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tower of frozen shadow 6th floor

Final event upstairs w/ Mayong & Tserrina can get dicey if your raid is not on their toes. To begin, have your raid burn the heck out of Tserrina as fast as possible. Save discs for Mayong. Whatever % health Tserrina is, is what Mayong will be when HE becomes active after a short amount of time. They are lifelinked to eachother. This is a balanced fight as you want to keep their health pretty close to one another. Mayong does have his circle swipe that he had during the demi-plane raid so make sure raid backs away when you see the emote. For every person that dies in your raid, a dark reanimation spawns in their place. There will be adds throughout the fight that get spawned so kill those as soon as they pop. Swarms of bats will also pop just like in the demi-plane raid so have rangers/druids AE root them. You will see the emote for the bats as well before they arrive. After a certain % Tserrina will vanish and Mayong will be your only main target save for the usual adds. BURN him down as fast as possible! When/if your raid wipes, all the corpses get sent back down to the first floor pit right in front of the zone in so you will have to rez there and run up through all the mirrors to get back to the room to restart the encounter. This is from my experience and suggestions for tactics, feel free to experiment if you have a better way. Good Luck! =)   

from zam
As a common raider, i will be very grateful if our raid leaders orgnize your words well in advance and tell us what to do in /rs in a  clear and understandable way.
No offence but our leaders are very far from this standard.
Learn good english is the first!
thx for the info~
如果我是一個賊, 我是一個偷心的賊
Tower of Frozen Shadow: Stage 6 (Top Floor - Mayong & Tserrina)

hi  Tserrina,激活Tserrina


"a shard of fear" spawn at the crystal in the room,每次5个,每次刷新间隔40秒左右,刷新之前9秒有一个提示:
The crystal shard begins buzzing
Several constructs of crystal break free from the giant shard!

These golems hit for a max ~8,000; AE rampage; and are mezzable



These bats hit for a max ~2,500 and single-target rampage. Don't be fooled by the low max hit: What they lack in damage, they make up for in large spawn numbers. These bats can be killed with root spells:


In addition, any death in the raid causes the spawn of a ghoul called "dark reanimation". These adds hit for a max ~12,000 and are immune to mez (but can be stunned).

1队骑士+2队melee 负责清理第一、三种adds

2队caster负责平衡dps 2个boss

1队rng 负责支援前面5组dps并且一个rng 负责root 第二种adds(bat)

另外2组tank 分别TM住boss 并且尽量避开DT和 adds。

避开DT,只要看到emote(Mayong Mistmoore raises his sword, preparing to slash anyone standing nearby)就远离Mayong 50码以上,6秒后看到(The Master slashes in a circle around himself)再回来继续清理adds,死一个人就会变成一个add,hit比较痛,是我们最大的敌人,少挂一个人就多2份的希望。

因为我们虽然人数上比以前有提高但是实际的实力很弱,新老玩家差距太大了很多key class欠缺很大(是靠box的),所以大家都要做出自己全部实力来争取整体的提高。

我们计划尽量避免在中间杀adds(容易中DT),请enc尝试等adds跑到边缘的时候mass stun/mez,adds组的tank们尽可能快地拉住仇恨不要让其他人被打(sk 请准备5个或者以上的mass agro spell),shm 定期补上malo图腾,可以在adds一刷新的第一时间debuff adds,这样可以第一时间造成agro,减少其他医疗的风险,同时shm自己加上被动proc slow和second life类的buff,增加生存几率。

因为不能确定swarm pet的死亡会不会造成adds的刷新,所以所有class 先不要使用swarm pets.
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