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EQ2 【閒聊】關於武器攻速的運作原理與相關機制.

本帖最后由 Lareina 于 2015-7-9 22:53 编辑

這是我在網路上閒晃看到的, 來自 雖然是多年以前的文, 不過好像在這邊還沒看到類似的解說. 所以先貼過來. 底下藍色的字是我的翻譯

Guide to Weapon Speed Mechanics in EverQuest 2Written by: Michael Hartman • Edited by: Michael Hartman
Updated Nov 12, 2010

This guide explains the mechanics behind weapon speeds in EverQuest 2. The information in this guide should make it easier to choose the weapon with the right speed for your character.

What is this Guide About?

There are a huge variety of weapons in EverQuest 2. There are so many, in fact, it can be very difficult to figure out what type of weapon is best for your character. Obviously, you want stats that are appropriate for your class. That part is obvious. You also want a high damage value. These parts are easy to compare because they are directly comparable between two weapons. The tough part is weapon speed because that is when the nitty gritty mechanics of combat come into play. This guide seeks to demystify the weapon speed mechanics in EverQuest 2 in a "Question and Answer" format.

作者/編者 麥可 哈特曼  最後更新日期2010年11月12日

本篇將會解說在EQ2中的武器攻擊速度所運作的機制. 希望能有助於讓你的角色選擇正確的武器攻速.


在EQ2中有著大量的武器種類, 事實上是海量到很難讓你弄懂到底是什麼樣的武器才合適. 顯然你會想要適合你職業所需參數的武器, 不過你也會想要有高傷害值的. 這部份很簡單, 只要兩把放在一起比較就知道了. 困難的部份是在武器攻擊速度這地方, 也就是進入遊戲中在玩的時候會碰到的戰鬥運算機制. 本文將會以問與答的方式引導你解開武器攻擊速度運算機制的神祕面紗.

Does this guide pertain to crafted or dropped weapons?

This guide pertains to both. The weapon speeds for dropped weapons are really all over the place. Do not get sucked in by exciting looking stats on a legendary or fabled weapon that you find, as a bad weapon speed can basically ruin it (assuming you are not a pure caster). This is one of the reasons so many people use crafted weapons from level 1 to 70 (and sometimes all the way up to level 80 until they get a class specific weapon). By using crafted weapons you can get the exact weapon speed you want with the exact stats and procs you want.

本文只適用於工匠製品嗎? 打怪掉的武器也合用?

答案是都適用, 打怪掉的武器其攻速有快有慢, 別因為它是傳說級或傳奇級就高興得半死, 不合適的武器攻速很容易讓這把傳說武器變成爛貨(在這邊先假設你不是魔導士這種職業). 這就是為什麼有這樣多人從1~70級都在使用工匠打造出來的武器, 甚至有些人會一直用到80級直到拿到該職業的專屬武器為止. 用工匠製作品的武器好處是你能夠精確地拿到想要加的攻速及體質參數與附法.

What are the mechanics behind weapon speeds?

When do you want fast, when do you want slow?

You always want slow weapons. The slower the better in virtually all circumstances. The mechanics behind weapon speeds are fairly simple but the reasons why slow weapons are better are somewhat more complicated. To fully understand the answer to this question, you need to know a few things about how auto-attack works in conjunction with skills (Source: EverQuest 2 Forumsand my own combat experience and data analysis).


你應該要拿慢速武器. 或者說越慢越好. 武器攻速背後隱藏的機制其實非常簡單, 但是要說為什麼慢速武器比較好就有點複雜了. 要完全弄懂這個答案之前你需要知道什麼是自動攻擊以及跟各種法術/戰技因素環環相扣所得出的結果. 加上我個人的戰鬥經驗與資料分析得出這個答案.

Effect of Combat Arts and Spells

Using a combat art or spell during a period in which an auto-attack swing should occur will cause the auto-attack to be delayed until the end of the combat art or spell's casting and recovery times. After this period is up the auto-attack will hit and the auto-attack swings will continue as normal (with the correct delay between all swings). Only one auto-attack swing for each hand can be delayed in this way, so if you have casting times that are longer than the weapon's delay (and are badly/unluckily timed) you will find that you lose swings with the weapon. As a result of this, slow weapons will get more uninterrupted auto-attack swings in any fight in which the wielder is using combat arts or spells.


在戰鬥過程中如果你不是在兩次自動攻擊中間的空檔使用法術或戰技那只會造成下個自動攻擊停頓, 而且一個法術/戰技需要有casting跟recovery的時間. 如果沒有任何干擾之下主手武器揮出自動攻擊後接著副手武器會跟著揮出自動攻擊. 所以如果你的戰技/法術casting的時間比武器的delay時間長或者是你自己計時錯誤, 這樣會造成你的自動攻擊卡住發不出去. 因為這個理由所以慢速武器在你使用法術戰技時有較多的容錯機會.

Weapon Procs and Triggered Weapon Effects

One of the main reasons you want to avoid losing regular swings is the effect this loss has on procs and triggers. With less swings, these often powerful effects are less likely to be activated. This is because the chance for a weapon to trigger a proc is calculated as a percentage chance for an unhasted weapon of that weapon's particular delay.
Procs have descriptions like "Procs 3.2 times per minute." What this means is that a short delay weapon (1.2 seconds for example) has a 6.4% chance to proc on any given swing while a slower weapon (4 seconds for example) has a 21.33% chance to proc on any given swing. That in itself is not a point in favour of slow weapons as they will still proc the same number of times over any given time-frame. However, the fast weapon loses far more swings due to auto-attack queueing than the slow weapon as a proportion of the total number of swings.
The proportion of lost attacks is more than simply the factor of its higher weapon speed. Because it is so much harder to squeeze spells and combat arts in between fast swings you are more likely to "double queue" auto attacks and lose more auto attacks more often. Thus, a proc effect that would normally be 3 procs per minute can easily be cut down to 2 procs per minute or worse.


你會不想減少失去發出自動攻擊次數的原因之一是如果沒有發動自動攻擊那麼武器上的附法特效也就不會啟動. 越少自動攻擊那特效就越少機會發動. 因為這些附法特效的啟動機率是以完全沒有haste加算下以它本身的delay時間所得出的. 例如說某個特效描述為"大約每分鐘發動3.2次". 這個意思是如果這特效是在短delay的武器上(比方說1.2秒delay)那每次自動攻擊就有6.4%的機會發動特效. 如果是在長dealy的武器上(例如4秒delay)那每次自動攻擊就有21.33%的機會發動特效. 特效的發動次數並不會因為拿慢速武器而發動更多次, 不過由於自動攻擊發動的時間排程序列關係, 在比例上來說快速武器很容易比慢速武器失去更多次的揮擊.
越高攻速的武器所漏失的攻擊量會越多. 因為實在很難兩次快速揮動的自動攻擊中間插入法術/戰技, 很有可能你會造成自動攻擊的雙重排序然後失去更多次的自動攻擊. 這樣原本可以每分鐘發動3次的特效變成只發動兩次或更少.

What About Casting Times?

This is somewhat simple. The longer the casting time of the spell or combat art being used the more likely you are going to mess up the timing of auto attacks and miss out on one of them. Instant attacks still have an animation time, so that needs to be kept in mind as well. Remember that one auto attack can be queued, so your timing does not have to be perfect. The problem only really arises when it is time for a new auto attack to happen when one is already queued. You cannot have more than one auto attack queued at the same time.


這蠻簡單的, 戰技/法術的casting時間越久越有可能讓你弄亂你自己的計時順序, 然後這樣就又少了一次自動攻擊. 就算是瞬發的法術/戰技也是會讓你的角色做出動作的, 所以請謹記在心: 每個自動攻擊都是排程的, 你又不可能做到完美無缺地計時. 問題就出在於當已經有一個自動攻擊在排程中時又嘗試著想放進一個新的自動攻擊. 不可能同時發出兩個自動攻擊.

Timing is Everything

Another point in favor of long delay weapons is related to casting times but it is very class dependent. If you play a class that has longer cast times it is far easier to time your casts to the rhythm of a long delay weapon than a short delay weapon. This is class dependant as some classes have very short cast times which mean that combat art timing while using a long delay weapon is largely pointless. Most melee classes do not have to worry about timing their abilities. They only need to make sure they pause their attack chains every few seconds (depending on their weapon speed and haste) to make sure they give the game time to fire off and animate their regular weapon swing.


使用慢速武器的另一個好處是有利於casting時間的掌握, 不過這真的因職業而異. 如果你是施法時間都蠻久的職業那使用慢速武器時較容易抓到節奏. 某些職業的施放時間非常短, 這樣造成拿慢速武器時還計時根本毫無意義. 大部份的近戰肉搏職業不用去擔心使用戰技時的計時工作. 他們只要記得每幾秒(這段時間要依個人的武器速度跟Haste加成而定)暫停一下等自動攻擊發出在接著出招就行了.

What about Dual Wielding?

When dual wielding you should choose two weapons that have the same weapon speed. This is to ensure that the weapons swing at the same time all the time, thereby reducing the likelihood of delaying a swing while you time your combat arts.
It is much easier to time your spells or combat arts to one weapon speed than to two. Knowing that you only need to pause slightly once every 5 seconds is a lot easier than knowing you need to pause slightly at 3 seconds and also at 5 seconds. And imagine 3 rounds into battle when one weapon would swing at the 9th second and the other at the 10th second. That would not give you enough time between auto attacks to even use an instant combat art.
If your weapons have different speeds, you have to either pause your combat art chains more frequently, or just accept the occasional loss of an extra auto attack swing. Both choices result in an overall loss of DPS. Therefore, you are best off using two weapons that have the same speed.


當你想要雙手各拿一把武器時請記得選兩把有同樣攻擊速度的, 這樣可以確保在同個時間點發出揮擊的動作. 進而降低你用戰技攻擊時會延遲自動攻擊的可能性.
只拿一把武器要計時使用戰技/法術要比拿兩把時簡單多了, 固定每5秒暫停一下可是比每3秒接著是每5秒時暫停一下來得簡單的多. 想像一下, 一個戰鬥中你放完三個戰技後當第9秒發出自動攻擊後接著第10秒會接著發出另一個自動攻擊時, 就算你是使用瞬發的戰技/法術也不可能在9~10秒內塞進去這戰技吧.
假如你使用不同攻速的武器, 很可能你必須在使用過一個戰技後就停一下, 常常中斷戰技的使用順序或者就認命接受偶爾喪失的自動攻擊. 這樣只會讓你降低DPS, 所以你最好使用同樣攻速的武器.

How Much Timing is Needed with Combat Arts?

With very slow weapons - 4 seconds to 5.33 seconds while dual wielded (REMEMBER: dual wielding increases delay on a weapon by 30%) - it is usually pointless for a melee class to time swings. If you are playing a class that has long casting time abilities as well as quick Combat Arts, you should use CAs in downtime between spells and long casting times right after an auto attack.


當你雙手各拿一把攻速很慢的武器時(大約4秒到5.33秒), 請記得一點: 雙手各持一把武器會讓武器本身的原始delay時間更慢30%. 通常對肉搏職業來說計時自動攻擊是沒必要的. 但是如果你是玩那種有很長施法時間的法術同時也有高速施放戰技的職業時, 你應該在兩個法術中間的空檔放戰技, 或者是在自動攻擊發出後接著放兩三個戰技.

What About Haste Effects?

Haste really does not affect the mechanics explained here, except that it simply exacerbates all the negatives with fast weapons and increases the benefits of slow weapons. As your attack speed increases due to haste, your potential to lose auto attack swings increases. Keep that in mind so you know if you need to pause your CA or spell casting chain a little bit more often to make sure you do not miss any auto attacks.


Haste並不真正影響到這邊解釋的機制, 它只是讓快速武器的缺點更加顯現/增加慢速武器的好處. 當你的攻速因haste而加快時你越有可能漏失掉自動攻擊. 請記得你要在使用一連串的技能/法術時要稍微暫停一下免得失去自動攻擊.

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