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Subject: [Discuz!] Warning: Illegal string offset 'parameter' in php file [Print]

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2016-3-11 14:42     Subject: Warning: Illegal string offset 'parameter' in php file

Warning: Illegal string offset 'typeid' in E:\All\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150

原因:$thread['typeid'] 应该是两个分开的string,  但是php5.6 把它看成一个整体的array了。
解决方法: 把 $thread['typeid']  改为  $thread->typeid   即可。
  1. <option value="0">Types</option><? if(is_array($forum['threadtypes']['types'])) { foreach($forum['threadtypes']['types'] as $typeid => $name) { ?><option value="<?=$typeid?>"<? if($thread['typeid'] == $typeid) { ?> selected="selected"<? } ?>><? echo strip_tags($name);; ?></option><? } } ?></select>
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  1. <option value="0">Types</option><? if(is_array($forum['threadtypes']['types'])) { foreach($forum['threadtypes']['types'] as $typeid => $name) { ?><option value="<?=$typeid?>"<? if($thread->typeid == $typeid) { ?> selected="selected"<? } ?>><? echo strip_tags($name);; ?></option><? } } ?></select>
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这样修改代码后,要把网站服务器重启下才会生效,另外注意 如果出现这样的一行 代码,
$thread['typeid']  = ********
那么不要修改等号前的 。

根治的方法是 把 php版本 换到  php5.3及以下。
However, this warning message is new to PHP 5.4. Old versions didn't warn if this happened. They would silently convert 'type' to 0, then try to get character 0 (the first character) of the string. So if this code was supposed to work, that's because abusing a string like this didn't cause any complaints on PHP 5.3 and below. (A lot of old PHP code has experienced this problem after upgrading.)

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2016-5-24 09:51



PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'iconid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 91
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'typeid' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 150
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'readperm' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 395
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'pricedisplay' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php on line 398

检查 F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_post.tpl.php

在第91行看到 <input type="hidden" name="iconid" id="iconid" value="<?=$thread['iconid']?>" />   
把 $thread['iconid'] 改为  $thread->iconid

在第150行看到 <option value="0">Types</option><? if(is_array($forum['threadtypes']['types'])) { foreach($forum['threadtypes']['types'] as $typeid => $name) { ?><option value="<?=$typeid?>"<? if($thread['typeid'] == $typeid) { ?> selected="selected"<? } ?>><? echo strip_tags($name);; ?></option><? } } ?></select>
把 $thread['typeid']  改为  $thread->typeid

在第395行看到 <p><input type="text" name="readperm" value="<?=$thread['readperm']?>" class="txt" tabindex="1" /> zero or blank means unlimit</p>
把 $thread['readperm']  改为  $thread->readperm

在第398行看到 <p><input type="text" name="price" value="<?=$thread['pricedisplay']?>" class="txt" tabindex="1" /> <?=$extcredits[$creditstransextra['1']]['unit']?> <strong>Highest</strong>: <?=$maxprice?> <?=$extcredits[$creditstransextra['1']]['unit']?>. <? if($maxincperthread) { ?>,Highest author income per thread is <?=$maxincperthread?> <?=$extcredits[$creditstransextra['1']]['unit']?><? } if($maxchargespan) { ?>,longest charging time is <?=$maxchargespan?> hours<? } ?>
把 $thread['pricedisplay']  改为  $thread->pricedisplay

注意 \forumdata\templates下面的 文件都是临时生成的,问题根源不在这里,是因为论坛程序Discuz!7.0和 Php5.6兼容性不好,目前的这种修改只能治标不治本。
Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2018-1-25 18:21



PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'num' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 186
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'num' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 186
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'sort' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 194
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'dateline' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 199
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'dateline' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 199
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'orderby' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\include\forum.func.php on line 200

在第186 行看到 $num = $modrecommend['num'] ? intval($modrecommend['num']) : 10;   
把两个 $modrecommend['num']  都改为  $modrecommend->num

在第194 行看到 if($modrecommend['sort'] && (!$recommendlist || $timestamp - $modrecommend['updatetime'] > $modrecommend['cachelife'] || $force)) {  
把 $modrecommend['sort']  改为  $modrecommend->sort

在第199 行看到 conditions = $modrecommend['dateline'] ? 'AND dateline>'.($timestamp - $modrecommend['dateline'] * 3600) : '';  
把两个 $modrecommend['dateline']  都改为  $modrecommend->dateline

在第200 行看到 switch($modrecommend['orderby']) {
把 $modrecommend['orderby']  改为  $modrecommend->orderby

这样就改好了 include目录下forum.func.php的php,给版块改变上级版块时不会报上述错误了。




PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'num' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1233
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'cachelife' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1234
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'maxlength' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1235
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'dateline' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1236
PHP Warning:  Illegal string offset 'sort' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1245


1233行  三个 $modrecommendnew['num']

改为  $modrecommendnew->num
1234行  三个$modrecommendnew['cachelife'] 都
改为  $modrecommendnew->cachelife
1235行  三个$modrecommendnew['maxlength']
改为  $modrecommendnew->maxlength
1236行  三个$modrecommendnew['dateline']
改为  $modrecommendnew->dateline

1245行  $modrecommendnew['sort']
改为  $modrecommendnew->sort

这样修改后 给版块改变上级版块时不会报上述错误,但是出现了新的报错

Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1233
Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1234
Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1235
Warning: Attempt to assign property of non-object in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\admin\ on line 1236

去到网上搜索,在 外国网站找到了原因
You are assigning the enabled property a value of true, however the next line is trying to treat that property as an object (it's not, it's a boolean value). If you really need to have a value and type for the enabled property, try this instead:
  1. $networks->test->enabled = new \stdClass();
  2. $networks->test->enabled->value = true;
  3. $networks->test->enabled->type = 'boolean';
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再去检查  1233行代码   $modrecommendnew->num = $modrecommendnew->num ? intval($modrecommendnew->num) : 10;
就是说 等号前面不要改,等号后面改才对,改为  $modrecommendnew['num'] = $modrecommendnew->num ? intval($modrecommendnew->num) : 10;

1234 1235 1236 行也是同理改,修改后 给版块改变上级版块时不会报错了。
Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2019-1-3 09:03


Warning: Illegal string offset 'open' in F:\Web\WWW\bbs\forumdata\templates\16_topicadmin.tpl.php on line 113

原因:$forum['modrecommend']['open'] 应该是两个分开的string,  但是php5.6 把它看成一个整体的array了。
解决方法: 把 $forum['modrecommend']['open'] 改为    $forum['modrecommend']->open       即可。

  1. <? if($forum['modrecommend']['open'] && $forum['modrecommend']['sort'] != 1) { ?>
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  1. <? if($forum['modrecommend']->open && $forum['modrecommend']['sort'] != 1) { ?>
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修改后,就可以 选中多个主题设置 置顶了。

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