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Patch says mission only, pity it isn't raid, would help a lot
20/8 (MON)

1 enc mez templar not stable, sometimes templar lose control and run to tank make wipe

2  dps a bit low tonight ,2 templar pop after first hp down

3  tank 1(tiger) and Tank 3(amadeous)  heal support seems not stable, maybe healer lag
cuase heal  power problem

4 may be we need to set a back up plan for templar, if our dps not good to down hp fast
we should kill templar first after first hp down to make enc  less pressure


1 如何令我們的TANK 可以撐久一點? (不管是TANK 還是治療方面也是同樣重要]
2 TEMPLAR 的MEZ 要更加穩定..不然會令TEMPLAR 打MT ...令RAID失控...

FOLLOW MA DPS大致做到了..只是偶爾會有一些AFK/SOK 情況...
時間不足無法TRY 太多次

20/8 (MON)
2个enchaner, 1个sk/pal, 1个healer比较较理想,可以吧templar mez/放在大珍珠哪里平地上?
这个组就慢慢负责templar,最好控制在 2-3个mez, 多的话,要开始杀
作為MA 我也希望ENC 盡量將TEMPLAR 集中MEZ 在中間地帶...
到了清TEMPLAR的時候就可以容易拉回來CAMP 處理...

如果要獨立讓1G 處理TEMPLAR
最少要由一個 SK/PAL + 2ENC + 1CLE + 1DPS 組合組成....(當然2位ENC也可以幫忙DPS)
組成大概是這樣的話就有能力NON-STOP 慢慢清

如果將其中一個MA 工作交給MNK [MASTER 應該絕對可以勝任!他應該懂怎樣跑位置!]
(雙MA 還是要的...以防其中一位MA 要跑AE EMOTE或死掉..)

如果我們的DPS無法快速有效的將HP 1 + HP2 處理掉
(幾次 TRY 下來似乎也沒有把握....真的有把HP2 殺掉也只有一次紀錄...且是用另一個戰術)
就只有向持續穩固RAID 入手..

LAG 這個問題無法子迴避...

讓連線最穩的MT 處理第一跟第二隻HP
當兩隻HP也處理後兩位MT 自動跑去支援其他HP TANK

如果讓MA 的工作全部由MNK 負責(MASTER/CRAZYWEN/PANDEN 參與OSEKA RAID有相當時間,應該有能力誓好MA的工作_

那我們最少有2位 KNIGHT 當HP BACK UP TANK [1PAL + 1 SK]
這樣配上 HP 1 殺掉後抽出來的TANK 1
應該能在短時間內有3位BACK UP TANK支援其他HP TEAM

TEMPLAR 專門由1G 處理下其他DPS 自然可以專心DPS HP
只要TEMPLAR沒有打MT 或出現失控情況


PS:HEALER 組內有LAG 情況...安排人員時也要留意...如DIOS 的PING 有時達500左右...如果要排進HEAL TEAM就只能當0.5人員處理...要另外在放置一個HEALER....(LAG的情況太嚴重的話表現可能比BOX再差一點...)

死後,分一隊精銳DPS SK HEALER 去處理小怪,其他DPS FOLLOW MA追殺第二隻到最後
a Templar start to pop 20-30secs after trigger, then 1 pop every min
so, when 1st HP down (20/8), we had 2 Templar  ( out of control, we wpied)
1. need to keep these 2 under control
2. when we kill 2nd HP ( 2 more will pop as we use more time for 2rd HP)
3. 3rd HP ( 2-3 more pop)
4. etc etc
Mez Team need some basic  set up and strategy to deal this。 How many can they keep under mez, how many needs to be killed ( I cant answer this).
test done .
clr  can light  to  tank anywhere.Even  clr  standing the topmost,box clr safe now .

clr 就算站在最顶端也可以light到最底层的tank 。
26/8 (SUN)

1 DPS   good! we down hp11 very fast....
2 however , we still get problem on tank and healer...our heal power still not stable and make tank die fast....
3  remember follow ma dps
we try a new plan tonight

HP 11 >HP 1>templar>7

Iam sure we can pass HP3 if we can recover the heal problem....

打這場RAID的關鍵始終還是DPS 跟 TANK...
DPS 猛一點...TANK的壓力就會少一點
TANK 硬一點....LOSE CONTROL 的時間就會延後一點...

我是負責MA...因此即使看見TANK DOWN也只能先完成MA的工作...
盡力防止HP 失控....讓DPS 可以全力輸出...

至於MEZ 方面...
最好是安排一個KNIGHT 跟HEALER 支援一下 兩位ENC
因為MEZ FAIL 會令怪打ENC...
有KNGIHT 跟一個HEAL 在組內可以更易控制場面...

(我已經不只一次看到TEMPLAR 打TANK了...14-16 1 HIT不是說笑...)

lets do better .
Hi guys

Just wanted to pass on the info that i was given as to how we can maybe do better with this raid.

A friend of mine in SR who i believe are the top guild on our server and therefore have the best equipped and raid experienced tanks gave me some advice over a month ago regarding this raid.

Basically in order to win this raid SR use mage and their pets to tank the HP that the raid is not fighting. So have each group with 1 mage with the pet tank the HP and 2 healers keeping the pet alive. He basically told me that mage pets live longer then even their top tanks so giving more time to kill the HP at a time. So I propose we use mage and 2 healer for each HP we are not killing at time. have other groups set up to kill the templar pop giving us more man power to hopefully dps the HP and kill them quicker. then freed up mage and pet can fight templars or keep them busy while we concentrate on HP dps.

I have been absent a while so my knowledge of this raid is not the best at the moment but my friend thinks all VoA raids can be won easily with 24 mage and 24 druid i think he said for use their pet and healing power. Was something along those lines and i really think it would be a good idea for us to try their tactics as they are most successful guild.

When i see him next i will ask him for better detail on their tactic and will post what i learn.

I hope this maybe help us and hope see you all soon.


Nathans your little ranger friend
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-27 18:53

cool, we can use mix of real tank and mage pet for tanking ( if we are in short of both)

also, something to share with wars on pulling HP:

1.  Put your HP on your extended window and target window, turn on your atk.

2. keep distance from your HP (Scorn, Roar, Blast of Anger and Gut Punch all got range of 100), thus you do not need to melee it.

3. when you see Yuma's count at 5secs, Open  fortitude or flash of anger ( with either u have enough time to do the pull, i suggest fortitude, it is not a waste as u get to tank the HP healing free for some time as well.  Flash of anger, you can use 3rd personal view, run backwards)

4. Right after that, begin to SPAM your Scorn, Roar, Gun Punch, and Blast of Anger buttons.  I have most of them linked in one macro, i just spam that key 3secs before boss go activate.  Once boss goes alive, these land very quickly, and you should run to your position at the same time.  All 4 skills give enough of hate, 2-3 skills would be enough.

5.  DO NOT open your hate Pet UNTIL your HP is in position:
     a. Other HPs will hit your pet if they pass by ( as long as your pet is  closer than the other tank, remember other tanks are running to their position as well), so now u have more than 1 HP stacking together= no good
     b. Once your pet is dead, the hate will transfer to you, which means u will face more than 1=no good
6. Once your HP is in position, then you can further lock your hate (Rallo, hate pet , ect.)
    I don't see there is any need to further lock hate unless your HP is the first one to be killed ( as you have to build some good aggro vs. dpsers).  Otherwise, you would be solo Tanking the mob with healers.
SR is a TOP1 guild in this server...
just know they clear VOA few days before
if u check their gear in megolo
u will find that their gear not stronger their than our member a lot
(around 20% for max...for a war in this server, kaka can rank in top5 in list)
so there is not a big difference for RF and RS if we just compare with gear

what we lose may be raid skill and lag problem for raid....
we can do better as we contiue improve our gear and more raider get main rank...

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-27 22:52

關於MA 的一點情況這邊要說明一下...

我在RAID時除了負責MA 也有不少時候兼任INC
要令6 HP INC需要 CLICK 一個道具
由於 HP11 距離太遠...
因此我在INC 時會將TARGET 放到最近的HP (很多時是HP 5 或是 HP7)
那你很多時會發現你的目標不是HP 11
我在INC後才會將目標轉回HP 11
因此DPSER INC後 先不要急於DPS 
待TANK 到位後看到我的MA MSG在RS頻道出現後才開始DPS就行了。。。


if u set yuma(ma) as your raid ass in Ex window
u will always find that your target is wrong (not hp 11) when inc
it is becuase iam not only ma but also raider  for active  6 hp
so everytime when i active hp i need to target hp and click item to active event
as Hp11 too far  from me..
i always target hp5 or hp7 as my target to click item
so thats why u will get wrong target if u ass me when inc

i suggest that all dpser can wait for a short time after inc(aorund 3-5sec after inc)
just wait tank pull their tagret to camp and my ma msg show in rs
then u can start your dps on hp

thx a lot for yoor help :)


1 如何令TANK穩坦HP將影響我們能否殺到第3隻HP...
2  跑AE EMOTE要再好一點..一個AE打過來又死一堆人了...

PS:只有 3WAR...不太好應付..

emotes is one of the key of this event.

if only 1 player miss emote, he can wipe all raid ..
i hope we have more main rank war or knight for tanking HPX in future...
atm, our tank number just meet the minimum requirement for oseka...

seems tank 5 and 7 always down fast when we dps hp1
so i suggest after hp11 down ,hp 11 tank just move to hp 5 or 7 to back up tank..

lag problem also a big hit for our raid too...

i hope bodo will grow up soon and become one of our hp tank [war just for ass dps is very waste power ......war is for tank boss!!]

besides, we seems have new pals join raid.hope them up gear soon and become our new ma then we can release more knight for tanking hp...

about tank+healer:
每一个通道安排一个全职的clr保持group heal在他队伍的2个tank身上.每个tank组增加一个后备tank.

add a full time clr keep group heal on 2 tanks  of his group .add 1 knight in  HP tank group .

For example:

tank 1+tank 3 +1 backup tank  +  1 full time clr ( keep group  heal pls , make sure heal on 2 tanks )

tank 7 +tank 9+1 backup tank   + 1 full time clr ( keep group  heal pls , make sure heal on 2 tanks )

all box healer move to a higher level channel .all main char donot make no mistake .

always bst rng mnk ,  try heal yourself pls.I will try to arrange a team which, if you can support other channel teammates.(channel 7+ channel 5)
group heal操作起来有点难的,因为位置会变.
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