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Subject: raid strategy:time and tides (Rubak Oseka raid策略) [Print]

Author: rowad    Time: 2012-5-28 09:07     Subject: raid strategy:time and tides (Rubak Oseka raid策略)

Post Last Edit by rowad at 2012-6-19 10:31

总结一下,该raid 需要注意如下几点:

1、避免whirlpool AE。
在Event的玩家会随机收到emote,“A whirlpool begins to form around you”9秒后会以你为中心施放一个PB AE,所以把A whirlpool begins to form around you 设置到你的AT里去,9秒之内跑到banner去。

2、每45秒会刷新一只 Zealot,位于南面的三个角的任意一个(就是整个六角形地图的南面3个,北面3个是水),Zealot刷新后会走向北面的水,到达后会刷新add。所以需要设置dps小组清掉zealot。

3、每60秒在珍珠(6个HP围住的就是珍珠)周围会刷新 The Devout Templar,可以mez,但不能stun和snare,网上建议幻术和bard mez这里,等积攒满5-6只后由rl指挥raid dps统一清光,The Devout Templar掉落Ancient Pearlescent Talisman 用来激活boss的最后阶段,最少需要9片。

4、远离北面3只角的水面,只要有玩家靠近,就会刷新The Serpents,非常猛的add。

5、6个HP不能靠太近(50码) 会相互医疗。

After triggering the event all 6 mobs go live. To win the event you must kill 5 High Priests and then confine the final High Priest by clicking 9
Ancient Pearlescent Talismans on High Priest Xalziks within a 10 second span.

所有High Priests 免疫CC(控场技能),100%开始 summon/snare/stun,你必须Offtank 5 and kill 1 at a time.

High Priests 的AOE属性决定了各个Priests的tank位置为60码为宜(太远太近都会触发惩罚效果)

队伍配置可以如下:  using 3 tank groups and 1 add group:

Group 1 = 3 Clerics/Druids, 2 Warriors 1 Paladin -- Purple and Black --
Group 2 = 2 Clerics/Druids, 4 Warriors/Paladins/Shadowknights -- Orange and Green --
Group 3 = 2 Clerics/Druids, 4 Warriors/Paladins/Shadowknights -- Red and Blue --
Add Group = 1 Shaman, 0-1 Bards, 4-5 Monks/Beastlords

All 3 groups will get 2 High Priests each to offtank. Group 3 will tank 1 in the corner near where the raid zones in and 1 near the base of the water (up a bit from it, near the wall where it veers to the right). These two minis will be pulled to these locations then killed. 1st the corner mob then pull the other into the corner after the 1st dies. After that this group will control all templar adds.

The other two tank groups can set up up the ramp and tank their 4 High Priests seperated from each other careful to not overlap their AOEs. You can split 2 and 2 between the two tendril things that just out from the main room.

pull 路线和tank位置表如下:

Boss AOE  属性:
High Priest Xalziks
--Pure Waters
- 6million HP Heal, 60 range
--Up From the Depths
- 36k PBAE DD + Stun + Pushback
--Sea Spray
- Single 3s Stun + 70% Snare
- 19k PBAE DD + Slowpull
5 x
High Priest of Oseka
- Casts:
--Pure Waters
- 6million HP Heal, 60 range
--Up From the Depths
- 36k PBAE DD + Stun + Pushback
--Sea Spray
- Single 3s Stun + 70% Snare

When the event is activated 1 High Priest (the one closest to raid to start off) should be pulled to the camp and burned out. Another High Priest will be offtanked nearby (around the base of the ramp just above the water level). The other 4 High Priests should be pulled up to the upper areas to be offtanked.

Burn out the 1st two High Priests and have either the raid move up the spiral to the next High Priests or pull the High Priests down to the raid to be killed. What we do is pull the High Priests down closer to the raid then pull them to the entrance via these paths once the 1st two are dead :


Now loot all the templars corpses, you will need 9 Talisman's minimum. Do some sort of count down and right click all 9 or more at the same time on High Priest Xalziks. This will activate a wave of 15 or so zealots, kill all of them to win the event.

a zealot
- Will spawn from zone in, and the 2 alcoves up from zone in. They path from those 3 spawn points to the water near the pearl. If any make it to the water, they poof and a new
High Priest of Oseka
a devout templar
- Will spawn around the pearl and up the ramp randomly. They are mezzable, so just Mez them until there are about 5 or so and then have your MA peel off the High Priest to clean up the templars. These drop 1 Ancient Pearlescent Signet on occasion... so make sure to kill quite a few and loot them.
a serpent
- Unsure *exactly* what spawns these but it has something to do with players being in/around the water at the base of the zone. So your best bet is to stay away from the water. These cannot be CCed in any way and must be killed.

Author: Senuvas    Time: 2012-5-28 15:13

Author: 森林月光    Time: 2012-6-1 22:46

Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-6-18 23:16


1 BOSS INC 時MT 要第一時間接住..不然DPS 很易被秒...
2 6隻NM 本身HIT 不太猛...1隻LV95 CLE 應該可以補到,不過我們的RAID 不少是BOX CLE,也有一些CLE會友未足95,因此出力會有影響 (RL 可以評估一下要不要下次讓一些能BOX CLE的先專心玩一隻CLE ,不然TANK 倒了DPS再多也無用)
3 RAID 時會有魚人POP  [這隻ID 叫REBEK ] ..一定要殺..不然當他走到水邊時會POP ADD
4 INC 時DPS 一定要緊隨 MA 走位DPS REAL NM,不可以原地發呆
5 BOSS POP WHRIPOOP (DAMAGE AURA ) 前會有EMOTE...如果有開謝效的話應該會看到旋風出現[你在EMOTE出現後有9秒時間走開..]不然會吃到AE..
6 BOSS 的震飛對CLE 的補血有很大影響  ...6隻PRIEST 本身也會有AE 跟震飛(AE 距離60碼應該是要硬吃了...HP 太少一擊可能會被打死)..6隻PRIEST 距離也不能太遠..不然會自動回血

7 當RAID 只餘下一隻PRIEST 的時候....四周會POP 一些ADD...這時候要殺一種叫"TEMPLAR"的魚人檢他們身上的一個CLICK ITEM.同時對PRIEST 使用...不隔重複後直至EVENT 完成...
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-6-18 23:20

找到一段老外RAID TIE3 的影片...看看有沒有幫助@@
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-6-22 18:21

thanks rowad and yuma's info

tank 部分:
tank方式一:6 tank+6 clr+6 shm/dru,
第一时间anger 自己的目标,建议使用aviod/riposte melee + hatred pet ,(flash of anger +projection of fury/projection of doom ,
tank位置安排:如图,杀得顺序是 11 -5-3-7-9-1,每个tank必须知道自己的数字和位置,一旦rl call 某个数字的tank back的时候 尽快把自己的目标pull 回camp点,

tank方式二:如果医疗或者tank不够的时候我们将采用kite方式,1-3个knights负责mass anger 和kite ,大家集中火力清理 pull回来的大祭司,要点是 要准备3-4个后备tank 随时接应失去kiter控制的大祭司。

5个dps 小组,
2队melee dps group配合队伍rng以及knight最快速度清理add ,A队负责zealot,B队负责templar。
每45秒一只zealot,将从3 5 7 点位置刷新并走向北边的水池,adds 小组最快的速度清理掉。adds group的rng 开启normal 跟踪。
每60秒在珍珠周围刷新devout templar,,目前我们是直接清理。(如果太影响dps的效率。我们将采用一个骑士在这里off tank  and keep  hatred  ,enc mez them,积累到3-6个的时候一并清理)

除了tank和box clr,所以人必须做躲避emote的动作,一旦得到emote的玩家跑去banner的位置,等身边的飓风出现的时候再回去工作。

激活boss 部分:
在adds group清理 temple之后可以loot 到 一个click,目前我们让2个队伍的人都loot齐。
激活boss 之后 除了boss 的MT和 backup tank,所有dps 包括其他tank 都去清理boss 带来的12个adds,骑士和enc 动作要快。
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-6-26 00:29


今天RW 人數42左右..重點在於吸取多一點經驗,我看到的情況如下

1 INC 6NM 的時候如何讓MT安全到位是一個很大的問題..3次TRY 中也看到MT 無法順利到位的情況..只有順利到位才有法子開始DPS

2  HP 的AOE 十分強大...只要連吃兩發左右便很易GG....不清楚這個AOE有沒有方法閃掉...不過可以肯定假如MT 沒有將HP 拉到位...讓幾隻HP 在LOSE AGGRO下便會讓AOE 四處爆發..那就很易RAID CR了

3  ZEALOT 本身的血量有限...但45秒POP 一次...RL 可以指派一隊DPS 部隊專門處理..不然以MA ASS 的形式會令HP的處理效率大大下降(千萬不要讓它走到水邊..不然會令多一隻HP出現...)

4 還有另一類ADD TEMPLAR...這隻殺掉下會掉一個CLICK ITEM...不清楚TEMPLAR 可不可以MEZ...若可..則可以讓DPS更集中於HP 和ZEALOT 身上...其DPS也不低..[4-10K]..對RAID負擔會增加

5 HP 在開戰後一段時間會突然變身為HPX ...TANK 要多多小心 [因為HPX 的MAX HIT 可達20K..只有一隻CLE 很可能無法支持...提議若TANK身上的HP突然變身了可以在RS頻道說一下[MY TARGET IS HPX PLZ HEAL ME]讓有空的HELAER可以給予支援。。。當然。。若身上還有DISC可放就多多使用。。。爭取一點時間

6 KITE HP 的方法大概不可行。。因為戰場太細加上AOE關係只會令RAID更混亂。。直接使用6 TANK就好

7 這場RAID 最難打的部分就是第1隻HP 至第3隻HP的部分。。因為6HP 同在的時候AOE最猛。亦最易出現混亂情況。。但隨HP的數量下降。。AOE的影響亦將降低。。接下來的難題只在ADD的處理跟CLICK部分。。因此應該是越來越易。。。但前題我們要努力PASS 1-3隻HP掌握RAID的節奏

8 假如RW還有空位。。。RL可以盡量鼓勵多一些BOX HELAER出來。。。這RAID對HELA十分吃緊。。TANK不倒掉才有法子打下去。。CLE的GROUP HEAL對RAID的幫助應該不少[SHM CD太長不過勝在無限MANA。。。持久戰一流]

9 HELAER/CASTER 可以修練一個AA (效果是若在施法途中被打暈下仍可持續法術施放。。這應該可以抵抗一點HP 的STUN AOE( AA ID =Persistent Casting 有12級可練)
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-6-26 07:14

中了emote的人飘过,有几个问题,一是 banner位置,离开有点远,跑过去时间有点紧,特别是boss还会ae stun和snare,中了的话,必定跑不到了.能不能把banner设在地图中心位置,相对空旷一点,刷新的templer让游侠及时拉到camp就好了.在那个位置不必留人.还有就是zealot有是有ae效果的,大概10000多应该,我在第一次cr时候使用了divi peace,顺利脱离仇恨在海星右下脚位置,但是出来的zealot路过我位置把我打死了,此时的boss已经都归位了.所以觉得还是应该尽快把zealot干掉为好.
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-6-26 07:17

还有就是跑到banner位置,基本就跑不回来了在现在的情况下,因为过去又中了snare和stun,基本半路就完了.如果有富裕healer就好了,因为以昨天看来,emote的频率还是相当高的,每个raider做个tell marco专门的healer去治疗和cure,不知道snare的效果能不能解掉.
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-6-26 07:23

a devout templar
- Will spawn around the pearl and up the ramp randomly. They are mezzable
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-2 23:28


1  INC後多次留意到MT 無法將HP 拉到位...不久便出現MT DOWN 接住便是CR....
2  假如看到EMOTE 出來...被點到的會友要立即跑到BANNER...其他RAIDER則要遠離被點名的人以免吃到
3  TEMPLAR GROUP DPS 沒有問題,火力足夠...假如殺完TEMPLAR可以支援ZEALOT GROUP幫殺..因為那邊POP 時間很快...要支援

4   INC 6 HP後應該盡快以最大火力將第一隻HP 殺掉..因為戰場上的HP越少,TANK 的負擔就越輕...吃到AE的機會也會下降..因此只要MT到位就應該以最大火力將HP 殺掉...

5   HP 會在DPS 中突然變成HPX ..這樣MT 的負擔會突然加重..最好在頻道叫一下..讓FREE HEALER幫忙支援..而MT本身也最好立即開動DISC抵檔...因為HPX DPS 很猛...差不多是14-16K...一隻CLE難以支持


問題的根本還是要想法子令MT 順利將HP拉到位...我猜這晚幾次的LOSE AGGRO可能與MT 的LAG有關...
假如屬實,可嘗試讓線路較穩定的TANK 接HP...不太穩的當BACK UP
Author: Makos    Time: 2012-7-3 03:20

Nice Summary Yuma ~
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-7-3 08:31

Post Last Edit by rowad at 2012-7-3 13:28

重要更新:位于五号点的HP(-35, -25, 80,待确认) 会固定第一个变身为 HPXalziks,所以该位置需要安排一个all GMwar Dps应该第一个杀的
应该也是这只怪,因为当HPXalziks下血的时候是不会刷新whirpool (from Alla,也待确认)


1、医疗不能靠近任何一个HP 60码以内否则会被踢飞

2、除了tank,任何人不能靠近HPX 50码以内 否则会被snare

Author: amadeus    Time: 2012-7-3 10:53

Post Last Edit by amadeus at 2012-7-3 10:55

Author: 骄傲的老虎    Time: 2012-7-3 12:24

Author: rowad    Time: 2012-7-3 13:28

说错了 五号点
Author: Abream    Time: 2012-7-3 14:31

High Priest本身的血量並不是很高,
所以建議一開始就開disc,full dps前3隻HP(至少2隻),

這樣可以減少因為MT down而產生的混亂情形,

再來就是add group的部份,
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-7-3 15:36

HP 30000K血左右 raid dps 在500K左右 就能1min内搞掉 这个难度不大
Author: Titalike    Time: 2012-7-3 18:29

HP 30000K血左右 raid dps 在500K左右 就能1min内搞掉 这个难度不大
rowad Post at 2012-7-3 15:36
我觉得问题还是在HP要控制到位,只要到位就很好办,昨晚每次都杀不动都是因为开始10S内就有tank 挂
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-8 23:12


1 我們的TANK 這次有進步了...INC後最少能堅持20秒以上...亦因此能讓第一隻HP 打掉50%血以上..

2  ZEALOT POP 很快...最好能請一位RNG 在 RS頻道 叫一下那個位置POP 了ZEALOT,讓DPS 盡快清理,因為
POP 點有幾個,但其中一些位置距離水邊很近,剛如同時出現兩隻,那就要先殺最近水邊那一隻ZEALOT

3  TEMPLAR 的打人很痛...我MAX HIT 也有17K左右...假如有ENC 在場最好直接MEZ [讓TANK TAUNT住MEZ就行..可以省回一點DPS ON HP AND ZEALOT..只要殺掉1-2隻HP..我們的DPS應該能更快處理ADD的問題..有MEZ的情況下可以留到3-4隻TEMPLAR才一次處理...因為TEMPLAR是60SEC POP..因此3-4MIN內我們一定要殺掉最少1隻HP..

4 HEALER 是不夠,因此BOX 也好什麼也好盡量POP就無錯了....CLE 因為CD 快因為又要比SHM好..

5 看得出有1-2成會員沒有POP..(特別是水準較佳的RAIDER..) SK 那邊 欠了SKZ 的戰力實在很殘念..有他在場的話大概可以很穩的坦住一隻...DPS那邊有欠了幾個重砲手..拓荒時期主戰力一個也不能少..如果大家還是有什麼心結解不開的話希望軍官跟相關人員的坐下好好的來談一下...

Author: lklws    Time: 2012-7-9 00:03


1.  No5  always HPX  .(it may be determined by the location of yuma),  so we should do 5-11-3-7-9-1 .

2.add one more healer on the tank of HPX.

Kill an HP or HPX, it  can release a unit  tank and his healer, so once our  tank hold  successfully , lets burn it
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-7-9 07:08

Author: Makos    Time: 2012-7-9 08:51

Post Last Edit by Makos at 2012-7-9 08:53
Kill an HP or HPX, it can release a unit tank and his healer, so once our tank hold successfully , lets burn it
lklws Post at 2012-7-9 00:03
I see, burn at first ~~
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-9 09:39

假如HPX 不會在DPS中隨意變身
那最好的做法自然是找一隻最硬的TANK + 2HEALER 坦住HPX (因為HPX 的AE會比HP更強)
(假如先殺HPX,那5隻HP中有一隻會自動變身為新的HPX..假如那一組TANK的HEALER不足夠,很容易會被打死,反過來說若我們能確保HPX不會隨意變身,一般的HP GROUP應該能支持住的)

最理想的配法當然是每一組TANK GROUP 也有2 HELAER..,不過應該很難
CLE/SHM/DRU 自然是首選...PAL其實也有一定的補血能力(PAL 要當MA大概無空...JUDE有上的話也可以留意一下) RNG/BST 也可記一下單補,多少也可以作一點支援(雖然CD很長)

HEALER 頻道也可以安排一下 AE MBG 的排序 [如果AA 有補滿 MGB HEAL 的時間會有2分鐘,沒有CRI的情況下也可以補3200HP 1 TICK,CRI 的時候便是6400!!...CD 縮短AA有修完的話8分鐘可以再放(不過只有G 板..因為MGB CD超長)

6個CLE的話即是有最少 10分鐘時間AE 補血...足夠支援我們殺掉第1-2隻HP 有餘了
當然,SHM 本身也有類似AA...施放時可以在頻道告知,讓大家也能吃到

CLE 和SHM 本身也有很多免魔但大補的AA...就算無魔的情況下也能作出一定貢獻

至於ENC本身那個團補AA 也是很有效果 (AA 補完的話7分鐘左右可以再行施放...)對吃魔很大的CLASS可以多留意一下
Author: amadeus    Time: 2012-7-15 20:51

6# lklws 图挂了。。。。。。
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-15 23:19


1  MAG 報告說 HPX [即是 位置5]  以PET TANK效果理想,若然能SLOW 則效果更好!
2  位置11 的HP 距離較遠...下次可嘗試由 SK/MNK 將HP 拉回來....[按技能就可以輕鬆拉了]
     我看了幾次WAR PULL..似乎走回來的時候會有機會被HP打暈...下次我會按技能幫拉一下,這樣TANK
      應該可以容易坦住 (其他HP 也可以請HP/MNK 幫拉至定點,這樣可以讓TANK 接得容易一些)
3   CLE 補血不是太穩..有2次WAR DOWN也有報告補血不足..要注意
4   LAST TRY ZEALOT GROUP FAIL...讓他們走到水邊因此POP 多一隻HP !!!
5   INC 後每90秒 隨機一隻HP 會變成HPX...TANK 要小心留意,看到身上的HP變了HPX最好在RS頻道叫一下讓補血照顧一下

PS: 今晚的LAST紀錄HP DPS DOWN 至8%...差一點點就殺掉第一隻HP了!!!
Author: amadeus    Time: 2012-7-16 01:11

27# Yuma
基本上,依照昨天的DPS,Clock 11的HP到20%左右(90s)会变成HPX......有点凶狠...
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-7-16 01:23

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-7-16 01:32

1.建议pally 放在mt group有团补比较好, MA 太浪费了, monk 可以MA, mt 组:2-3个医疗(cleric/druid/pally)+2xWar
2. 我认为2个real healer 或3个 real healer/box 可以cover 2个MT。  位置要控制好,一个在tunnel口,一个在tunnel中段就ok, 过 60range,    cleric/druid/pally团补cd短这里的都很有用, mt 组:2-3个医疗(cleric/druid/pally)+2xMT
3. boss melee 不强,但ae+旋风频率很高,还会打停施法,我觉得刷团补比单体效率高很多
4. 坦克 组不需要放dps, dps 会跑杀add, healer跟本补不了
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-16 07:35

1 MA 找MNK 就好[MUSHI 或MASTER 本身的血量應該無問題..反正要TEMPLAR 只要指定一個WAR或KNIGHT負責坦就行了]
2  如果要拉回來坦的直接讓MNK/SK 技能拉回來就好...WAR按技能號去接本身已浪費無敵DISC時間,再者拉回來的路上可能因各種意外引致怪不到位..幾次的失敗也是PULL HP的時候出了問題
3  BOX HELAER只要放遠遠的 +- 補一下就行...最大的危機不過是被點名沒有跑開引致旋風AE...不過只要遠離RAIDER一點..其實也不會有大問題,就算被打死也不會讓RAID產生不良影響...[下次我也BOX一隻出來支援看看]
Author: Makos    Time: 2012-7-16 08:46

6# lklws 图挂了。。。。。。
amadeus Post at 2012-7-15 20:51
Please re post the picture if you can.
Picture worth a thousand word ~~~
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-7-16 08:49

TEMPLAR 应由2enc(scarlet,brett) 和bard(kenming) 联合控制,解放TEMPLAR的dps,全力90s内 burn掉1st HP ! HP死后的tank healer 自动转换至TEMPLAR组,开始清理TEMPLAR。
Author: Skykline    Time: 2012-7-16 10:17

如沒有這樣做的話,昨晚SHAVIN第一次 PULL HPX 回來寵物上前攻擊就FD
在HATE LIST上即時轉為HEALER,所以補系被打,之後大家協調後沒這個問題發生



Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-7-16 11:54

昨天我把jajabing放在7(nunuke)tunnel 口和9号(kaka))tunnel 里的中间位子, 团补基本都可以补到,外加还可以医疗同队的healer, 就是HP有时会推MT那时要调整,不然oor, box 还是有点慢,
Author: Crazymasters    Time: 2012-7-16 19:17


我們有設2 group for Zealot , 但是就算MA call assist , 還是會有人不知道要跑那邊去打Zealot
建議設定個1 / 2 /3 Cave , MA 一喊 Assist kill Zealot ...1 ...這樣這2個隊的DPS 就知道要跑那邊,不會讓Zealot 有機會走到水邊
當然有2 group 就設2個MA , 一看到就馬上喊

例: Assist kill Zealot at 1 ,
     Assist kill Zealot at 2 ,
     Assist kill Zealot at 3 ,
昨天是 Temple group , 因為它們是Aggro able ,建議Temple MA 一喊 , Enc 就先Mez 住 ,等我們打死1-2隻 High Priest 後再清
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-7-16 20:39

我是hpx的healer,感觉压力不大,我们组1 real cle,1box cle,1 real dru,可以很好的把pet hold,并且我觉得,如果是war tank,应该也可以支持下来,昨天我中过2次whirewind,有办法解决基本不会有意外 ,在这个位置,根本不用跑banner那么麻烦,其实只要跑到海星的尖端,就可以避免别人中whirwind了.同时跑好可以持续给mt治疗,因为whirwind基本没打晕过我,而且距离也够,只要给自己个heal aa补一下,所以,基本这个阵容是很稳的,不会出意外了.倒是可以尝试用一个mt,换走2个mage去dps,那么可能效果更加好.我个人感觉war是可以在3个healer阵容下支持下来的.
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-7-16 21:50

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-7-16 21:52

我是一个druid+2个box cleric 基本无压力
5v , lk请更正
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-21 00:24

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-21 00:41

HP 1-11 position

MT 的話可以順次序將HP 放進EX WIN內,當TANK DOWN的時候便可以幫手坦了...



Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-21 00:50

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-21 00:52


2 用MAG PET TANK HPX 是一個好方法!
3 HP 每90SEC 會變身為HPX ,因此任何MT 也有機會坦到HPX,如身上的HP變身為HPX 請立即開DISC同時告知頻道以給予治療支援! [其他沒有TANK 工作的也請留意一下,這時候最易倒坦...坦倒了便要立即幫忙接]
6 TEMPLAR 盡可能MEZ ....其他人打不要打醒!!...待HP 2 DOWN/TEMPLAR 累積至4-5隻時才殺,節省DPS支持ZEALOT 跟HP DPS
8 看到被點名的ID 可以幫忙在RS頻叫一下以協助被點名者盡快作出反應..

Author: Shavin    Time: 2012-7-21 01:26

Post Last Edit by Shavin at 2012-7-21 01:31


the pb is one time tanker down, cant use a macro, just type in raid channel or /say or /guild.


Other pb is emote, one time ' ae typhoon ' is up, really hard to kill HPs...we are killed by ae before ..( maybe need a caller but..we lost too much time and whirlpool pop really fast )

AT could be the solution for emote.

Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-23 23:15


1  RNG WS 拉怪的方法不行,要TANK 自己PULL HP回來

we cant use rng ws to inc 6hp ,so our tank need to pull hp back by theirself

     若DPS 不足則先將POP 在BOTTOM 的ADD 清掉(因為路線較接近水邊..當ZEALOT接近水邊將會POP多一隻HP)

zealot group can divided their group in few group for top/middle/bottom adds ,if dps not enough should kill the bottom pop first...

3 請RAIDER 將 "A whirlpool begins to form around you" 這段設成AT...當你看到這個EMOTE時請立即遠離其他人員走向BANNER,不然9秒AE POP 殺掉其他隊友...

u should put a msg on your AT "A whirlpool begins to form around you"  ,when u see this emote u should run to banner or move away from raider , if u fail ae will pop and kill other raider

4 我們的HEAL POWA 還是很緊....剛才的RAID 我們的TANK 要一邊坦HP 一邊BOX CLE HEAL 還要不幸地被點名要邊跑開避AE 邊幫TANK 補血...希望有BOX CLE的朋友多留意一下,若你的CLE BUFF後HP有60K

our heal power still not enough,our main tank need tank hp and box heal for himself, so if your box cle got hp not less than 60k [after buffed) can ask RL to box heal in raid, it can make our tank more stable

這個RAID 其實考驗很多東西
1 TANK 的穩定性 [任何原因引致拉HP失敗也會讓RAID CR,特別是剛開始的時候)
3 HEALER 的治療輸出 [這個關係TANK的生死...以TANK的立場說當然是越硬越好..不過治療輸出夠穩夠多的話我們的負擔也可以減輕不少...BOX HEALER 似乎是不可避免了...]

Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-7-23 23:40

另外我说一下,除了在主camp的healer最好不要box,其他几个camp的尽可以box,应为空地比较大,人密度低,完全可以自己原地吃whirwind,并且继续heal mt,不用跑开!所以尽可以用box的去heal其他位置的t,压力相应要下多多
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-7-23 23:42

并且,可以设一个dru或者撒满的在banner附近,不能太靠近banner,作为机动healer,无事时可以帮助heal 血线比较低的t,在中whirwind的人跑到banner之后,可以tell 这个机动healer,应当可以大大减少dps减员,否则按中whirwind就死一人的减员,我们也是承担不起的.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-24 10:45

[i=s] Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-24 09:08

同意,昨晚我跟KAKA JAJABING (KAKA BOX CLE)守在HP 7 跟 9 之間,這個位置非中間地區因此人員不多,是非常適合放置BOX HEALER的地點,而JAJABING 有被點名要跑AE,當時CLE 要一邊走開避AE TANK一邊要坦HP..幸好KAKA 當時的HP沒有變身為HPX..不然很易被秒...(因為CLE 要跑AE基本上很難治療...因此這個區若能放置
3 BOX HELAER 跟一個SHM (昨晚其實 已有2 BOX CLE + 1BOX SHM..只要再放置多一個BOX CLE應該可以有更好的表現..)

LAST TRY SK 皮太軟因此擋不住..[基本上我的坦法是 INC 24SEC DISC (這期間是最安全!!因為是無敵)>
24秒完了後開LV93 DISC [這個可以擋掉30%左右的DPS...只要治療有接上大概還OK)> CLASS AA DISC 1MIN(這個不清楚效果如何總之就是防衛DISC ] 三個DISC開完就要等DISC UP...

若是不幸遇上HPX 只有一個HEAL的情況一定GG....T_T...希望HP1 能盡快推倒..這樣我們的TANK便能支援其他HP TANK

以我看目前最硬的WAR 大概有以下幾位...
1  SEN
5  AMADEOUS (最近坦穩了很多)
6  CHAR (我們的新WAR 他身上有穿OSEKA T3的DROP...依他本人說法應該是T2 打滿 + 幾樣T3 GEAR..技術也有可惜POP時間不穩)


DA (最近變了 RARE POP?)
TYRAN (最近好像是BOX..?)

只要任何一個TANK 失誤也會讓RAID CR...
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-7-24 11:19

tank part we are barely sufficient if we get lucky, we still lacking healing and dps

2. 一个tank至少要有一支不是box的healer,box healer 主要作用还是协助为主, 帮healer补血, 因为healer也会吃ae.   我把我的cleric 放在 7和9中间,团补2个tanks都可以吃到,但时间一长boss一推一吸,就乱了,只能医疗一个了。6个real healer :)
one MT needs at least one non box healer, box healer only can support but cant substitue main heaerl.  Box healer can heal main healer as they eat HP ae as well. I usually place my cleric jajabing in the middle of 2 Tanks (7 and 9), so his group heal can reach all, but after HP inc a while, Tank and healer positions will be very messy due to HP push, snare, stun, etc etc.  I can only heal one MT.

3. 和大家说一下,charlieugly和我说了一下,他离会了,和大家说声对不起,还是玩得时间有点不合
    Charlieugly has notified me that he has left the guild.  He said Sorry about this.  His recent playingtime does not match most of our guild memeber.  So, best luck to him!!!
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-7-26 11:02


1st HP        35-40s(870K dps)
2nd HP        100-120s
3rd HP        150s


/GU Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 173s, 23283k @134582dps --- Angbkr 4753k @36285dps (20.42%) --- Skykline + pets 4121k @28224dps (17.7%) --- Makos 2468k @19748dps (10.6%) --- Skofaz + pets 2408k @16724dps (10.34%) --- Penden + pets 1580k @12064dps (6.79%) --- Crazymasters + pets 1104k @13631dps (4.74%) --- Tianyamag + pets 876k @16856dps (3.76%) --- Rowad 839k @11654dps (3.6%) --- Xcat + pets 778k @15880dps (3.34%) --- Flybear + pets 725k @4739dps (3.11%)

/GU Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 143s, 27948k @195443dps --- Angbkr 2930k @29593dps (10.48%) --- Skofaz + pets 2783k @19460dps (9.96%) --- Rowad + pets 2658k @20930dps (9.51%) --- Tyan 2131k @25370dps (7.63%) --- Skykline + pets 1995k @15002dps (7.14%) --- Penden + pets 1993k @14763dps (7.13%) --- Nibbst + pets 1573k @12586dps (5.63%) --- Kuria 1440k @10745dps (5.15%) --- Kenming + pets 1315k @13843dps (4.71%) --- Makos 1314k @10597dps (4.7%)
/GU High Priest Xalziks in 49s, 11422k @233110dps --- Angbkr 1496k @33254dps (13.1%) --- Rowad + pets 1413k @31411dps (12.37%) --- Tyan 1258k @26200dps (11.01%) --- Kenming + pets 745k @15212dps (6.53%) --- Skykline + pets 713k @14849dps (6.24%) --- Skofaz 677k @13810dps (5.92%) --- Tianyamag + pets 607k @12916dps (5.31%) --- Penden + pets 560k @11421dps (4.9%) --- Makos 534k @11133dps (4.68%) --- Crazymasters + pets 523k @10669dps (4.58%)

我们dps相差了4倍,我们第一个hp用了143+49=190秒 ,如果你是一个dps职业请在GGH多训练让自己成为一个合格的raider,一个合格的dps(ber/rog/wiz/rng/mag/bst/mnk 第一分钟得超过40k,nec 可以持续10分钟持续25k) 。通过call aug计划,我们的tank 装备已经没有什么很大的提升空间了,但是医疗和dps至少还可以提高3倍以上。

zelot我们不再安排2个dps队伍去清理了,而是每个通道2个dps 负责清理(bst+rng最好?bst pet proc snare?)。
HPX的医疗不能太靠近tank  ,避开hpx的 吸人aoe,注意每90秒HPX会随机变化到任意一个HP上面,一旦tank的HP变成HPX,该tank要尽快在raid 频道say 你的TAG,机动医疗尽快把医疗聚焦在该tank身上。

bg god bless RF.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-26 18:34

三個洞各置 一隻RNG + BST  應付ZEALOT 之法可以一試
主要是要爭取多一點時間儘快殺掉HP1 + HP2
以我們RAIDER的裝備大概只有1/3 的裝還可以的...
其餘1/3是普普...最後的1/3 大概是只有等級....[除非能像BEBE一樣全天候打寶..那樣身上只要全套GROUP
T3 +T4LOOT的話應該還不會被AE秒殺...
Author: hyxhhabc    Time: 2012-7-26 21:08

Author: Crazymasters    Time: 2012-7-27 20:51

NCM 公會應該是用當Event begin 後40秒時間內,全部Raid的DPS 先去殺第一隻High Priest
因為第一隻Zealot是Raid  event begin 40sec spawn ,我們也可以試試,但前題是我們的tank可以很快把每一個High Priest拉到定位??
SK跟monk都有AA , 可以拉怪到定點,下次可以試試monk幫忙Tank pull  back spot when trigger Raid event ??
上次我的shm 跟Kaka / Yuma 一隊, 我試著heal 但因為跟monk不同隊,還要切回另一個視窗看monk
可以試我的monk / shm 跟Kaka / Jajabing 跟Yuma/Clericstar 一隊在 lowest floor,這樣我還可以幫heal 而且當我們殺掉第一隻High Priest後
我的Monk就回到 lowest floor 去殺Zealot ( 再加個DPSer 應該就夠hold lowest floor Zealot )

(未確定)因為Zealot spawn後會走向水池,不知道 monk 或SK 的 拉怪AA 可不可以把它們拉回,如果可以的話,是否3邊都排一隻Monk ,當Zealot 走太遠的話就拉回??
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-7-28 00:19

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-7-28 00:20


1 MA 組只有1 SHM 幫血治療不太足夠...要求多派一位1CLE進駐.....
3 看到被點名的人要遠離他們...自己被點名的話要立即走向BANNER...不要讓大伙吃到AE...

4 我們的DPS輸出應該有進步了..這次HP1 DOWN的時候較上次快了一點..加油!
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-7-28 01:02

c Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 136s, 27950k @205514dps --- Crazymasters + pets 3256k @25050dps (11.65%) --- Angbkr 3150k @25607dps (11.27%) --- Firebeard 2413k @21545dps (8.63%) --- Aroust 2034k @17096dps (7.28%) --- Skofaz + pets 1797k @13822dps (6.43%) --- Penden + pets 1364k @24364dps (4.88%) --- Crazywen 1287k @10134dps (4.6%) --- Kuria 1235k @10205dps (4.42%) --- Tianyamag + pets 1200k @11763dps (4.29%) --- Flybear + pets 1193k @9782dps (4.27%)
第2次: HP11没变HPX就挂了
c High Priest of Oseka in 89s, 28440k @319550dps --- Angbkr 3804k @46395dps (13.38%) --- Crazymasters + pets 3261k @39292dps (11.47%) --- Firebeard 2793k @33656dps (9.82%) --- Penden + pets 1828k @23436dps (6.43%) --- Fayhungx 1718k @23528dps (6.04%) --- Skofaz + pets 1463k @16818dps (5.14%) --- Fantomex + pets 1405k @20364dps (4.94%) --- Bebeto + pets 1384k @18448dps (4.86%) --- Colortiger + pets 1320k @30697dps (4.64%) --- Aroust 1296k @24449dps (4.56%)
c High Priest of Oseka in 85s, 28139k @331052dps --- Angbkr 3208k @39601dps (11.4%) --- Aroust + pets 3008k @38082dps (10.69%) --- Colortiger + pets 2514k @32232dps (8.93%) --- Crazymasters + pets 2384k @29067dps (8.47%) --- Bebeto + pets 1882k @23522dps (6.69%) --- Skofaz + pets 1785k @21246dps (6.34%) --- Firebeard 1745k @21539dps (6.2%) --- Fayhungx 1724k @21030dps (6.13%) --- Tianyamag + pets 1561k @28381dps (5.55%) --- Fantomex + pets 1252k @18686dps (4.45%)
c Combined: High Priest of Oseka in 102s, 29000k @284318dps --- Angbkr 3669k @37062dps (12.65%) --- Crazymasters + pets 3474k @34741dps (11.98%) --- Firebeard 2421k @24455dps (8.35%) --- Tianyamag + pets 2344k @24937dps (8.08%) --- Aroust + pets 2195k @25230dps (7.57%) --- Fayhungx 2190k @24066dps (7.55%) --- Skofaz + pets 1769k @17868dps (6.1%) --- Fantomex + pets 1243k @12552dps (4.28%) --- Bebeto + pets 1216k @12669dps (4.19%) --- Kenming + pets 981k @9913dps (3.38%)

we get info  about hpx  ,  it is 5 -11- 1 -?-?-?

we fail :
kosmadtiger ' hp change to hpx  3 times . healer(hpx) should quickly more at next time .tank do your message quickly too .

someone miss emote  ,make some raider die and snare .

i think we should keep all tank live  more long time . we low dps ,  but we can hold tanks ,  it is mean  that we should win.
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-7-28 12:31

一开始 zealot 组应该在 中间位置dps HP的,浪费了好多dps
Author: Newbie    Time: 2012-7-28 21:02

To help with random HPX I think the real clerics should be with the side groups.. Our last try I was the healer for Skofaz he took the first HP. He had a lot of healers, I was his main healer with Anfield but he never  got below 75% it was too easy.

I Had Kakakulu, Nunuke, Amadeus all in my HoTT and there life was very bouncy from incoming too the time they died. like getting down too 20% of health then getting heal, then when there mob turn into hard hitter and they call for heal, there already dead.. If real cleric is with them and there mob turns into the hard hitter. Real clerics can react use our tools to up our healing power and can react at a faster pace.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-6 23:13

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-6 23:15



1 DPS 大有提升,推第一隻HP 要花的時間大大下降了

our dps improve a lot this time, we can down first hp in a short time

2 AE EMOTE 還是要大家留意,看到EMOTE 後請遠離RAIDER 或跑到BANNER,一個的失誤便會令大量DPS死亡...

we should more care for the ae emote,when the emote pop, we should move away from raider or move to banner if u have enough time

3 不要接近珍珠附近以及任何水邊...以免令蛇POP

dont near the pearl or  water , it will make adds pop

4 我們在殺掉第一隻HP後出現失控情況...要注意HP 每90秒會變身為HPX...TANK要在頻道叫出來讓補血支援

hp will change to hpx after 90sec, tank should shout in rw when u got hpx to make our healer give u support!

5  以今晚的治療量我覺得是不俗的..[9 CLE 3 DRU BOX HEALER 是大趨勢我們應該要適應] DPS也不差,唯有AE EMOTE上要注意一下...若電腦反應較快的朋友不妨在頻道提一下吃了EMOTE的朋友..當然自己也要專心

our heal power and dps not bad this time [with 9 cle and 3dru even some are box chars]
if your comp are better u can try to remind ppl if u see them get ae emote, of course every raider need to take care for emote in raid

hope we can do better this time and i believe we can do better!
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-6 23:49

hp become to hpx will be the bigest problem .we should arrange one more healer on every time hp change form into hpx.
hpx max hit 22000,it always kill our tank in a sudden. there may one rule that hp become t hpx, we should know it ,and make a good arrangment to handle this.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-7 00:11

TANK HP11 (即第一隻要DPS的HP) 在FIRST HP DONW後 宜做好準備協助處理任何TANK DONW 的情況...

其實SK 本身也有24 秒無敵DISC...如果情況不是太混亂的話是有能力在短時間協助處理HPX 的突然變身情況
(前提當然是沒有被RL 安排到TANK LIST )... SHIVIN 跟 YUMA若沒有被安排TANK HP 或 MA的話其實可以充當臨時HPX TANK 一下...

BOX HEALER 一定不要安在中間....因為EMOTE POP在BOX HELAER時會很危險(MISS 了EMOTE便會令大量RAIDER 吃到AE) 放在HP7 或 HP 9 安全一點
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-7 00:20

Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-7 00:22

big lag the day ,  At least 8 raider  told me big lag.

but we still get our best dps in oseka so far ,

459K dps in 62 s  , we down first HP .  u are so good .  thanks

update  info :

we try kill first HPX next time .  

The benefits of doing so is:

No longer  whirlpool, a second HPX no longer transform
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-7 00:27

如果只是一隻HPX 的話應該是有法子的(最少要支持10-15秒不會是太大問題)
每次會CR的原因是因為當LOSE CONTROL的時候通常是2-3隻HP已經亂跑。。。
SK 本身有幾種 0秒但很TAUNT的AA。。。如果只是一隻的話是可以的
當然能找到HPX 變身的次序會更好
我們已有的資料是HP 在INC 後第一個90 及第二個90 秒那一隻HP會變成HPX。。。(上次LK有做了一點筆記,在前幾個POST)
但不肯定我們在90秒內DPS DOWN 第一隻HP後那個變身次序會不會有變化。。。
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-8-7 08:34

whirlpool 是个16300的 DOT,这点更正一下
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-10 11:47

更正一下....兩個AA 治療量...

Celestial Regeneration  (max 24等級)  1 tick =3900 CRTI =7800 1 TICK
全部相關AA 有修的話(含延長時效 + 縮短CD時間)  2分鐘 + CD 10分30秒

Focused Celestial Regeneration  (12等級MAX) 單體DOT HEAL 50秒 內 1TICK 5600HP
CRI 10800HP !! 有修完縮短時間RECAST TIME =10分鐘

由於是DOT HEAL ,因此 一定要配合HEALING BOON (MAX 等級21)才有理想效果!

以上兩AA CD 時間獨立計算!

還有一個相當好用的被動技能 ABOUNDANT HEALING (MAX 等級25 )
效果是任何直接治療也有機會令治療對像得到一個持續治療的DOT HEAL效果,時效30秒左右..1TICK
2000 HP,CRI 4000HP...多無少補...也不會跟其他DOT HEAL效果重疊

至於 BRUST OF LIFE 與 BECON OF LIFE 兩個治療AA 是使用共同CD時間,前者是單體後者是團體HEAL,
不過BRUST OF LIFE 本身還有一個AA 可以增強治療效果(每1 AA 增加1000治療量)...0秒施放相關AA 修完的話NON CRI 也可以打出30K 治療量...CD TIME是3分鐘...異常好用..不過要花的AA相當多..

其實當FIRST HPX 推掉後 FREE出來的 3位 HEALER可以 立即支援第二隻HPX 的治療 (因為HPX 死後會自餘下的5隻HP中便會有一隻自動成為HPX...那時MT 便要盡快在RS 頻內叫IAM TANK HPX,PLZ HELP!讓其他FREE出來的治療支援...如果不幸TANK DONW,那 HPX1 的TANK應該支動接上去..那麼LOSE CONTROL 的機會就會大大下降

至於HEALER 方便..我提議全部HEALER 可以在EX WIN 內(如果AA 有修完你的WIN 可以放10 個TARGET)
放上當晚的MT..MT LIST 也很簡單變動也不大,例如


當看到頻道有MT 說他在坦HPX 的時候便可以從WIN 找到目標治療...十分方便
Author: Napsin    Time: 2012-8-12 02:38


Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-12 11:02

Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-12 17:01

Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-8-12 19:36

freelance pull得略微合理一点

hp 9和7换位
hp 1喝 3换位,
2. pulll/park 9的时候也不用,冒险经过7  (1、3)同理
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-12 23:57

12/8 今天我們又向前走進了一步:)

1  we dps down hpx1 and hpx2 to 16%....just low dps on hpx2 ,we will do better for next try!

2  After HPX1 (11) die ,HPX2  (5) tank  should pull back hpx2 to middle camp .hpx2 stand too far make our dps not easy to do their job

當HPX1 殺掉後 ...負責TANK HPX2 的坦應該將HPX2 拉回中間(就是DPS HPX1 的位置) 讓火力集中..
剛才SHAVIN 坦HPX2 的時候位置太遠...令DPS較困難...再者TEMPLAR 經常POP在中間位置...很易秒殺DPS..

3 AS Iam MA for last try, 1 eat two ae emote when dps...its enough for me to run to banner
after i get hit not hard and it can help our raider not kill by remember run to banner (or run away from ppl if u dont have enough time)when u get emote u should run to banner at once

最後一次TRY 的時候我負責MA...這次我被AE EMOTE點名兩次...基本上兩次也有足夠時間離開人群...這個動作十分重要..AE傷害不強..但一定不可以讓AE POP 在CAMP 附近,不然會殺掉很多戰力

4 when we kill hpx2 ,our dps is low so we fail to brun it down in 90sec, if we can keep out dps
in high way ,we can control hpx more easy..we find that when hpx1 down....hpx2 wont pop immediately ..(around 5sec or more) all tank need to take care and prepared to tank hpx

最後一次TRY 的時候由於DPS不足,因而無法在90秒時限內殺掉HPX2 [大概打至16%左右]..DPS 不足會令TEMPLAR POP更多...ENC 控場將會困難..[HPX1 的時候只POP 1隻TEMPLAR...很容易處理..但HPX2 的時候由於DPS 不足..因此在HPX2 16%時已經POP 4 TEMPLAR....且還在打人...]

假如看到TEMPLAR 在打人請KNIGHT/WAR OFF TANK讓ENC MEZ...[TM的話會浪費很多治療量...]

5 我們幾次的TRY 也出現MISS ZEALOT 的問題...特別是TUNNEL 7的情況最嚴重...5 跟 3 的情況算理想..

DONT near water when dps.....near water will pop 1 snake add[ hit 16k for max!]
Dont miss any zealot...zealot near water will pop 1 more HP!!

6 IF u see our tank have some problem when pulling hp back [especailly HP11 (HPX 1)]
u can use skill help tank to pull seems a patch bug when pulling hp...sometimes
hp just walk left and right and dont run back to camp when inc...

PULL HP的時候可能有PATCH BUG引致HP 不走回來CAMP....假如RAIDER有看到這個情況可嘗試用PULL AA
幫忙令HP到位DPS..因為WAR 本身沒有MNK/SK 那種PULL AA....因此有時候會出現拉不回來的情況..
第一隻HPX 一定要準確到位才不會浪費DPS...

we did better this time and should be more better for next try!
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-13 22:43

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-13 23:01


先殺HPX 1 和 HPX2 ,再處理TEMPLAR..方法是可行,不過有一些情況要注意

1 吃到EMOTE 的RAIDER一定要號開...AE POP 嚴重影響DPS 輸出...

2 KNIGHT 只要不是負責MA 的應該要要做好幫坦HP 的準備...特別是HPX1 DOWN後經常出現TANK DOWN的情況..這麼SK 就要幫忙坦 [AA PULL + AA TAUNT 應該能吸住了...]

3 TEMPLAR MEZ 盡量集中在中間間位置,方便MA PULL 回來DPS

PS HPX 2 DOWN越快,RAID的情況越易受控制,這主要關乎AE EMOTE有沒有跑好及負責TANK HP坦有沒有出現不穩...兩點也處理好的話應該能順推的...最少今晚有成功一次..

4 RL 後來也轉換了戰術...要求RAIDER 跟隨MA DPS..(KAKA HP >TIGER HP )..但不少DPS 還是本能地DPS HPX...浪費了很多火力輸出.....總而言之,要經常留意RS 頻有沒有特別提示...不要AFK QQ
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-13 23:38

負責MA 要注意的情況

今天負責MA工作...由於戰術變更,因此MA 的反應要更快....
不能發呆...INC HP後要立即跑位...當HP 1 跟 HP2 殺掉後要立即處理TEMPLAR
(DPS 不足的話大概已 POP4 TEMPLAR)

PS: MA 如吃到EMOTE 一樣要跑BANNER....不能免疫....
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-14 00:19

今天healer已经可以很好的hold住坦克了,再有1-2次熟悉,得益于知道hpx前几步的变身顺序,相应的开aa和disc,以及切换t heal上去.之后的问题要转移到,怎么让dps以及add组不死上去了..这个问题解决了我们就离win不远了.来回跑杀hp有不利的地方,就是治疗dps组难度加大,mass heal加不上.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-14 07:31

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-14 07:33


戰術1 依次序將HPX 一隻一隻拉回CAMP 打

好處: DPS不用四處跑....治療可以更好的運用AE HEAL功能
壞處:  對像是HPX, AE 跟DPS 會強一點..若超出90秒時限HPX 會轉移

戰術2 先殺HP  HPX 留最後處理
好處: HP DPS AE相對較弱,容易處理..
壞處:  DPS 要跑位置,遇上發呆的RAIDER 會令DPS輸出下降,跑位置也影響治療輸出

使用戰術1的最理想成積: 殺掉兩隻HPX2 ,不過之後TANK DOWN LOSE CONTROL

使用戰術2的最理想成積: 殺掉HPX,HPX2打至30%左右..輸出不足夠 但坦數量足夠[第二隻HPX 由TIGER負責除了MA外還有2隻SK BACK UP 坦不過火力輸出不足...]

兩種戰術也遇上第二隻HP DPS輸出不足,因此POP大量TEMPLAR 令控場失控....

超過4隻TEMPLAR就會很容易令RAID 失控
Author: rowad    Time: 2012-8-14 08:19

移动杀是没有dps的  整个队伍会被拉开 APS互相吃不到 昨天我就没吃到shm的ep2
Author: Aroust    Time: 2012-8-14 08:27

是不是能一開始就把要殺的順序說清楚,像是 5 - > 1 ->  2 這樣..然後每次就執行這樣的順序
因為Raid 中間要聽MA or RL 即時的號令轉移目標,大多數的人反應都沒這麼快,打個幾次固定的順序,即使要移動dps也很快就熟練了。
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-14 10:19

站在MA 的立場....我是較喜歡DPS固定在CAMP 開打 (即戰術1)
跑位置DPS 若遇上RAIDER LAG的情況將會易出現混亂 (如跑進水邊引致ADD POP)


因此,我是較支持將HPX 一隻一隻拉回CAMP 殺 (只要排好次序...順序將HPX 拉回CAMP 殺就好...治療與DPS也可以較專心完成自己的工作,LAG的影響也相對較少)

至於AE EMOTE...除了HP TANK較不容易吃到外..任何人也有機會吃AE,只能祈求不要讓補血/ENC 被EMOTE叫到...不然一邊MEZ 一邊跑AE實在吃力

最後要提一下負責INC 的RAIDER 一定要SET COUNTDOWN [10 >5> 3>2>1] ..因為OSEKA RAID比較容易SOK ,不提示一下不行,讓大家好好準備一下
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-14 10:41



當DPS 開始清理TEMPLAR 的時候 ,負責第三隻HPX 的坦慢慢移動至中間CAMP 位置(這邊可以請MNK/SK


殺掉HPX 3 後就看TEMPLAR POP的情況再決定如何處理


因為ZAM 沒有說過HPX數量下降後會令ZEALOT /TEMPLAR POP速度加快,即使說只要我們的節奏無打亂,應該是越來越穩....

1-3隻HP 一定要快處理
4-6 HP 可以慢慢殺,調整RAID的節奏

又,每殺掉一隻HPX 後應該可以抽出1 TANK +2 HEALER支援跟他HP TEAM
因此HP TANK本身應該準備好應付隨時發生TANK DOWN要接坦的情況..

如果POP 人數正常...
正常來說 HPX 2 DOWN後我們應該會有2 TANK + 4 HEAL可以抽出來作支援力量

MA 安排兩位是正確的做法,最少MA1 DIE後還有人指揮場面,不會令DPS 不知所措

ZEALOT TEAM目前來說TUNNEL 7 的情況最不穩定,因為距離水邊路線最短...我覺得即使放棄一隻DPS也要增強這邊的火力..確保HPX3 DOWN 前不會MISS ZEALOT....


當我們有把握殺掉3隻HPX 後...可以開始構思10 CLICK HPX的安排
10 CLICK 只要不是HELAER 跟TANK 也可以排進去
最簡單的做法就是直接令G? 至 G? 的人負責檢跟CLICK
由RL 在RS 頻COUNTDOWN 再在10秒內完成CLICK 任務...
當EMOTE POP後清掉場上 的ADD 然後就WIN 了! (HPX 在10 CLICK仍會打人...一樣要治療跟坦)
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-14 21:58

这样的话,需要前3个hp tank healer全部最好是真人而不是box,这样才能比较好的切换到别的t或者add组的治疗上去
Author: Newbie    Time: 2012-8-15 00:06

Ya that's what I said in a previous post flomore. The main healers heal hp tanks.... First mob we have 90 seconds to kill, leave box healers spam healing that tank. Main healers on hp tanks gives us the ability to use all of our discipline healing aa's and technics to up healing power, but Box healers CANT
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-15 02:44

我们的dps提升了一倍(450k-600k on  first HP),只要大家再熟悉一下新战术,3个 全职的shm 和 2个全职的brd 跟上dps 队伍可以让大家在新战术中同样得到较好的发挥,

因为我们的医疗缺陷(2/3的box clr),新战术可以让我们tank 存活了 5mins ,如果再进一步熟悉或可以坚持更长时间 。

Our dps increase than doubled (450k-600k on first  HP), as long as we are familiar with the new tactics, 3 full-time  shm and 2 full-time  brd keep up with the dps team so that our  get better in the new tactics .

Because of healer's defects (2/3 of the box clr), but new tactics can make our tank alive for 5mins  or can insist on more time.
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-15 02:49

kill HP9  ( healer9 to  tank5   ,  tank9  backup to tank7)

kill HP1  (healer1 to  tank11  ,  tank1  backup to tank11)

clean templar  ( 2 knight and his melee group , 1  caster dps group )

kill HP11

zelot group A ( bst + rng , dru/shm  ,knight  ,caster dps ) channel 7

zelot group B (bst + rng ,dru/shm  ,bst + rng )  channel3  channel5
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-15 10:01

THE main point for new raid plan is to make sure all our dps know follow ma to dps hp when
the target change. As we need to use our box cle to support our heal power, its quite hard to ask them follow our mt to run when change target....

hope we can do better for next try and at least we can keep 2hp down in the next oseka
raid ........
Author: kuria    Time: 2012-8-15 11:55

Author: Crazymasters    Time: 2012-8-15 20:29

Post Last Edit by Crazymasters at 2012-8-15 20:51

今天的Patch 修改了Rubak Mission Time and Tides (mission) - the Whirlpool spell effect is now a single-target effect and should now only strike players who are inside the whirlpool aura

AE從原本的 range 40 改為single 目標 ,不過重點是得Emote的人一定要移動!!
讓我們期望Rubak Raid 也更改吧 ....

Author: anfield    Time: 2012-8-17 20:53

Patch says mission only, pity it isn't raid, would help a lot
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-20 23:58

20/8 (MON)

1 enc mez templar not stable, sometimes templar lose control and run to tank make wipe

2  dps a bit low tonight ,2 templar pop after first hp down

3  tank 1(tiger) and Tank 3(amadeous)  heal support seems not stable, maybe healer lag
cuase heal  power problem

4 may be we need to set a back up plan for templar, if our dps not good to down hp fast
we should kill templar first after first hp down to make enc  less pressure


1 如何令我們的TANK 可以撐久一點? (不管是TANK 還是治療方面也是同樣重要]
2 TEMPLAR 的MEZ 要更加穩定..不然會令TEMPLAR 打MT ...令RAID失控...

FOLLOW MA DPS大致做到了..只是偶爾會有一些AFK/SOK 情況...
時間不足無法TRY 太多次
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-8-21 06:49

20/8 (MON)
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-8-22 17:02

2个enchaner, 1个sk/pal, 1个healer比较较理想,可以吧templar mez/放在大珍珠哪里平地上?
这个组就慢慢负责templar,最好控制在 2-3个mez, 多的话,要开始杀
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-22 17:29

作為MA 我也希望ENC 盡量將TEMPLAR 集中MEZ 在中間地帶...
到了清TEMPLAR的時候就可以容易拉回來CAMP 處理...

如果要獨立讓1G 處理TEMPLAR
最少要由一個 SK/PAL + 2ENC + 1CLE + 1DPS 組合組成....(當然2位ENC也可以幫忙DPS)
組成大概是這樣的話就有能力NON-STOP 慢慢清

如果將其中一個MA 工作交給MNK [MASTER 應該絕對可以勝任!他應該懂怎樣跑位置!]
(雙MA 還是要的...以防其中一位MA 要跑AE EMOTE或死掉..)

如果我們的DPS無法快速有效的將HP 1 + HP2 處理掉
(幾次 TRY 下來似乎也沒有把握....真的有把HP2 殺掉也只有一次紀錄...且是用另一個戰術)
就只有向持續穩固RAID 入手..

LAG 這個問題無法子迴避...

讓連線最穩的MT 處理第一跟第二隻HP
當兩隻HP也處理後兩位MT 自動跑去支援其他HP TANK

如果讓MA 的工作全部由MNK 負責(MASTER/CRAZYWEN/PANDEN 參與OSEKA RAID有相當時間,應該有能力誓好MA的工作_

那我們最少有2位 KNIGHT 當HP BACK UP TANK [1PAL + 1 SK]
這樣配上 HP 1 殺掉後抽出來的TANK 1
應該能在短時間內有3位BACK UP TANK支援其他HP TEAM

TEMPLAR 專門由1G 處理下其他DPS 自然可以專心DPS HP
只要TEMPLAR沒有打MT 或出現失控情況


PS:HEALER 組內有LAG 情況...安排人員時也要留意...如DIOS 的PING 有時達500左右...如果要排進HEAL TEAM就只能當0.5人員處理...要另外在放置一個HEALER....(LAG的情況太嚴重的話表現可能比BOX再差一點...)
Author: Skykline    Time: 2012-8-24 11:20

死後,分一隊精銳DPS SK HEALER 去處理小怪,其他DPS FOLLOW MA追殺第二隻到最後
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-8-24 11:58

a Templar start to pop 20-30secs after trigger, then 1 pop every min
so, when 1st HP down (20/8), we had 2 Templar  ( out of control, we wpied)
1. need to keep these 2 under control
2. when we kill 2nd HP ( 2 more will pop as we use more time for 2rd HP)
3. 3rd HP ( 2-3 more pop)
4. etc etc
Mez Team need some basic  set up and strategy to deal this。 How many can they keep under mez, how many needs to be killed ( I cant answer this).
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-25 11:24

test done .
clr  can light  to  tank anywhere.Even  clr  standing the topmost,box clr safe now .

clr 就算站在最顶端也可以light到最底层的tank 。
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-26 23:15

26/8 (SUN)

1 DPS   good! we down hp11 very fast....
2 however , we still get problem on tank and healer...our heal power still not stable and make tank die fast....
3  remember follow ma dps
we try a new plan tonight

HP 11 >HP 1>templar>7

Iam sure we can pass HP3 if we can recover the heal problem....
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-26 23:31

打這場RAID的關鍵始終還是DPS 跟 TANK...
DPS 猛一點...TANK的壓力就會少一點
TANK 硬一點....LOSE CONTROL 的時間就會延後一點...

我是負責MA...因此即使看見TANK DOWN也只能先完成MA的工作...
盡力防止HP 失控....讓DPS 可以全力輸出...

至於MEZ 方面...
最好是安排一個KNIGHT 跟HEALER 支援一下 兩位ENC
因為MEZ FAIL 會令怪打ENC...
有KNGIHT 跟一個HEAL 在組內可以更易控制場面...

(我已經不只一次看到TEMPLAR 打TANK了...14-16 1 HIT不是說笑...)
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-8-27 17:08

lets do better .
Author: Nathans    Time: 2012-8-27 17:19

Hi guys

Just wanted to pass on the info that i was given as to how we can maybe do better with this raid.

A friend of mine in SR who i believe are the top guild on our server and therefore have the best equipped and raid experienced tanks gave me some advice over a month ago regarding this raid.

Basically in order to win this raid SR use mage and their pets to tank the HP that the raid is not fighting. So have each group with 1 mage with the pet tank the HP and 2 healers keeping the pet alive. He basically told me that mage pets live longer then even their top tanks so giving more time to kill the HP at a time. So I propose we use mage and 2 healer for each HP we are not killing at time. have other groups set up to kill the templar pop giving us more man power to hopefully dps the HP and kill them quicker. then freed up mage and pet can fight templars or keep them busy while we concentrate on HP dps.

I have been absent a while so my knowledge of this raid is not the best at the moment but my friend thinks all VoA raids can be won easily with 24 mage and 24 druid i think he said for use their pet and healing power. Was something along those lines and i really think it would be a good idea for us to try their tactics as they are most successful guild.

When i see him next i will ask him for better detail on their tactic and will post what i learn.

I hope this maybe help us and hope see you all soon.


Nathans your little ranger friend
Author: kakakuku    Time: 2012-8-27 18:18

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-27 18:53

cool, we can use mix of real tank and mage pet for tanking ( if we are in short of both)

also, something to share with wars on pulling HP:

1.  Put your HP on your extended window and target window, turn on your atk.

2. keep distance from your HP (Scorn, Roar, Blast of Anger and Gut Punch all got range of 100), thus you do not need to melee it.

3. when you see Yuma's count at 5secs, Open  fortitude or flash of anger ( with either u have enough time to do the pull, i suggest fortitude, it is not a waste as u get to tank the HP healing free for some time as well.  Flash of anger, you can use 3rd personal view, run backwards)

4. Right after that, begin to SPAM your Scorn, Roar, Gun Punch, and Blast of Anger buttons.  I have most of them linked in one macro, i just spam that key 3secs before boss go activate.  Once boss goes alive, these land very quickly, and you should run to your position at the same time.  All 4 skills give enough of hate, 2-3 skills would be enough.

5.  DO NOT open your hate Pet UNTIL your HP is in position:
     a. Other HPs will hit your pet if they pass by ( as long as your pet is  closer than the other tank, remember other tanks are running to their position as well), so now u have more than 1 HP stacking together= no good
     b. Once your pet is dead, the hate will transfer to you, which means u will face more than 1=no good
6. Once your HP is in position, then you can further lock your hate (Rallo, hate pet , ect.)
    I don't see there is any need to further lock hate unless your HP is the first one to be killed ( as you have to build some good aggro vs. dpsers).  Otherwise, you would be solo Tanking the mob with healers.
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-27 18:42

SR is a TOP1 guild in this server...
just know they clear VOA few days before
if u check their gear in megolo
u will find that their gear not stronger their than our member a lot
(around 20% for max...for a war in this server, kaka can rank in top5 in list)
so there is not a big difference for RF and RS if we just compare with gear

what we lose may be raid skill and lag problem for raid....
we can do better as we contiue improve our gear and more raider get main rank...
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-8-27 22:50

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-27 22:52

關於MA 的一點情況這邊要說明一下...

我在RAID時除了負責MA 也有不少時候兼任INC
要令6 HP INC需要 CLICK 一個道具
由於 HP11 距離太遠...
因此我在INC 時會將TARGET 放到最近的HP (很多時是HP 5 或是 HP7)
那你很多時會發現你的目標不是HP 11
我在INC後才會將目標轉回HP 11
因此DPSER INC後 先不要急於DPS 
待TANK 到位後看到我的MA MSG在RS頻道出現後才開始DPS就行了。。。


if u set yuma(ma) as your raid ass in Ex window
u will always find that your target is wrong (not hp 11) when inc
it is becuase iam not only ma but also raider  for active  6 hp
so everytime when i active hp i need to target hp and click item to active event
as Hp11 too far  from me..
i always target hp5 or hp7 as my target to click item
so thats why u will get wrong target if u ass me when inc

i suggest that all dpser can wait for a short time after inc(aorund 3-5sec after inc)
just wait tank pull their tagret to camp and my ma msg show in rs
then u can start your dps on hp

thx a lot for yoor help :)
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-9-2 23:22


1 如何令TANK穩坦HP將影響我們能否殺到第3隻HP...
2  跑AE EMOTE要再好一點..一個AE打過來又死一堆人了...

PS:只有 3WAR...不太好應付..
Author: Shavin    Time: 2012-9-2 23:49

emotes is one of the key of this event.

if only 1 player miss emote, he can wipe all raid ..
Author: Yuma    Time: 2012-9-3 09:20

i hope we have more main rank war or knight for tanking HPX in future...
atm, our tank number just meet the minimum requirement for oseka...

seems tank 5 and 7 always down fast when we dps hp1
so i suggest after hp11 down ,hp 11 tank just move to hp 5 or 7 to back up tank..

lag problem also a big hit for our raid too...

i hope bodo will grow up soon and become one of our hp tank [war just for ass dps is very waste power ......war is for tank boss!!]

besides, we seems have new pals join raid.hope them up gear soon and become our new ma then we can release more knight for tanking hp...
Author: lklws    Time: 2012-9-3 13:58

about tank+healer:
每一个通道安排一个全职的clr保持group heal在他队伍的2个tank身上.每个tank组增加一个后备tank.

add a full time clr keep group heal on 2 tanks  of his group .add 1 knight in  HP tank group .

For example:

tank 1+tank 3 +1 backup tank  +  1 full time clr ( keep group  heal pls , make sure heal on 2 tanks )

tank 7 +tank 9+1 backup tank   + 1 full time clr ( keep group  heal pls , make sure heal on 2 tanks )

all box healer move to a higher level channel .all main char donot make no mistake .

always bst rng mnk ,  try heal yourself pls.I will try to arrange a team which, if you can support other channel teammates.(channel 7+ channel 5)
Author: flomore    Time: 2012-9-3 21:41

group heal操作起来有点难的,因为位置会变.

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