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Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-12-3 15:41
Got reply from Nemo
lklws/shadelkl(35506056)  11:31:33
阿杜  跟kaku递交的申请, 让kaku 发起投票 ,不通过就不允许参加raid
1. regarding the above source, i dont know where did you get that from :)  but any other sources other than the official notice given here is INVALID...      

2. Mists was a guest in raid, was invited by me yesterday...  he will remain be to a guest if our raid has room and RL on duty thinks his char can benefit the raid until his application to change main has been first evaluated, then voted to reach the final conclusion.

3. if you are  concerned about the well being of RF, please consider app to join Real Faith.  Or even apply for an officer position once you carry a RF full member tag.
Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-12-4 11:49

1. you don't need to answer my question about the source actually as per reason listed  there.  I was simply responding to your previous question

2. yes, u have the right to question.  I only suggest if you want to help more, these are the options that you may consider.
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