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Subject: EQ 各种族职业 Faction 表(不包含许多NPC Faction) [Print]

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2007-5-29 09:23     Subject: EQ 各种族职业 Faction 表(不包含许多NPC Faction)

特搏纳牧师-The Field Priest of the Tribunal (Barb BST)
白玫瑰盗贼-The Rouges of the White Rose (Barb ROG)
正义萨满巫医-The Shamans of Justice (Barb SHM)
北方之狼-The Wolves of the North (Barb WAR)

暗黑精灵-Dark Elves:
亡灵之子-The Dead (Def NEC & SHD)
乌木面具-The Ebon Mask (Def ROG)
深蓝兄弟会-The Indigo Brotherhood (Def WAR)
伊诺鲁克祭司-The Priest of Innoruuk (Def CLR)
摒弃者-The Spurned (Def MAG, ENC, & WIZ)

恩德福牧师-The Clerics of Underfoot (Dwf CLR)
矿工行会-Miner’s Guild 628 (Dwf ROG)
矿工行会-Miner’s Guild 249 (Dwf PAL)
风暴卫士-The Stormguard (Dwf WAR)

工艺守护者-The Craft Keepers (Eru ENC)
深红之手-The Crimson Hands (Eru WIZ)
深水骑士-The Deepwater Knights (Eru PAL & CLR of Prexus)
幻门召唤者-The Gate Callers (Eru MAG)
和平守护者-The Peacekeepers (Eru PAL & CLR of Quellious)
异教徒-The Heretics (Eru worshipers of Cazic-Thule)

暗黑冥想行会-The Dark Reflection (Gnm worshipers of Bertoxxulous)
深思行会-The Deep Muses (Gnm CLR, PAL, ROG)
埃尔德奇行会-The Eldritch Collection (Gnm ENC, MAG, & WIZ)
宝石行会-The Gemchoppers (Gnm WAR)

深口盗贼-The Deeppockets (Hlf ROG)
大河谷守卫-The Guardians of the Vale (Hlf WAR)
米希夫牧师-The Priests of Mischief (Hlf CLR)
风暴收割者-The Stormreapers (Hlf DRU, PAL, RNG)

高等精灵-High Elves:
土那瑞牧师-The Clerics of Tunare (Hie CLR & PAL)
法术守护者-The Keepers of the Art (Hie ENC, MAG, & WIZ)

秘术学者-The Arcane Scientist (Hum ENC, MAG, & WIZ)
阿森秩序-Ashen Order (Hum MNK)
血刃行会-The Bloodsabers (Hum worshipers of Bertoxxulous)
无影圣手-The Circle of Unseen Hands (Hef & Hum ROG)
地下贸易联合会-The Coalition of Tradefolk Underground (Hef & Hum ROG)
悲愤怒火-Dismal Rage (Hum worshipers of Innoruuk)
贾格丛林隐士-Jagged Pine Treefolk (Hef & Hum DRU)
雷电骑士-Knights of Thunder (Hum CLR & Hef & Hum PAL of Karana)
真理骑士-Knights of Truth (Hum CLR & PAL of Mithaniel Marr)
安托尼卡吟游诗人联盟-The League of Antonican Bards (Hef & Hum BRD of Antonica)
三元行会-The Order of Three (Hum ENC, MAG, & WIZ)
生命祭司-Priests of Life (Hum CLR & Hum & Hef PAL of Rodcet Nife)
玛尔祭司-Priests of Marr (Hum CLR & Hum & Hef PAL of Erollisi Marr)
丛林守护者-The Protectors of the Pine (Hef & Hum RNG)
静默神拳-Silent Fist Clan (Hum MNK)
钢铁战士-The Steel Warriors (Hef & Hum WAR)

科兹术士-The Brood of Kotiz (Iks NEC)
绿雾圣骑士-The Crusaders of Greenmist (Iks SHD)
卡比利斯军团-The Legion of Cabilis (Iks WAR)
神秘鳞片-The Scaled Mystics (Iks SHM)
灵魂鳞片-The Scaled Spiritualists (Iks BST)
闪电快拳-The Swifttails (Iks MNK)

费罗特训兽师-The Beastlords of the Feerrott (Ogr BST)
科拉尼克战士-The Craknek Warriors (Ogr WAR)
绿血骑士-The Greenblood Knights (Ogr SHD)
战争萨满巫医-The Shamans of War (Ogr SHM)

暗黑训兽师-Beastlords of the Dark Ones (Trl BST)
冲击战士-Da Bashers (Trl WAR)
暗黑之子-The Dark Ones (Trl SHM)
暗黑城堡骑士-The Shadow Knights of Night Keep (Trl SHD)

猫人-Vah Shir:
达卡拉-The Dar Khura (Vah SHM)
杰瑞-The Jharin (Vah BRD)
卡拉邓恩-The Khala Dun (Vah WAR)
卡迪沙尔-The Khati Sha (Vah BST)
塔伦-The Taruun (Vah ROG)

木精灵-Wood Elves:
翡翠战士-The Emerald Warriors (Hef & Elf WAR)
菲达克勇士-Faydark’s Champions (Hef & Elf RNG)
土那瑞密探-The Scouts of Tunare (Hef & Elf ROG)
土那瑞战士-Soldiers of Tunare (Hef & Elf DRU)
编歌者行会-The Songweavers (Hef & Elf BRD)
Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2007-5-29 09:23


deathfist orcs/死拳兽人

freeport militia/自由港斗士

grounds of fate/命运之地

house of thunder/雷电之屋

knight of life/生命骑士

knight of love/真爱骑士

marshearts&#39s chords/玛纱尔和弦

priest of Bertoxxulous/博塔索罗斯牧师

priest of love/真爱牧师

priest of thunder/雷电牧师

priests of truth/真理牧师

protectors of pine/丛林守护者

qeynos gurard/奎诺斯守卫

temple of life/生命神庙

temple of terror/恐惧神庙

the Eye/神眼行会

warrior of Bertoxxulous 博塔索罗斯战士

priests of mischief 诙谐祭司

keeps of the art 艺术收藏家

leatherfoot 莱泽弗

deeppocket 深口盗贼

scaled mystic 神秘鳞片

tower of death 死亡之塔

Guardian of the Vale 维尔护卫

court of pain 痛苦之堂

greenblood knights of oggok 奥格克绿血骑士

stormguard 风暴卫士

runny eye 魔眼

crushbone orcs 碎骨兽人

scouts 神探

the Dead 亡灵之子

arcane scientists 秘术学者

eldritch collective (Eqtable里都是eldrich这个拼法),埃尔德奇行会

gemchopper 宝石行会

clockwork 机械

crimson hands 深红之手

gatecaller 守护之门

craftkeeper 工艺守护者

miners guild 矿工行会

Sisterhood of Erollisi 艾洛斯姐妹行会

Pirates of Gunthak 钢特克海盗行会

Scaled Spiritist 鳞片精神

Field Priest of the Tribunal 特搏纳牧师

protectors of jaggedpine 丛林守护者

church of tribunal 特搏纳教会

faydark&#39s champions 菲达克勇士

Keepers of the Art 法术守护者

Craft Keeper 工艺守护者

Draconic Loyalist Fellowship 天龙忠诚

Unkempt Druids 异装德鲁伊

RunnyEye 魔眼

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