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Looking For a Group的缩写,意思是希望寻找一支能够允许自己加入的队伍一起战斗,也会经常听到别人说:\"A xxx group look for more\",意思就是希望找到更多人加入他们的团队。


这个词在国内的MMORPG里比较敏感,战斗胜利大家就上去抢金钱、道具,弄的很不爽,在EQ 里一个Gourp 打死了NPC 就只有这个Gourp的人可以拣。

基本上就是地图的概念EQ整个世界叫Norrath 由100多个Zone 构成~在切换Zone你的硬盘会读盘贼重要的是~!!你在这个Zone 被追杀时跑道别的Zone就没事了

说来最简单,就是你升级的时候会DING的一声` 噢噢哦`现在的EQ60级是满级

有点想我们通常所说的PK~ 但又不一样~而是在EQ有单独的PVP服务器,在那里PVP是一种获得经验金钱的合法手段 ~ 粉恐怖~ 通常一个60级的ID全身垃圾装备。。。。。。。。。。



是指怪物排成一队追杀玩家,遇到有人叫Train 第一反映就是能跑多远跑多远,不然,一般都是惨死在怪物手里。。。。 而且有恶意的玩家专门拖Train 可是会被GM砍档的哦~

是指皮糙肉厚~血多的那种 一般是指战士~ 由他们挨打,队友在后面放魔法 =。=!

是Sprite Of Wolf的缩写~ 游侠和德鲁伊魔法有加速效果~很爽一般没人能追上。。。 逃跑最有用了


死了~。。。1到60的过程中有谁不死个几次呢?掉经验不说主要是辛辛苦苦打来的装备和MONEY 也没了,这时候牧师可就发威了~~Rez就是复活术 哈哈~

是Away From Keyboard的缩写` 就是暂时离开的意思~

任务了` 无尽的任务~ 玩的就是任务~整个EQ有着各式各样的任务从最简单的跑腿~ 到最难的EPIC任务~听他们说~第一个EPIC的完成动用了~ 100多人~ 立时2个多月!! pull     --- 拉怪
root     --- 定身
FD     --- 装死
Fear     --- 惊吓
DD     --- 直接魔法攻击伤害
Dot     --- 持续魔法攻击伤害
Mez     --- 催眠
Color     -- 幻术的震晕魔法,常常用来打断怪的施法
Stun     -- 牧师用的震晕
Hp      -- 血量
CH      -- 完全恢复
Chk Loot    -- 检查尸体
Ran     -- 掷随机数
Snare     -- 陷阱
**     -- 背刺
Dark     -- 亡灵巫师的减速+Dot魔法
CM     -- Cancel Magic 取消怪身上的有益魔法
Debuff    -- 有害的Buff类魔法
FM     -- Full Mana 魔法满,多少叫满? 75%以上差不多叫满吧
FH     -- Full Hp 血满
EVAC    --– 紧急撤退
OOM    -- Out of mana 魔法告磬了
AFK     -- Away from keyboard 离开键盘,干点别的事情去了 ---------------------------------------------------------EQ中英文缩写的含义

**** 作者:邓伯利多
**** 时间:2004-11-25

mag ----- 魔法师,职业简称之一
rog ----- 盗贼,职业简称之一
pal ----- 圣骑士,职业简称之一
cle ----- 牧师,职业简称之一
shm ----- 撒满法师,职业简称之一
wiz ----- 巫师,职业简称之一
bard ----- 诗人,职业简称之一
war ----- 战士,职业简称之一
dru ----- 德鲁伊,职业简称之一
ranger -----游侠,职业简称之一
enc ----- 幻术,职业简称之一
nec ----- 亡灵法师,职业简称之一
mon ----- 武道家,职业简称之一
pfu ----- play for ubersuper为了体验强大而游戏
PK ----- Playerkill.杀死其它玩家
PKK ----- Player-killer-killer杀死杀害另一玩家的凶手
pl ----- Power Level-up快速升级。。。
pff ----- play for fun为了娱乐而游戏
QOL ----- queen of love爱心之后服务器 ,EQ人数最多的服务器:
Char ----- Character角色
ceq ----- 中国EQ
PvP ----- Player vs Player combat角色间的的战斗
pet ----- 宠物,也叫宝宝,bb
Caster -----施法者,非血牛
NPC ----- Non Player Character非玩家控制角色
newbie -----新人
epic ----- 史诗任务/史诗任务物品
eq ----- EverQuest无尽的任务,一个叫好不叫座的游戏
Lvl ----- Level等级
luc ----- 露卡琳,无尽的任务资料片之一
loy ----- 艾可莎,无尽的任务资料片之一
kun ----- 库纳克,无尽的任务资料片之一
kot ----- 盗贼之王服务器
eeq ----- 国外EQ
RY ----- 人妖
train ----- 火车 就是一大串怪物 有人叫火车和train的时候最好留意下准备跑路...
Bindstone 复活角色的地点
Safe Zone 没有怪物和pK的地域,安全地带
UO ----- Ultima Online网络创世纪,游戏
WoW ----- World of Warcraft魔兽世界
vel ----- 维里斯,无尽的任务资料片之一
Blue Server非PVP服务器
Tank ----- 一个强壮的具有很高的生命值和装甲等级的角色
Carebear 不参加pvp的玩家
RPG ----- RolePlaying Game 角色扮演游戏
rank8 ----- 歌丹恩祈祷披巾任务,可以说是交易技能的epic。昨晚后几乎所有交易技能都要练到180左右。
ring10 -----vel版本最宏大的史诗任务:丹恩-弗洛斯特四世指环任务。最后一步引发巨人与矮人之间的宏伟战争。请参考:
sta ----- 耐力,EQ中人物属性之一
int ----- 智力,EQ中人物属性之一
wiz ----- 智慧,EQ中人物属性之一
str ----- 力量,EQ中人物属性之一
GM ----- Gamemaster游戏管理员
LOA ----- Legions of AzerothAzeroth的军团
GoA ----- Guardians of AzerothAzeroth 的守护者
74,kos 代表索兰尼亚骑士团,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会
\"\"\"00,0J\"\" 代表零界公会,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会\"
yz ----- 遗族,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会

cp ----- 铜币,最小的货币单位
pp ----- 白金币,货币单位之一,1白金币等于10金币
sp ----- 银币,货币单位之一,1银币等于10铜币
gp ----- 金币,货币单位之一,1金币等于10银币
Floating 死尸漂浮,亡灵44级魔法。使团队漂浮于空中、并可在水中呼吸、具有侦测隐形能力、提高抗魔等级
ds ----- 火系反击盾
T人 ----- 踢人,巫师的传送魔法,将对方传送到某地。有些地方比如天火,南罗,翡翠丛林是不能T的。找巫师帮忙的时候要注意。
tashan -----幻术的降魔法防御的法术...不可抵御
agl ----- 牧师的60级魔法安格罗。极大提高提高全队的HP上限和AC
boa ----- 牧师的60级魔法安格罗祝福。 极大提高提高全队的HP上限和AC,消耗2000mana
AE ----- 区域。一般指区域攻击魔法。
malo ----- 马罗大法。魔法师的60级降低mob抗魔的魔法,无法抵抗
C0 ----- 幻术的和风术
cast ----- 施放魔法
C2 ----- 幻术的二级静心术
C1 ----- 幻术的一级静心术
rod ----- 魔法师传递魔法的棒子
ch ----- 就是牧师的全复
dot ----- damage of time持续性伤害魔法
charm ----- 媚惑,幻术和bard的专有魔法,就是让敌人变自己的宝宝
coh ----- 就是法师的英雄召唤
kei ----- 卡迪克无尽智慧,幻术60级的魔法。提高全队的智力、智慧、Mana再生速度 ,并且提高mana上限250。在EEQ,kei刚出现的时候,价格要十几万pp一本,而且绝对没有卖的,给别人加一个kei要收500pp。CEQ由于提前开放了loy魔法研制,导致这个魔法和C2地位相当。一次900mana,给全队。
color ----- 幻术的保护性魔法,在自身周围产生震晕效果
DD ----- direct damage直接伤害魔法
db,gb -----巫师的魔法:帕洛之怒和哈格拉之怒。效果分别是攻击龙与巨人2000点生命,无可抵御。
sow ----- 狼魂
dark ----- 黑暗系也就是目盲系魔法
Buff ----- 辅助性法术,增强你的状态 ,装甲等级或其他诸如此类影响你的法术
聊天用语Grats ----- Congratulations祝贺!写成Gratz, Grtz都可以
J/K ----- Just Kidding只是玩笑
J/J ----- Just Joking开个玩笑
IRL ----- In real life在现实中
BBL ----- Be back later一会儿回来
HF ----- Have Fun玩的开心
BRB ----- 上回来 或者 浴室休息(就是上厕所了)
BRT ----- Be Right There马上就来
afk ----- away from keyboard离开键盘,表示你离开了
** ----- 鄙视
BTW ----- By the way顺便说一下
CU ----- See you再会
IMO ----- In My Opinion以我愚见
NP ----- No problem没问题
ROFL ----- Rolling on Floor Laughing在楼梯上打滚大笑
RL ----- Real Life真实生活
RT ----- Roger that收到
OOW ----- On Our Way我们来了
Thx ----- Thanks 谢谢
oom ----- out of mana没有魔法了
OMW ----- On my way我来了 在路上了
RPWT ----- 人品问题,般指运气
OMG ----- Oh My God我的天
WB ----- Welcome Back欢迎回来
LOS ----- Line Of Sight视线
LOL ----- Laughing Out Loud大笑
WTB ----- Want to buy想买
LMAO ----- Laughing my ass off把我的屁股笑掉了
Debuff -----相反于buff,这些法术将降低你的状态
AC ----- 装甲等级
add ----- 有新怪物加入到战区
slow ----- 区别于snare这个是减攻击频率的速度
rush ----- 神风战术。对付某些暂时没有足够实力战胜的boss的一种极端战术。所有法术系职业定位于boss附近,死了立刻原地复活,记忆一个攻击魔法接着打。通常神风有2个后果:让GM把所有人定位点改换地点,防止无尽的死亡轮回。或者成功后遍地死尸,复活上好几个小时。
KOS ----- Killed On Sight看着被杀
LFT ----- Looking for Team找寻队伍
Pulling 牵引,攻击一个生物然后逃走让它跟着你到某个地点,比如你的组队。
snare ----- 减速
raid ----- 大型的杀boss活动...
down ----- 某个boss被杀掉。
RE ----- ReEntered重新进入 回归
aa ----- 高级技能,现在还没开
RL ----- raid leader活动领导者
camp ----- 就是游戏中一些专门刷怪的地方,杀固定的怪来打装备
KITing -----Killing In Transit在行进中杀人
root ----- 定身
Root ----- 把别人定在地上
QL ----- Quality level质量等级的简写,比如ql 100的胸甲就比ql 50的胸甲要好
Puller -----一个队伍里引怪物的人,通常是视野很远的角色
HOT ----- Healing Over Time延时治愈
AO ----- Anarchy Online另一种MMORPG
Loot ----- 把尸体上的东西拿走
Aggro ----- aggressive有被攻击的意思
melee ----- 肉搏
AOE ----- Area Of Effect有效区域
XP ----- Experience Points.经验值
Mob ----- Monsters怪物
mt ----- 就是主力战士
IP ----- Improvement Points.技能点数
LFG ----- Looking For Group找寻组织
bb ----- 宝宝,各职业的pet。也是diablo里面的野蛮人巴巴拉
LD ----- Link Dead你和服务器失去联系然后你的角色还停留在游戏中
KS ----- Kill Steal是指你杀了一个其他玩家已经在攻击的怪物。
HP ----- Hit points打击点数 就是你的生命值
Bind ----- 它决定你死后复生的地点
mez ----- 催眠一类的法术
AOW ----- 战神化身,传说vel版本最强大的boss,战胜它可以代表vel版本通关。
dtv ----- 辩护者德瑞尔卡。进入vel boss raid的敲门砖和通行证。用以鉴定和证明一个工会的raid实力的标志。也是目前很多工会争抢的焦点。
pa ----- kk的boss。
king ----- 巨人城的国王托马斯。杀掉king证明该公会实力已经可以raid vel大部分mob了。目前CEQ只有各个服务器最强工会具备down掉king的实力。
cs ----- 科波尔斯
dl ----- 恐惧之地
dn ----- 龙族大墓地
ew ----- 东部荒原。
fv ----- 费尔维泽
gf ----- great fydark大菲达克
io ----- 爱斯卡德洋
kc ----- 卡诺城堡
kd ----- 巨人老家,卡尔-德拉克尔
kk ----- 科齐堡垒,巫师,诗人,盗贼,魔法师等职业的epic部件产地
ksl ----- 卡索拉
oot ----- 泪水之洋
os ----- 老塞比利斯
ot ----- 奥维西亚
ro ----- 北罗,也是一款韩国网络游戏的名称。
sol a ----- 索罗塞克之眼
sol b ----- 那盖风洞穴。EQ原始版本最强的两个boss之一,那盖风的栖息地。等级52以下方可与之交手。
sg ----- 海妖洞穴
ss ----- 天神庙
st ----- sleeper tomb沉睡者坟墓。
tov ----- 薇仙神庙
vs ----- 维沙地图,也是kc的boss维丽尔-萨西尔
ww ----- 西部荒地。
hide 隐身 (好多此有人不认识这个单词,但是我得键盘打出 隐 这个字好难)
follow 跟随
ct 卡兹-土勒
rush ----- 神风战术。对付某些暂时没有足够实力战胜的boss的一种极端战术。所有法术系职业定位于boss附近,死了立刻原地复活,记忆一个攻击魔法接着打。通常神风有2个后果:让GM把所有人定位点改换地点,防止无尽的死亡轮回。或者成功后遍地死尸,复活上好几个小时。
注:全称Binding Rush 简称BR
KOS ----- Killed On Sight看着被杀
LFT ----- Looking for Team找寻队伍
ot---Over Taunt


pull     --- 拉怪
root     --- 定身
FD     --- 装死
Fear     --- 惊吓
DD     --- 直接魔法攻击伤害
Dot     --- 持续魔法攻击伤害
Mez     --- 催眠
Color     -- 幻术的震晕魔法,常常用来打断怪的施法
Stun     -- 牧师用的震晕
Hp      -- 血量
CH      -- 完全恢复
Chk Loot    -- 检查尸体
Ran     -- 掷随机数
Snare     -- 陷阱
**     -- 背刺
Dark     -- 亡灵巫师的减速+Dot魔法
CM     -- Cancel Magic 取消怪身上的有益魔法
Debuff    -- 有害的Buff类魔法
FM     -- Full Mana 魔法满,多少叫满? 75%以上差不多叫满吧
FH     -- Full Hp 血满
EVAC    --– 紧急撤退
OOM    -- Out of mana 魔法告磬了
AFK     -- Away from keyboard 离开键盘,干点别的事情去了


56ker General56k modem user.
56ker 通用 用小猫上网的人

AC General Armour Class. The number that donates the fectiveness of a character’s armour.
AC 通用ArmourClass防御指数

Ack! General General term of dismay. E.g., “Ack! [Add]!”.
Ack! 通用 警告。E.g:Ack! Add!警告大家有另一个怪物在攻击自己的队伍。

Add General Used in combat to explain that another [mob] has attacked the party. E.g., “[Ack]! Add!”.
Add 通用 有另一个怪物攻击自己的队伍。

Adv General Adventurer.
Adv 通用 Adventurer冒险者

AFAIK General As Far As I Know.
AFAIK 通用 As Far As I Know.据我所知

AFK General Away From Keyboard.
AFK 通用 Away From Keyboard.暂时离开。

Aggro General Aggressive.
Aggro 通用 愤怒值

AGI General Agility.
AGI 通用 Agility.敏捷

Alt General Alternative character. A character that you don’t use as frequently as your [main].
Alt 通用 Alternative character.小号

AoE General Area Of Effect.
AoE 通用 Area Of Effect.区域性魔法效果

ATM General At The Moment.
ATM 通用 At The Moment.现在

Avatar General Your character in the game.
Avatar 通用 你在游戏里的角色

BAF General Bring A Friend.
BAF 通用 Bring A Friend.带一个朋友来

Bank General A building, [NPC] or place where your [avatar] can safely store items and cash.
Bank 通用 仓库

BBIM General Be Back In a Minute.
BBIM 通用 Be Back In a Minute.很快就回来

BBL General Be Back Later.
BBL 通用 Be Back Later.过会再来

BBS General Be Back Soon.
BBS 通用 Be Back Soon.很快就回

BG General Battle Group.
BG 通用 Battle Group.战队

Binding General Binding is a function which sets a geographical point where your character will respawn if killed. E.g “If we’re going to stop and fight here, we’d better get a bind nearby”. Those who don’t update their bind points as they travel run the risk of a long [CR] if they die.
Binding 通用 重生绑定

Bio General Bathroom break.
Bio 通用 上个厕所

Blitzing General Running a mission for a specific reward.
Blitzing 通用 为了一个专门的东西去做任务

BRB General Be Right Back. Going [AFK]? Then tell your party BRB.
BRB 通用 Be Right Back.准备AFK?顺便告诉你的队友BRB

BRT General Be Right There.
BRT 通用 马上就到

Bubs/Bubbles Everquest Units of measurement for [HP], [mana], [XP] and so on. So named because they look like bubbles.
Bubs/Bubbles EQ HP,MANA,XP的单位,因为看起来很像泡泡,所以这样命名

Buffs General Status-effects which enhance a character’s stats or abilities. For example, spells that increase armour class, potions that confer magical protection, nano-kits that improve a warrior’s attack rating and so forth.
Buffs 通用 给角色的属性或能力增辐的魔法

Buffbot General A [mule] used solely for the purpose of dispensing [buffs].
Buffbot 通用 专门用来buffs的mule(后面有介绍)

Camping General Waiting in a location for a specific event to occur. The word may be applied to many situations; in [FPS] terms, it means sitting in a good vantage point, waiting for a player to enter your field of view. In [MMOGs], one spawn-camps, ie, waits for a [mob] to [spawn], usually with a view to killing it because it [drops] specific [loot].
Camping 通用 在某个地方等待特定事件的发生。在MMOGS里通常指蹲点

Carebear General A player who doesn’t participate in [PvP].
Carebear 通用 不喜欢PvP的玩家

Caster General A spellcaster. Refers to any character class that uses magic or its game-specific equivalent, such as psionics. Contrast with [tank].
Caster 通用 任何用魔法的职业,与TANK相对

CC General Crowd Control. The act of handling a number of mobs through the use of special spells, special abilities and so forth to hinder movement and aggression, e.g. snare, root, calm and fear effects.
CC 通用 Crowd Control.群体控制

Chain-XXX General Chain may be applied to any action to describe it in a state of rapid repetition. E.g. Chain-healing, Chain-[dot]ting, etc.
Chain-XXX 通用 指连续使用同一种技能。

Char General Character. E.g. “My char’s still only [lvl] 12”.
Char 通用 Character.玩家角色

Cheese General Exploiting an imbalance in the game for ******** benefit.
Cheese 通用 在游戏中使用一些不公平的东西为自己牟利

CL General Crowd Limiting. A system put in place by the developers to prevent large crowds from gathering, thus ensuring better game performance.
CL 通用 Crowd Limiting.防止造成大规模火车的一种系统。

Clear/clr General No mobs in your sight now.
Clear/clr 通用 在视野内没敌人

Con General To consider.
Con 通用 To consider.考虑

Conner General Someone who takes adavantage of others, usually new people.
Conner 通用 从别人那里得到好处的人,一般指新人

Core players General Those who let a game take over their lives.
Core players 通用 指那些游戏就是一切的人

Crack General A [buff] that increases [mana] regeneration.
Crack 通用 一种增加MANA恢复率的buff

Crafting General Crafting covers a number of [trade skills]. Describes the process of creating an item from a mixture of certain raw materials. blacksmithing or fletching, for example, are tradeskills which involve crafting.
Crafting 通用 工艺,包括了很多商业技能。用来描述把原材料做成成品。

Creep General Alternative term for [mob].
Creep 通用 mob的另一种说法

Crit General A critical blow in melee combat which delivers higher levels of damage than standard blows.
Crit 通用 Critical blow致命攻击

CU General See you. E.g. “CU l8r!”.
CU 通用 See you.再见

D2 Diablo II Diablo II.
D2 暗黑2 Diablo II

DD General Direct Damage. Refers to the effect of a spell, ability, weapon or other element that damages a target in a direct manner. For example, a lightning bolt spell may cause 35 points of damage to a target when cast. This is a DD spell. Contrast with [DOT].
DD 通用 Direct Damage.直接伤害

Death Loop General The frustrating situation that occurs when your character dies and respawns repeatedly, due to hostile environmental factors at the respawn point, such as a [PKer] or [mob].
Death Loop 通用 被玩家或者怪物连续杀死的情况。

Death penalty General The penalty your character suffers for dying. Most games impose a loss experience, or reduction of abilities, upon death.
Death penalty 通用 死亡惩罚

Debuffs General The opposite of [buffs]. These are status-effects that confer negative modifiers on a aracter’s stats or abilities. E.g. spells that lower attack speed, armour rating and so forth.
Debuffs 通用 与buffs相反

Ding General An exclamation used to explain that your character has levelled up. Often followed by a chorus of [gratz!].
Ding 通用 升级时用的惊叹

DMG General Damage.
DMG 通用 伤害

DOT General Damage Over Time. Refers to the effect of a spell or ability that remains active for a period of time. For example, poison tends to be a DOT spell in many MMOGs, as it slowly saps health over an extended period.
DOT 通用 Damage Over Time.持续伤害

DPS General Damage Per Second.
DPS 通用 Damage Per Second.每秒伤害

Drop General An item found on the corpse of a dead [mob]. Rare drops are much prized. See also [loot].
Drop 通用 从被杀死的怪物尸体上找到的物品

Dupe General Duplicate. Refers to the exploitation of certain bugs which enable unscrupulous players to duplicate cash or items. If one is caught duping by the evelopment team, one can expect to have one’s account suspended or closed.
Dupe 通用 Duplicate.复制品

End General Endurance.
End 通用 耐力

ETA General Estimated Time for Arrival or Earliest Time to Arrive.
ETA 通用 预计到达时间或者最早到达时间

EULA General End User License Agreement. A contract that you agree to adhere to in order to use a piece of software.
EULA 通用 End User License Agreement.最终用户同意证

Experience General See [XP].
Experience 通用 和XP一样,经验

FAQ General Frequently Asked Questions.
FAQ 通用 Frequently Asked Questions.常见问题

FFA General Free For All.
FFA 通用 Free For All.对所有人开放或者全部免费

FFS General For F***’s Sake.
FFS 通用 For Fu*k’s Sake.不多解释了

FH General Full Health.
FH 通用 Full Health.生命全满

Fizzle General A spell which fails to be cast or is interrupted.
Fizzle 通用 没有施放出来或者被打断的魔法。

FM General Full Mana.
FM 通用 Full Mana.魔法全满

FPS General Acronym of Frames Per Second; also stands for First Person Shooter.
FPS 通用 Frames Per Second.或者First Person Shooter.

FWIW General For What It’s Worth.
FWIW 通用 For What It’s Worth.为它所值得的

GA General Go Ahead.
GA 通用 Go Ahead.前进

Gank General Gang up to attack.
Gank 通用 Gang up to attack.联合起来攻击

Gate General A form of teleportation spell. E.g. “I was hitting on him, and he just gated out of there”.
Gate 通用 传送魔法

GF General Girlfriend or Good Fight.
GF 通用 Girlfriend or Good Fight.女朋友或者打的不错

GG General “Good Game!”. Often used at the end of a memorable match.
GG 通用 Good Game!赞扬别人打的好

Gimp General Expression used to describe a poorly developed or poorly performing character. Sometimes used as an insult.
Gimp 通用 垃圾人物,有时用做辱骂对方的人物

GL General Good Luck.
GL 通用 好运

GM General Games Master.
GM 通用 Games Master.不多解释了

GMTA General Great Minds Think Alike.
GMTA 通用 Great Minds Think Alike.想的一样的

GP General Gold Pieces. The traditional [RPG] Currency.
GP 通用 Gold Pieces. 传统RPG的货币

Gratz! General Congratulations!
Gratz! 通用 恭喜了

Griefer General A person who deliberately upsets others for his own pleasure.
Griefer 通用 故意让别人生气一满足自己的喜好的人。(俗称BT或小白)

Grind General Tedious or repetitive activities that bring the game experience down.
Grind 通用 单调乏味和重复的活动,使游戏乐趣大大的减少

GTG General Good To Go. A term employed to inform your party that you are ready to proceed.
GTG 通用 Good To Go.可以走了

Guild General A group of players who have banded together under a common banner. Most [MMOGs] enable players to create their own guilds.
Guild 通用 行会

GVG General Guild vs Guild.
GVG 通用 Guild vs Guild.行会之间的对战

Haste General Increased movement speed, commonly caused by a spell or effect.
Haste 通用 加速魔法

Hatetell General Getting a [tell] from someone that you just killed or general hatred.
Hatetell 通用 从一个刚被你杀死或者你很讨厌的人那里收到对方发来的密语。

HaXXor/h4XXor General Hacker. A player who uses cheats or exploits to get ahead in the game.
HaXXor/h4XXor 通用 黑客。

HF General Have Fun.
HF 通用 慢慢玩

HoT General Healing over Time. Refers to the effects of a spell or ability that replenishes health gradually, over a given period of time.
HoT 通用 持续加血

HP General Hit points. The health of a character, [MOB] or [NPC].
HP 通用 Hit points. 不多解释了

HQ General Headquarters.
HQ 通用 Headquarters.总部

Hybrid General A multi-role character class. For example, the Deathknight in Everquest is a hybrid class, as it boasts the abilities of both a necromancer and a warrior.
Hybrid 通用 指复合性职业。比如EQ里的死亡骑士就是共同拥有巫师和战士的技能

IIRC General If I Recall Correctly.
IIRC 通用 If I Recall Correctly.如果我没记错的话

Imba General Imbalanced. Can refer to any element in a game that is over/underpowered.
Imba 通用 Imbalanced.不平衡的

IMO/IMHO General In My Opinion, or In My Humble Opinion.
IMO/IMHO 通用 In My Opinion, or In My Humble Opinion.我觉得...

Int General Intelligence.
Int 通用 智力

Invis General Invisibility. Any spell or effect which makes a character invisible.
Invis 通用 隐身。

IP/SP General Improvement Points/Skill Points. Points earned at each level, which may then be spent on enhancing your skills or abilities. Also: Internet Protocol, or Intellectual Property.
IP/SP 通用 Improvement Points/Skill Points.技能点

IRL General In Real Life
IRL 通用 在现实生活中

JJ/JK General Just Joking / Just Kidding.
JJ/JK 通用 Just Joking / Just Kidding.开玩笑的

KS General Kill Steal. The act of killing a [mob] that another player has already initiated combat with. This is considered unsporting, and extremely poor etiquette.
KS 通用 Kill Steal.就是指抢怪

l337 General Elite. Pronounced “Leet”. E.g. “Me 1337. U [suXXor!]”.
l337 通用 精英。

Lag General Slow data transmission between your PC and the server caused by high [latency]. This effects a drop in response times, and subsequently causes sluggish gameplay. Related: [latency], [ping], [bandwidth], [packet loss].
Lag 通用 延迟


EQ常用E文 续

Lamer/llama General A player who is lame, ie they cheat, they’re bad at the game or they’re arsing about, not playing the game properly.
Lamer/llama 通用 指那些游戏中的笨蛋,或者作弊的人

LD General Link Dead. Occurs when you lose your connection to the server. E.g. “Where’s Crosius?”, “He’s LD”.
LD 通用 Link Dead.指掉线了

Leeching General Striking a [mob] in combat with another player, to steal a little of the XP reward given upon the mob’s death. Much frowned-upon.
Leeching 通用 指在一旁挂机的经验,什么都不干的人。

Level/levelling General When you attain enough [XP], your character will progress to the next level in its development. Generally speaking, this improves your all-round abilities and opens up new options.
Level/levelling 通用 升级

LFG/T General Looking For Group/Team.
LFG/T 通用 Looking For Group/Team.寻求组队

Log General To log out, or leave the game. E.g. “Dinner’s ready. Gotta log!”.
Log 通用 下线

LOL General Laugh Out Loud or Lots Of Laugh.
LOL 通用 Laugh Out Loud or Lots Of Laugh.大笑

LOM General Low On [Mana]. Said by [casters] to warn the party that their abilities will soon stop working.
LOM 通用 Low On Mana.低魔法值

Loot/lewt General Items that are essentially a reward for success in combat. Commonly used to describe items retrieved from the corpse of a [mob]. To make the distinction: loot is found, not purchased. See also [drop].
Loot/lewt 通用 从被杀死的怪物身上获得战利品。

Lvl General Level. Your character’s level.
Lvl 通用 Level.等级

Macro General In MMOGs, a macro is an automated sequence of commands that enables you to train a skill, craft an item or otherwise perform a repetitive process without the need for ******** intervention. Players generally set up macros, then go [AFK].
Macro 通用 宏

Main General The player-character that you use most often. MMOG accounts tend to let you create several characters; people generally have a main and a couple of [alts].
Main 通用 大号

Mana General Magical energy; required to cast spells, or their game-specific equivalent, e.g. psionic powers. Tends to regenerate naturally over time.
Mana 通用 魔法值

Mana Battery General An item or character-class with the ability to replenish a player’s/party’s mana level.
Mana Battery 通用 可以补充魔法的物品或玩家

Meatshield General See [tank].
Meatshield 通用 肉盾

Mez General Mesmerise. The effect of any spell or ability which causes a [mob] to cease hostilities for a limited period.
Mez 通用 催眠术

Mish General Mission.
Mish 通用 任务

MMOG/MMORPG General A Massively Multiplayer Online (Roleplaying) Game.
MMOG/MMORPG 通用 Massively Multiplayer Online (Roleplaying) Game.大型多人在线(角色扮演)游戏

Mob General A generally hostile, server-controlled NPC. Originates from the developer’s term ‘mobile object’.
Mob 通用 可移动的物体,一般指NPC或者怪物

MP General Magic Points.
MP 通用 魔法值

MT General Mistell. Used to inform someone that your previous [tell] to them was in error, or meant for somebody else.
MT Mistell. 通用 当你和一个错误的对象私聊时,就叫MT

Mule General An [alt] character used by a player as support for his/her [main]. A Mule can serve many purposes: as equipment storage, a buff dispenser, a go-between for trade and so forth. Players rarely level up mules; they generally exist for support functions rather than combat.
Mule 通用 专门用来做支援的小号,比如仓库

N1 General Nice one.
N1 通用 Nice one.这个不错

Newbie General A new or inexperienced player. See also [noob/n00b]. There is a distinction: newbie simply means a new player. Noob or n00b imply inferiority through inexperience.
Newbie 通用 新手

Ninjalooting General The practice of stealing [drops] from [mobs] that another player has killed. Deeply naughty behaviour.
Ninjalooting 通用 指那些习惯于拣别人杀死的怪物的东西的人。非常不好的习惯

noob/n00b General Derogatory term for a new player. Origin: [Newbie].
noob/n00b 通用 也是指新手,不过有贬低的意思

No drop General Any item that, once picked up, cannot be sold, traded or dropped. The only way to get rid of no drop items is to destroy them.
No drop 通用 指那些一旦拣起就无法卖掉,交易,和丢掉的东西,唯一的办法是销毁他们

NP General No Problem. E.g. “Thanks for the [rez]”. “NP”.
NP 通用 No Problem.没问题

NPC General Non Player Character. A named rather than generic character in the game that is server-controlled, ie not directly controlled by a human being such as a player or [GM]. [Vendors], [trainers] and [guards] are all examples of NPCs. NPCs are not to be confused with [mobs].
NPC 通用 Non Player Character.不多解释了

NT General Nice Try.
NT 通用 Nice Try.不错的尝试

Nuke General A spell which causes an immense amount of direct or area-effect damage.
Nuke 通用 指大面积的强力伤害魔法

OE General Over-equipping. Wearing or wielding an item which your character does not currently meet the requirements for, though did at the time you originally equipped it. The item is likely to perform below par, or simply become unusable.
OE 通用 Over-equipping.穿一些还没达到装备要求的装备

OMG! General Oh my God!
OMG! 通用 Oh my God!我的天啊!

OOE General Out Of Energy.
OOE 通用 Out Of Energy.没能量了

OOM General Out Of Mana. The cry of the exhausted magic user, who must rest and let his mana level replenish.
OOM 通用 Out Of Mana.没魔法了

OOR General Out Of Range.
OOR 通用 Out Of Range.范围以外的

OOW General On Our Way.
OOW 通用 在路上了

Party General A group of players in a MMOG who band together for a common purpose, e.g. to hunt [mobs]. A party is issued with its own private chat channel, to simplify communication. This is a looser arrangement than a [guild].
Party 通用 队伍

Pet General An NPC under the direct control of a player character. These generally perform bodyguard duties and add punch to a character’s combat abilities.
Pet 通用 宠物或者雇佣兵

PG General Powergamer. Someone who plays simply to be better, tougher, or more powerful than others.
PG 通用 Powergamer.指那些很简单就能玩的比别人要好的玩家

PH General Place Holder. When [spawn camping] for a specific [mob], you’ll often find that several place holder mobs will spawn in its place, and must be killed, before the drop-carrying version of the mob you’re camping spawns.
PH 通用 对一种NPC的统称,通常只有将其杀掉才能刷新出玩家所希望出现在这个位置的NPC。

Ping General The time in milliseconds it takes your computer to communicate with the server – the lower the ping, the smoother the game runs for you. Basically a comparative indication of speed. See also: [Latency], [LPB], [HPB].
Ping 通用 连接速度

PK General Player Killing. A player killing another player.
PK 通用 Player Killing.不多解释了

Port General Teleport.
Port 通用 Teleport.传送术

Power levelling/PLing General Intensively raising your character’s level through the assistance of higher-level characters, [buffs], or any other factors that dramatically increase combat efficiency beyond your character’s natural state.
Power levelling/PLing 通用 通过高级人物带你或者给你加强力buffs,从而使你快速升级

PPL General People.
PPL 通用 People.指人

PST General Please Send Tell. E.g “[WTS] Staff Of Spanking. PST”.
PST 通用 Please Send Tell.让对方密语

PvE General Player vs Environment. Combat between players and [mobs].
PvE 通用 Player vs Environment.玩家和mobs对战

PvP General Player vs Player. Combat between player characters.
PvP 通用 Player vs Player.玩家和玩家对战

Quadding General The practice of dealing damage to four or more [mobs] at once.
Quadding 通用 习惯于一次打四个或以上的怪物

Quest General A task which players may undertake for specific rewards. Quests are most commonly issued by [NPCs], and are of varying complexity and difficulty.
Quest 通用 任务

QL General Quality level. Commonly applies to weapons, armour and other player-usable equipment.
QL 通用 质量等级

Raid General To gather together in a very large party and attack an area or [mob].
Raid 通用 集合很多的人去攻击一个地区或怪物

Regen General Regeneration.
Regen 通用 再生

Res/Rez General Resurrection.
Res/Rez 通用 Resurrection.复活

Respawn General The process of an item, weapon, player, [mob] or [NPC] reappearing in the game after it has been collected or killed.
Respawn 通用 刷新

RL General Real Life.
RL 通用 Real Life.现实生活

ROFL General Roll on the floor laughing.
ROFL 通用 Roll on the floor laughing.笑得在地上打滚

Root General An effect caused by certain spells and items that immobilises an opponent for a limited period.
Root 通用 指能使对方无法行动的魔法

RT General Roger That.
RT 通用 Roger That.了解了

RPG General Roleplaying Game.
RPG 通用 Roleplaying Game.角色扮演游戏

RvR General Realm vs Realm.
RvR 通用 Realm vs Realm.国家和国家的对战

Tank General A player-character with the ability to take high levels of damage before dying. Tanks are generally able to [taunt] a [mob], thus attracting its [aggro] and protecting the rest of the party from attack. Tanks are commonly warriors, paladins and so forth – character classes that can wear the heaviest armour, boast high levels of defence and mete out plenty of damage in close-combat. Also known as [meatshields].
Tank 通用 指强力肉盾,同时也能造成高伤害

Taunt General A combat skill, common to many [MMOGs], which enables a player-character to attract the [aggro] of a [mob].
Taunt 通用 嘲弄

TBC General To Be Confirm.
TBC 通用 等到确定

Tell General A ******** message from another player. E.g. “Killa_223 just sent me a tell”.
Tell 通用 个人消息。就是密语

Thx General Thanks.
Thx 通用 Thanks.谢谢

TOS General Terms Of Service. See [EULA}.
TOS 通用 Terms Of Service.服务条款

Trader trash General See [vendor trash].
Trader 通用 同vendor trash

Tradeskill General A skill which enables a player to create an object with monetary value. Blacksmithing is an example of a tradeskill.
Tradeskill 通用 生产技能

Train General A large group of [aggrod] [mobs] chasing a player. This most commonly occurs when a player is fighting mobs, realises he’s losing, and makes a run for it to the edge of the [zone]. He then attracts [adds] left right and centre, resulting in a huge group of mobs. Trains can be extremely hazardous as, when the player zones, there’s suddenly a big group of mobs looking for something to hit. It’s only polite to shout “TRAIN!!!” across the zone if you’re being pursued by a train – sort of like shouting “FORE!” before you hit a golf ball. Also used as a verb, to describe the action of foisting a creature’s aggro onto another player.
Train 通用 火车。引一大群的怪物

Trainer General An [NPC] who provides players with the option to learn new skills or improve their existing ones, usually in exchange for cash or [SPs].
Trainer 通用 训练师

TTFN General Ta Ta For Now. A casual farewell.
TTFN 通用 Ta Ta For Now.非正式的再见

Ty General Thank You.
Ty 通用 Thank You.谢谢

Uber General Super. May be applied to many situations, but chiefly an item, e.g. “OMG, that sword is uber!”.
Uber 通用 Super.超级的

Vendor General An [NPC] trader or shop-owner, who you can buy and sell items with.
Vendor 通用 商人

Vendor trash General Items, usually [drops], that are considered worthless to players, in that they have no inherent use, and thus, no inherent value. The only place to get cash for them is at a vendor. Also known as [trader trash].
Vendor trash 通用 一些只能靠卖给NPC才能赚点钱的物品

VGG General Very Good Game. Use sparingly.
VGG 通用 Very Good Game.打的非常好。

WB General Welcome Back.
WB 通用 Welcome Back.欢迎回来

WoW World of Warcraft World of Warcraft.
WoW 魔兽世界 ..................

WTA General Want To Auction.
WTA 通用 Want To Auction.等待拍卖

WTB General Want to buy. E.g. “WTB Staff Of Spanking. [PST]”.
WTB 通用 Want to buy.求购

WTF General What the f***!
WTF 通用 What the fu*k!

WTG General Way to go!
WTG 通用 Way to go!这里走

WTS General Want to sell. E.g. “WTS Staff Of Spanking. [PST]”.
WTS 通用 Want to sell.出售

WTT General Want to trade.
WTT 通用 Want to trade.等待物品交换

WYG General What you got?
WYG 通用 What you got?你有什么?

XP General Experience Points.
XP 通用 经验点

YW General You&#39re Welcome.
YW 通用 没事

**** 作者:邓伯利多
**** 时间:2004-11-25

mag ----- 魔法师,职业简称之一
rog ----- 盗贼,职业简称之一
pal ----- 圣骑士,职业简称之一
cle ----- 牧师,职业简称之一
shm ----- 撒满法师,职业简称之一
wiz ----- 巫师,职业简称之一
bard ----- 诗人,职业简称之一
war ----- 战士,职业简称之一
dru ----- 德鲁伊,职业简称之一
ranger -----游侠,职业简称之一
enc ----- 幻术,职业简称之一
nec ----- 亡灵法师,职业简称之一
mon ----- 武道家,职业简称之一
pfu ----- play for ubersuper为了体验强大而游戏
PK ----- Playerkill.杀死其它玩家
PKK ----- Player-killer-killer杀死杀害另一玩家的凶手
pl ----- Power Level-up快速升级。。。
pff ----- play for fun为了娱乐而游戏
QOL ----- queen of love爱心之后服务器 ,EQ人数最多的服务器:
Char ----- Character角色
ceq ----- 中国EQ
PvP ----- Player vs Player combat角色间的的战斗
pet ----- 宠物,也叫宝宝,bb
Caster -----施法者,非血牛
NPC ----- Non Player Character非玩家控制角色
newbie -----新人
epic ----- 史诗任务/史诗任务物品
eq ----- EverQuest无尽的任务,一个叫好不叫座的游戏
Lvl ----- Level等级
luc ----- 露卡琳,无尽的任务资料片之一
loy ----- 艾可莎,无尽的任务资料片之一
kun ----- 库纳克,无尽的任务资料片之一
kot ----- 盗贼之王服务器
eeq ----- 国外EQ
RY ----- 人妖
train ----- 火车 就是一大串怪物 有人叫火车和train的时候最好留意下准备跑路...
Bindstone 复活角色的地点
Safe Zone 没有怪物和pK的地域,安全地带
UO ----- Ultima Online网络创世纪,游戏
WoW ----- World of Warcraft魔兽世界
vel ----- 维里斯,无尽的任务资料片之一
Blue Server非PVP服务器
Tank ----- 一个强壮的具有很高的生命值和装甲等级的角色
Carebear 不参加pvp的玩家
RPG ----- RolePlaying Game 角色扮演游戏
rank8 ----- 歌丹恩祈祷披巾任务,可以说是交易技能的epic。昨晚后几乎所有交易技能都要练到180左右。
ring10 -----vel版本最宏大的史诗任务:丹恩-弗洛斯特四世指环任务。最后一步引发巨人与矮人之间的宏伟战争。请参考:
sta ----- 耐力,EQ中人物属性之一
int ----- 智力,EQ中人物属性之一
wiz ----- 智慧,EQ中人物属性之一
str ----- 力量,EQ中人物属性之一
GM ----- Gamemaster游戏管理员
LOA ----- Legions of AzerothAzeroth的军团
GoA ----- Guardians of AzerothAzeroth 的守护者
74,kos 代表索兰尼亚骑士团,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会
"""00,0J"" 代表零界公会,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会"
yz ----- 遗族,爱心之后服务器上的玩家公会

cp ----- 铜币,最小的货币单位
pp ----- 白金币,货币单位之一,1白金币等于10金币
sp ----- 银币,货币单位之一,1银币等于10铜币
gp ----- 金币,货币单位之一,1金币等于10银币
Floating 死尸漂浮,亡灵44级魔法。使团队漂浮于空中、并可在水中呼吸、具有侦测隐形能力、提高抗魔等级
ds ----- 火系反击盾
T人 ----- 踢人,巫师的传送魔法,将对方传送到某地。有些地方比如天火,南罗,翡翠丛林是不能T的。找巫师帮忙的时候要注意。
tashan -----幻术的降魔法防御的法术...不可抵御
agl ----- 牧师的60级魔法安格罗。极大提高提高全队的HP上限和AC
boa ----- 牧师的60级魔法安格罗祝福。 极大提高提高全队的HP上限和AC,消耗2000mana
AE ----- 区域。一般指区域攻击魔法。
malo ----- 马罗大法。魔法师的60级降低mob抗魔的魔法,无法抵抗
C0 ----- 幻术的和风术
cast ----- 施放魔法
C2 ----- 幻术的二级静心术
C1 ----- 幻术的一级静心术
rod ----- 魔法师传递魔法的棒子
ch ----- 就是牧师的全复
dot ----- damage of time持续性伤害魔法
charm ----- 媚惑,幻术和bard的专有魔法,就是让敌人变自己的宝宝
coh ----- 就是法师的英雄召唤
kei ----- 卡迪克无尽智慧,幻术60级的魔法。提高全队的智力、智慧、Mana再生速度 ,并且提高mana上限250。在EEQ,kei刚出现的时候,价格要十几万pp一本,而且绝对没有卖的,给别人加一个kei要收500pp。CEQ由于提前开放了loy魔法研制,导致这个魔法和C2地位相当。一次900mana,给全队。
color ----- 幻术的保护性魔法,在自身周围产生震晕效果
DD ----- direct damage直接伤害魔法
db,gb -----巫师的魔法:帕洛之怒和哈格拉之怒。效果分别是攻击龙与巨人2000点生命,无可抵御。
sow ----- 狼魂
dark ----- 黑暗系也就是目盲系魔法
Buff ----- 辅助性法术,增强你的状态 ,装甲等级或其他诸如此类影响你的法术
聊天用语Grats ----- Congratulations祝贺!写成Gratz, Grtz都可以
J/K ----- Just Kidding只是玩笑
J/J ----- Just Joking开个玩笑
IRL ----- In real life在现实中
BBL ----- Be back later一会儿回来
HF ----- Have Fun玩的开心
BRB ----- 上回来 或者 浴室休息(就是上厕所了)
BRT ----- Be Right There马上就来
afk ----- away from keyboard离开键盘,表示你离开了
** ----- 鄙视
BTW ----- By the way顺便说一下
CU ----- See you再会
IMO ----- In My Opinion以我愚见
NP ----- No problem没问题
ROFL ----- Rolling on Floor Laughing在楼梯上打滚大笑
RL ----- Real Life真实生活
RT ----- Roger that收到
OOW ----- On Our Way我们来了
Thx ----- Thanks 谢谢
oom ----- out of mana没有魔法了
OMW ----- On my way我来了 在路上了
RPWT ----- 人品问题,般指运气
OMG ----- Oh My God我的天
WB ----- Welcome Back欢迎回来
LOS ----- Line Of Sight视线
LOL ----- Laughing Out Loud大笑
WTB ----- Want to buy想买
LMAO ----- Laughing my ass off把我的屁股笑掉了
Debuff -----相反于buff,这些法术将降低你的状态
AC ----- 装甲等级
add ----- 有新怪物加入到战区
slow ----- 区别于snare这个是减攻击频率的速度
rush ----- 神风战术。对付某些暂时没有足够实力战胜的boss的一种极端战术。所有法术系职业定位于boss附近,死了立刻原地复活,记忆一个攻击魔法接着打。通常神风有2个后果:让GM把所有人定位点改换地点,防止无尽的死亡轮回。或者成功后遍地死尸,复活上好几个小时。
KOS ----- Killed On Sight看着被杀
LFT ----- Looking for Team找寻队伍
Pulling 牵引,攻击一个生物然后逃走让它跟着你到某个地点,比如你的组队。
snare ----- 减速
raid ----- 大型的杀boss活动...
down ----- 某个boss被杀掉。
RE ----- ReEntered重新进入 回归
aa ----- 高级技能,现在还没开
RL ----- raid leader活动领导者
camp ----- 就是游戏中一些专门刷怪的地方,杀固定的怪来打装备
KITing -----Killing In Transit在行进中杀人
root ----- 定身
Root ----- 把别人定在地上
QL ----- Quality level质量等级的简写,比如ql 100的胸甲就比ql 50的胸甲要好
Puller -----一个队伍里引怪物的人,通常是视野很远的角色
HOT ----- Healing Over Time延时治愈
AO ----- Anarchy Online另一种MMORPG
Loot ----- 把尸体上的东西拿走
Aggro ----- aggressive有被攻击的意思
melee ----- 肉搏
AOE ----- Area Of Effect有效区域
XP ----- Experience Points.经验值
Mob ----- Monsters怪物
mt ----- 就是主力战士
IP ----- Improvement Points.技能点数
LFG ----- Looking For Group找寻组织
bb ----- 宝宝,各职业的pet。也是diablo里面的野蛮人巴巴拉
LD ----- Link Dead你和服务器失去联系然后你的角色还停留在游戏中
KS ----- Kill Steal是指你杀了一个其他玩家已经在攻击的怪物。
HP ----- Hit points打击点数 就是你的生命值
Bind ----- 它决定你死后复生的地点
mez ----- 催眠一类的法术
AOW ----- 战神化身,传说vel版本最强大的boss,战胜它可以代表vel版本通关。
dtv ----- 辩护者德瑞尔卡。进入vel boss raid的敲门砖和通行证。用以鉴定和证明一个工会的raid实力的标志。也是目前很多工会争抢的焦点。
pa ----- kk的boss。
king ----- 巨人城的国王托马斯。杀掉king证明该公会实力已经可以raid vel大部分mob了。目前CEQ只有各个服务器最强工会具备down掉king的实力。
cs ----- 科波尔斯
dl ----- 恐惧之地
dn ----- 龙族大墓地
ew ----- 东部荒原。
fv ----- 费尔维泽
gf ----- great fydark大菲达克
io ----- 爱斯卡德洋
kc ----- 卡诺城堡
kd ----- 巨人老家,卡尔-德拉克尔
kk ----- 科齐堡垒,巫师,诗人,盗贼,魔法师等职业的epic部件产地
ksl ----- 卡索拉
oot ----- 泪水之洋
os ----- 老塞比利斯
ot ----- 奥维西亚
ro ----- 北罗,也是一款韩国网络游戏的名称。
sol a ----- 索罗塞克之眼
sol b ----- 那盖风洞穴。EQ原始版本最强的两个boss之一,那盖风的栖息地。等级52以下方可与之交手。
sg ----- 海妖洞穴
ss ----- 天神庙
st ----- sleeper tomb沉睡者坟墓。
tov ----- 薇仙神庙
vs ----- 维沙地图,也是kc的boss维丽尔-萨西尔
ww ----- 西部荒地。
hide 隐身 (好多此有人不认识这个单词,但是我得键盘打出 隐 这个字好难)
follow 跟随
ct 卡兹-土勒
rush ----- 神风战术。对付某些暂时没有足够实力战胜的boss的一种极端战术。所有法术系职业定位于boss附近,死了立刻原地复活,记忆一个攻击魔法接着打。通常神风有2个后果:让GM把所有人定位点改换地点,防止无尽的死亡轮回。或者成功后遍地死尸,复活上好几个小时。
注:全称Binding Rush 简称BR
KOS ----- Killed On Sight看着被杀
LFT ----- Looking for Team找寻队伍
ot---Over Taunt
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