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Shm EP非常麻烦




1.Oceanof Tears  
CaptSurestout+2400, -3000

npc "A lesser spirit" 对话说 'I wish to know more.' (可以直接对话这一步)
得到a TinyGem.

2.North Freeport

去北自由港Bondl Felliganat location +1024, -160, -79
给他 the Tiny Gem.
Your faction standing with Truespirit has been adjusted by 100.
You gain experience!!

重复以上步骤,直到fac修到热切以上 warmly

3.然后迷沼堡找Black Dire 在城堡盘山路的下方(修过fac的人估计都看到过,一个大个狼)

You say, 'Hail, Black Dire'

You say, 'I willNOT join you.'
对话完,会攻击你,杀了 loot东西 a Black DirePelt.

4.然后翡翠丛林找Spirit Sentinel +1250, +300.


给他 theSpirit Sentinel the Black Dire Pelt. 得到 Black Fur Boots,


1.还是北自由港Elder Spiritof Enlightenment(玉虎酒馆二楼第二个房间)


You say, 'Hail, Elder Spirit of Enlightenment'

Spirit Sentinel at 2755, 1090 in the Lake ofIll Omen (凶兆湖

You say, 'Hail, Spirit Sentinel'

You say, 'I am interested.'

给他 theBlack Fur Boots. (给他修fac换到的鞋子)

You say, 'What ingredients?'


Plane of Valor
杀水晶蜘蛛A Crystalline Arachnae Crystallized Blood
Plane of Disease 杀变异蚊子a malarian crysalis i. 475, -1875. the Mellian Leaf. (可rz
杀蟑螂a shore stonemite a Stonemite Antennae.

南罗沙漠找Bratoq Jiplup:

You say, 'Hail, Bratoq Jiplup'

Give 2000 platinum to Bratoq Jiplup.
得到aClouded Glass Vial.

the Lake of Ill Omen and find the SpiritSentinel at 2755, 1090.

给他 aClouded Glass Vial, Stonemite Antennae, Crystallized Blood, and MellianLeaf.

You are now flagged to move on in the epic quest.


1.the Elder Spirit of Enlightenment in theJade Tiger's Den on the second floor, 还是北自由

You say, 'Hail, Elder Spirit of Enlightenment'

You say, 'I am a shaman.'

You say, 'It is so.'

You say, 'Blow away?'

You say, 'The streams of the spirit world?'

You say, 'I will find the will'

Lake Rathetear to the bottom left corner, FindKimm McShannel at location -935, +2260. 拉泽湖左下角,蓝线条区域

You say, 'Hail, Kimm McShannel'

You say, 'The elder spirit sent me.'

You say, 'I am up to it.'

Lustrous Seaweed.  出箱子Achest.
theseaweed KimmMcShannel:
得到 a Twine-wrapped Lustrous Seaweed.

4. FungusGrove and LupotNukla at location +642, +512. 真菌森林

You say, 'Hail, Lupot Nukla'

You say, 'The elder spirit of enlightenment sent me'

You say, 'I have no idea.'

杀附近的大蘑菇ShudderingFungus. 掉落 BleakFungus (no drop).需要2个,可以rz

拿到2个物品后,hailLupot Nukla again.
注意:只是HI npc,不是给npc,物品后面会用到

Tikl Huk in thesoutheastern corner of the Twilight Sea (-1530, -1795).

You say, 'Hail Tikl Huk'

You say, 'The elder spirit sent me.'

Location for the Twinkling Shrub (looks like a bag):
1) +110, -905 on land
2) +1380, -610 on land
3) +400, +945 underwater
4) -1495, -1210 underwater

npc 在这4个地方找其中的任意三个物品即可,然后给npc

得到 Tied Twinkling Shrubs.

Yoppa Greenthumbin Cobalt Scar科波斯尔
女巨魔+355, +1055.

You say, 'The elder spirit sent me.'

Darting Shark swims at a ferocious speed toward its prey.
Feeder Shark swims at a ferocious speed toward its prey.
Gnashing Killer Shark rushes through the water to attack.

杀了刷新的三个鲨鱼捡 the Brittle Burned Bark

7. Shadeweaver's Thicket to see WunshiKashra at location -640, +370 (behind rock, inside caves). 织影丛林 pok过去

You say, 'Hail, Wunshi Kashra'

You say, 'The elder spirit sent me'

Wunshi1000pp 得到aThatched Medicine Bag.


the Warrens   Wilslik Gissu. +605, +225
然后去the Warrens

You say, 'Hail, Wilslik Gissu'

You say, 'The elder spirit sent me.'

You say, 'There is not much time.'

Wilslik Gissu says 'How shall I put this in termsss you will understand? Two ofthe rare items of nature's bounty will join because they live in darkness. Theothers will join because they share love of light. You must use the medicinebag given to you by my old friend -- and entrepreneur -- Wunshi. When you'vesuccessfully worked with those, tell me you have completed the firststep.'

your Thatched Medicine Bag里合成the two Bleak fungi the Twine-wrappedLustrous Seaweed 得到Shadowed Pulp.

再合成the Brittle Burned Bark the Tied Twinkling Shrubs 得到Brittle Twigs (也是炼金100).

You say, 'I havecompleted the first step.'

Wilslik Gissu says 'Nicely done, friend. You have done good work. Now, give meboth of those pieces and I will fashion what you need to return to thespirit.'

the Shadowed Pulp and the Brittle Twigs.

得到aDistilled Potion of Endurance.

回北自由 the Elder Spirit给他 the DistilledPotion of Endurance.

You say, 'What are the wasichu?'

You say, 'What dark creatures?'

You say, 'What ritual?'

You say, 'Who are the great heyokah?'

You say, 'Wise?'

You say, 'You watched him?'

You say, 'Tell me more about this rare gift.'

得到 Potionof Sustenance.

You say, 'Still more?'

You say, 'Tell me more about the trials of justice.'

You say, 'Tell me more about Veshtaq.'

You say, 'He succeeded?'

You say, 'What troubled him?'

You say, 'What was the meaningful way for him to become immortal?'

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'For a shaman, a blessing of etenal lifefrom any spirit is an honor, so a talisman was created by the Spirit ofPatience to sustain Veshtaq for all time and he would be once again be rejoinedwith the spirit world. Now, Mwinda, it is up to you to retrieve the talisman.You may not simply ask for it. You will have to complete the ery tial hecommands and defeat his essence. Do not fret. The Tribunal will sustain him inthat plane so he may continue his work.'

Plane of Justiceand complete the Trial of Torture试炼, 杀到完成flag的最后小boss PunisherVeshtaq 得到 the Blessed Talisman ofPatience.

Plane of Sky 飞马岛the Eternal Spirit 给他 the Potion ofSustenance.
得到 a Blessed Talisman ofWisdom.

回北自由找the Elder Spirit of Enlightenment i给他 Talisman of Patience andTalisman of Wisdom.

You say, 'Stolen?'

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'Very well. You will need to return toWunshi for more information. He will be able to lead you to some of what weneed if you ask him. Return to me and tell me when your business with Wunshi isfinished. I am too tired to continue.'

回织影丛林 Wunshi Kashra in Shadeweaver's Thicket.

You say, 'Hail, Wunshi Kashra'

You say, 'What gruesome being?'

You say, 'What second beast?'

You say, 'Stolen?'

Wunshi Kashra says 'The vermin that stole it now abuses it to gain control overspirits it wants to command. It is a peculiar beast that lives way up in theheavens on the moon. It is not often seen, so your timing must be right. Returnits amulet to me when you obtain it. We will all be better off without this creaturelurking about.'

the Crypt of Nadox (纳多克洞穴)找 Spiritseeker Nadox (/loc -697, 533, 26.25 In altar room).杀了拿the Ring of theUndead Spiritcharmer.

the Umbral Plainsvt传送比较快)

the NetherbianSwarmfiend (/loc -1113, -1169, -20.27)

稍微费点劲, AE Rampage, AE Stun, 1500 DD, Slowable.
the Amulet of The Spiritist.

the Ring of the Undead Spiritcharmer Amulet of theSpiritist.

Wunshi Kashra says 'I'll be! You have successfully put an end to that fiend.This amulet will be used by the spirits during Ruchu. Now this amulet which Ihad used so many times in the past will help the one who wears it during theritual to bind itself to the consciousness of the spirits so that they can becalled. Stay focused shaman.'

北自由 the Elder Spiritof Enlightenment

You say, 'My business with Wunshi is finished.'

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'Is that so? I am both grateful and anxious.My sight into the spirit world grows darker with each hour. You have done well,but I am ever fearful that we are not moving quickly enough. You must use allof your skills for your next task. Return to Kimm McShannel and when you returnto me, tell me that you have created the potion. Show her this bangle.'

得到 GemmedBangle of Enlightenment.

回拉泽湖 KimmMcShannel. 给她the Gemmed Bangle ofEnlightenment.

You say, 'Break down?'

Kimm McShannel says 'As most things, the process is not a simple one and we'llneed some ingredients for a special potion. You must retrieve four items, whichshould not prove difficult for a shaman of your stature. They are very specificand I can tell you more about the [skin], the [powder], the [tooth], and the[goo]. When you have all of these things, use my medicine bag to create thispotion and return it to me.'

得到Heyokah Medicine Bag.

You say, 'Tell me about the skin.'

You say, 'Tell me about the powder.'

You say, 'Tell me about the tooth.'

You say, 'And the goo?'


3 x Perfect Marked Ukun Skin: UkunGutfeaster (-1000, -1600, Dranik's Scar)

Corruption Powder: Elite Corrupted Knight (Crypt of Decay
就是pod隔壁,山洞里,Bert老家) 怪物在flag路线的洞里面深处,清路进去

4 x Revenant Tooth: a sun revenant (northwest corner,

2 x Corrosive Goo: a pulsating bile (
嚎叫森林,需要做key 杀泥巴)


Heyokah Medicine Bag里合成 3 x Perfect Marked Ukun Skin, CorruptionPowder, 4 x Revenant Tooth, and 2 x Corrosive Goo.
得到 Shaman's Precious Diffusing Agent,然后给Kimm.

Kimm McShannel nods at you and reaches into her pocket and takes out the gemmedbangle and puts it on the ground. She takes the vial and slowly lets a fewdrops fall on the platinum. It seems to coil and bend and pulls itself into asmall globe and the gems lazily fall onto the ground. 'Perfect,' Kimm says.Now, you must return the gems and platinum to the Spirit of Enlightenment. I'veput it in a purse to keep them safe. You truly are beginning to surpass all ofour expectations,

得到a RunedPurse of the McShannels

21 回北自由给the Elder Spirit 物品 Runed Purseof the McShannels

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'I will have to pass these along as soon asmy messenger gets here. I'm sure you understand that as each spirit losesstrength, each of our abilities to keep a form in this tangible world becomesvery difficult. We must find a way to sustain a physical presence here or theRuchu will be in jeopardy. We will ask you to [take part] in the ceremony whereour strength may fail us.'

You say, 'I will take part.'

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'We are still a long way from that, but Ifeel it is time to [acknowledge] you as a true shaman spirit that has earnedthe respect of many spirits of the world.'

You say, 'Acknowledge me.'

Elder Spirit of Enlightenment says 'We, the spirits, have chosen to grant you agift for all that you've done for us and what you still have left to do. It isjust a sampling of the power you may obtain one day as you move forward as oneof the heyokah. Guard it and use it well. Should you choose to continue yourjourney, tell me that you are [prepared to carry on] and save thespirits.'

You have gained 5 ability points!

You receive the Crafted Talisman of Fates, your epic 1.5.
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