid to start off) should be pulled to the camp and burned out. Another High Priest will be offtanked nearby (around the base of the ramp just above the water level). The other 4 High Priests should be pulled up to the upper areas to be offtanked.

Burn out the 1st two High Priests and have either the raid move up the spiral to the next High Priests or pull the High Priests down to the raid to be killed. What we do is pull the High Priests down closer to the raid then pull them to the entrance via these paths once the 1st two are dead :


Now loot all the templars corpses, you will need 9 Talisman's minimum. Do some sort of count down and right click all 9 or more at the same time on High Priest Xalziks. This will activate a wave of 15 or so zealots, kill all of them to win the event.

a zealot
- Will spawn from zone in, and the 2 alcoves up from zone in. They path from those 3 spawn points to the water near the pearl. If any make it to the water, they poof and a new
High Priest of Oseka
a devout templar
- Will spawn around the pearl and up the ramp randomly. They are mezzable, so just Mez them until there are about 5 or so and then have your MA peel off the High Priest to clean up the templars. These drop 1 Ancient Pearlescent Signet on occasion... so make sure to kill quite a few and loot them.
a serpent
- Unsure *exactly* what spawns these but it has something to do with players being in/around the water at the base of the zone. So your best bet is to stay away from the water. These cannot be CCed in any way and must be killed.

Post Last Edit by rowad at 2012-7-3 13:28

重要更新:位于五号点的HP(-35, -25, 80,待确认) 会固定第一个变身为 HPXalziks,所以该位置需要安排一个all GMwar Dps应该第一个杀的
应该也是这只怪,因为当HPXalziks下血的时候是不会刷新whirpool (from Alla,也待确认)


1、医疗不能靠近任何一个HP 60码以内否则会被踢飞

2、除了tank,任何人不能靠近HPX 50码以内 否则会被snare

说错了 五号点
HP 30000K血左右 raid dps 在500K左右 就能1min内搞掉 这个难度不大
TEMPLAR 应由2enc(scarlet,brett) 和bard(kenming) 联合控制,解放TEMPLAR的dps,全力90s内 burn掉1st HP ! HP死后的tank healer 自动转换至TEMPLAR组,开始清理TEMPLAR。
一开始 zealot 组应该在 中间位置dps HP的,浪费了好多dps
whirlpool 是个16300的 DOT,这点更正一下
移动杀是没有dps的  整个队伍会被拉开 APS互相吃不到 昨天我就没吃到shm的ep2
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