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Subject: eq各大狂战士朋友的俱乐部(狂战士集中帖) [Print]

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2009-1-22 20:22     Subject: eq各大狂战士朋友的俱乐部(狂战士集中帖)

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2009-1-22 20:50

Author: visanes    Time: 2009-3-14 13:51

Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2011-3-19 22:22

狂战士epic 1.0 ... amp;show=0&man=
Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2011-3-19 22:22

狂战士epic 1.5 ... amp;show=0&man=

1.去古洞和Julei Direaxe说话,完成对话和事件(参考(一)狂战士epic1.5前置任务 的对话)
5.去古洞杀Lamenting Spirit


Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2011-3-19 22:23

(三)狂战士epic 2.0 ... amp;show=0&man=

Keras McArik 是这个任务的提供者(同样也是epic1.5任务的提供者)。他的座标在凶兆湖(the Lake of Ill Omen) (-110, -3400, +235)

他说:你带什么来了?让我看看。(故事秉承狂战士epic1.5(注:攻略未提及是否需要把epic1.5交易给他从而触发对话。)仔细检查了你带给他的斧子,说:确实干得不错, Teekan (epic1.5任务相关npc)从不叫人失望。这个斧头是我看过最好的,它会好好的帮助你的征途。但抱歉的是我不能再等了,无疑你也看到了,我遇到麻烦了(troubled)。
你说:Troubled by what?他说:我的一个学生压力过大,我担心她通不过课程。你能帮我这个老头子一个忙吗?看看(find out)我别的学生出了什么事?(这里翻译有些不准确)你说:I will find out.

他说:我不知道她在哪里,但她也许有麻烦了。她叫Julei Direaxe(狂战士epic1.5前置任务的npc)。请务必快些找到她、帮她解决问题、让她安全。如果她一切ok,把信物带给我,我会永远铭记你的。

去古洞(The Hole/the Ruins of Old Paineel),npc在(+496, -224, -217),也就是从水下进去(要钥匙开门的那个石头,或者说是撤退点附近。),进去后,一直走到城堡那里。

Julei Direaxe不理你,自顾自的往前走。

She stands up and starts walking to the entrance(她开始走向门口).
Julei stands up and begins to head back to the entryway(她回到通道)
当npc回到通道时,和她打招呼。她给你Julei's Twilight Pendant


回到凶兆湖Keras McArik那里,把Julei's Twilight Pendant给他。

你说:Enhance my axe.

他说:我就知道你会要这个。Teekan的点化很有效,当然我发现可以更加好些。这个斧头有着和你一样惊人的潜力。这个斧头的力量是基于宝石(gems)和金属(metals),我会把它激发出来。当然也许你想找些别的强力的东西(other items of power)来进一步加强它。如果你能找到,我会帮你看看能不能用上。
你说:What other items of power?

你说:What gems?

他说:据说有个叫Tarvash Scriller的矮人珠宝商在研究这种无序之门的宝石。他是个珠宝方面的专家,我相信他能帮上忙。不过你得把钱袋子捂紧点,我听说他是个金舌,能把星星都卖给你。
你说:What metals?


要找的other items of power有关的地精叫Greeble Blacktoe,在斯第姆夫的座标未知。

他说:我能帮你什么?一个翘家的狂战士?你要的东西我不会有吧。你说什么?你在找东西强化你的虚构的斧头(power yer fancy axe)吗?我就知道是这个!
你说:Power my fancy axe.

他说:你以为我是个健忘的家伙吗?给我一点时间,行不行!啊,是的,我想你需要个闪电核心(Lightning Core)。这东西只在无序的能量自由溢出的地方有。去那种地方翻找下,你会找到的。
注:Lightning Core,从Muramite Proving Grounds区域的任意一个lightning warrior身上随机罕见掉落。

要找的 gems有关的矮人,叫Tarvash Scriller,在Bloodfields区域( -514, +1136, -680),火山口西边有段断墙的地方的墙顶。

你说:I want information.


他说:我看你带来的斧头加强过一点,不过我的眼睛看来,这不仅仅是“不太糟糕”的半吊子(意指根本就是糟糕透顶),我打赌斧头里还有容纳更多狂乱的魔力的余地。不过在这附近你是怎么找也找不到宝石的。我想你可以试着把Facetted Moonstone编到斧头柄上,然后用其他的精华组合起来。50白金币,那么我就告诉你哪里去找它。

注:这里需要完整raid队伍。去Nobles' Causeway区域的( +1788, +1754, +330),杀死Bazu Smasher,loot 任务物品Faceted Gemstone

要找的metals有关的npc铁匠,叫Grithyank Avlonnon,位于the Ruined City of Dranik区域。座标未知。和他打招呼。

他说:什么事,外地人?你找Grithyank Avlonnon有何贵干?
你说:I wish to enhance my axe.

他说:这是个有趣的武器样品,它混合了你们那里的工艺和我们这里的材料,以及两个地方的魔力。如果我能多研究一下它就最好了,不过我知道你拿过来不是让我研究的。你想了解它吗(you wish to learn more about it)?
你说:I wish to learn more about it.

他说:制造斧头头部的石头,你们的人可以叫它混乱之钢(Chaotic Steel)。它变成武器后就相当稳固,看来我也没办法处理它。不过,我注意到手柄似乎是用一种坚韧的木头做的。我想那个铁匠没想到这个金属会压迫柄部,于是在某个最不恰当的时候、比如某个白热化的战斗中它会突然碎裂。基于对你们世界的了解,我建议你用我们称为Shadowed Bronze的液体来粘结它们。我想在格瑞的尽头(Grieg's End)的古代阴影有这个Shadowed Bronze。它能吸收斧头头部的大部分压力。

注:组织raid(2-3组人),去Grieg's End区域座标(-627, +1785, -69),杀死Ancient Shade(嗯,这个家伙在peq也看到过,位于地图东南。)loot任务物品Shadowed Lump of Bronze。

然后,将 Lightning Core, Faceted Moonstone, Shadowed Lump of Bronze,狂战士epic1.5交给凶兆湖的npc Keras,得到an Unhoned Vengeful Taelosian Blood AxeL

然后,将an Unhoned Vengeful Taelosian Blood Axe和a globe of discordant energy交给Grithyank Avlonnon,便得到epic2.0。但攻略上未说明该如何触发对话。

注:a globe of discordant energy是在the Asylum of Anguish区域打怪得到,别的信息就不全了。
Author: 我爱崔颖    Time: 2011-3-19 22:25


Starting to post for general increase in DPS for berserkers. I will start with the obvious, first off ALWAYS mash frenzy/volley (jolt when needed). Postition yourself behind the mob when ever possible to increase your accuracy (mobs will rip/dodge/parry etc in there front and side cones or so). Buffs can also be quite important for DPS, always keep ranger buffs up, pred/hunter line of spells and the CoS line for AC/DS if you want, don't use BSG any atk is better then a small amount of hp.

开始会写一些能让DPS提高的基本东西,首先,要做好一个DPSer, Frenzy和Volley(jolt如果需要的话)一定是要CD到就按的,其次站在怪物背后提高命中率(正面和侧面有反击,闪躲,格档),同时要保持dps相关BUFF,比如游侠的SOG,GOP,当然还有提高AC/DS的COS,不要用PAL的BSG.

Once you make the hotkeys below go download GamText Triggers from Gam's webpage (here) (Grab GamParse if you want also while your there, its like the best parser ever) and create triggers that will tell you when your reuses are up and triggers to tell you when to click the next burn button when you are burning (example would be to like have it search for when Savage Spirit leaves you and then have it message you with "CLICK BURN 2" or something of the sort. But remember as a berserker you should always tinker with your discs and find what works best for you, to do this just know what can stack and knowing when you should stack or use discs.

可以用GamText 做trigger提示你重要DISC的CD TIME结束,同时也可以配合我下边写的各种DISC组合技快捷键的使用.作为一个berserker, 你随时应该清楚你现在能用的DISC的冲突,叠加组合情况,



This is the order of which I would work on AA, I put criticals first because it is added dps without aggro, I followed it up with triple and double before flurry because better chance to flurry/triple is a better chance to flurry. Throwing Mastery for DPS per AA is a good investment (it improves volley damage).

下边是我给新zerker AA加点顺序的建议,会先加致命系列,因为他们提高DPS但是不提高仇恨,其实是3重攻击系列和双重攻击系列最后是flurry,因为有了更多的双重/3重攻击的机会才会有更多的flurry机会,最后是Throwing Mastery投掷专精也是很不错的投资,提高volley的伤害

1. Critical Hits
2. Triple Attack
3. Double Attack
4. Flurry
5. Throwing Mastery

After all this you will want to work on a little bit of defensives because you can now give some hits but you can't take em. After you get up to like for agility and stability up to 5/23. Then I would mix in other innate dps AA + the HP/Stat aa. Kirzan has a good post on listing our AA and how much they are per rank it can be found here.

这些都满了以后,我会加一些防御性质AA,因为现在你已经可以提供一些输出但是还是很paper,把CA/CS加到5/23 (自己觉得8/23比较好)然后会加些被动DPS AA和提高属性HP上限的AA,具体可以找论坛KIRZAN的POST.

AA discs now ~


I would get first rank of each of these first, you would have to max untamed 3/3 first to get a rank of casc. Then I would max everything in the order I put em. Though for this if you don't get a bard a lot I would knock cascading over blinding if you do get a bard leave as is.

我会至少学到下边每个DISC的第1及,然后把untamed rage学到3/3来学Cascading的第1及,因为没有BRD AURA的时候cascaing还是很不错的,甚至超过blinding fury.(我自己还是喜欢blinding fury)

1. Savage Spirit
2. Reckless Abandon
3. Blinding Fury
4. Untamed Rage
5. Cascading Rage
6. Blood Pact

Alternate Ability Disciplines

Savage spirit- Alright this ability can be found in our Omens AA tab, its 3/6/9 AA. It has a 1 hour 12min reuse so its to be used smartly it can add roughly the same about of DPS as Cleaving Anger or more if you stack our epic click with it, then you have one sick combo on your hands.

AA Cost: 3/6/9/9/10/12
Reuse: 72min
Duration: 60sec

Savage Spirit-oow版本出现的DISC ,72min CD持续1min,(加满提高暴击出的伤害5.25倍)所以用他的时候要更聪明些,单独用的时候带来的DPS提升和Clevaing Anger差不多,如果能保持epic buff则能提高更多.

Cascading Rage- Alright this is a tough one, its a detrimental buff aka you can stack it with your discs like Berserking. It has a double attack mod, a attack mod and a V3 over haste. V3 over haste is the same as the bards so with a bard in your group you are only benefiting from the double attack and attack bonus. So this is situational, without a bard this is one of our better ability's we have but with a bard its one of the lowest. This ability comes in 10 ranks, its a procing ability meaning when you click it it has 18 sec to randomly proc up to the 2nd level then it has 18 sec from there. Some times it procs up some times it doesn't.

AA Cost: 5/5/5/5/5/7/7/7/7/7
Reuse: 36min
Duration: 18sec per rank with a random proc up chance

Cascading Rage-这DISC是一个负面BUFF所以你可以和你的berserking等等 disc组合起来,
他包括一个提高双重攻击的属性,提高atk的属性,和一个V3 overhaste,有brd的时候这DISC是最烂的一个,没有brd的时候则是非常好的DISC,,同时这DISC是proc类型的,当你有这disc的时候会随机proc出他的下一阶段.

Blood Pact- Well this is like a 450 damage proc that hurts you for 150, lasts about 3.5min. It kinda sucks so don't use it while your epic click/blinding fury or Cascading Rage is up.

AA Cost: 3/6/9/7/8/9
Reuse: 15min
Duration: 90sec

Blood Pact-(这DISC我没用过-_-)持续90秒的450dd proc(类似shm puma)每次自己会扣150血 ,很烂的DISC有其他DISC再运行的的时候不要用他了

Desperation- This is a very very situational thing, basically if you don't have a bard and the event doesn't have any damaging features to you you can damage yourself down to 40% hp and use this. Its a V3 overhaste so its like having the bard overhaste song on for four min. Its 12aa points in our gates AA tab.

AA Cost: 12aa
Reuse: 22min
Duration: 5min

Desperation持续5min的 V3 HASTE,但是要再自己HP 40%以下才能开启, ,同样也和BRD AURA冲突, 所以很少有机会能用,尝试在安全的情况下自残到40%来开启把.

Untamed Rage- This is on the same timer as cascading rage so if you don't have a bard this isn't very useful. If you have a bard this does the same as cascading rage at level 3 for double attack and attack bonus but takes up your Combat Ability timer so its pretty blah it also lowers your ac 300. This ability is found in our gates tab its 3/6/9 AA.

AA Cost: 3/6/9
Reuse: 36min
Duration: 30sec

Untamed Rage-Cascading Rage共用一个TIMER.减你AC没太多可说的一般用cascading

Blinding Fury- This is quite situational but adds a 1min buff that has a random proc chance to add "Blinded by Fury" effect on you which makes you blind. When you are blinded by fury your pretty much doing EXACTLY what vengeful flurry does except this doesn't take up your combat ability timer.

AA Cost: 3/6/9/7/9/12
Reuse: 10min
Duration: 60sec

Blinding Fury-持续1min的buff,随机proc出 “Blinded by Fury”效果让你失明,同时提供和vengenful flurry一样的效果(100%double attack),但是不占disc栏的timer.

Uncanny Resilience- This is actually quite nice, its a vie with a 10min reuse, so hit it when you get aggro on a raid mob or named mobs in groups basically.

AA Cost: 3/6/9/7/9/12
Reuse: 10min
Duration: 60sec

Uncanny Resilience-自身吸收伤害盾,类似CLE的VIE系列,raid和平时group被named打就点他把

Combat Abilities

Berserking- This is our 2nd best Disc, SS6 is the first but if you don't have this then this is the best! It increases Max and Minimum damage (ALOT).

Endurance Cost: 3600 total
Re-Use: 25min
Duration: 30 sec
Where to Get: Rk1 droped, RK2 is faction, and rk3 is faction.

Berserking-除了SS6 以外最好的disc,,提高最高伤害和很多最低伤害

Cleaving Anger- Cleaving anger is a disc that lasts 1 minute and makes every one of our crits a cripple and also has a 200% increased crit mod. Downside to this disc is that its on our Reckless and Battle Focus disc timer line.

Endurance Cost: 1800 total
Re-Use: 22min
Duration: 60 Sec
Where to Get: Vendor bought in pok at the berserker tome NPCs

Cleaving Anger-持续1min并且让我们的每下暴击变成crippling,同时本身也能提高200%暴击率

Vengeful Flurry- Ok this disc now has limited use, it can add a crap ton of aggro so be cautious while its up, it adds Hundred hands haste, 10000% double attack and an random extra attack or round (there are conflicting reports).

Endurance Cost: 2250 total
Re-Use: 15 min
Duration: 30 sec
Where to Get: Glowing Rune turn in, info here

Vengeful Flurry-这DISC现在用途有限.他提高很多的仇恨,所以要小心,同时带有Hundred hands haste(另种overhaste)和10000%的双重攻击,和随机额外攻击机会.

Those are our actual discs but you will also find our Snares/Stuns/Jolts (jolt is a way of saying an ability that lowers aggro or gains but in our case lowers.)


Agitating Scream- This ability decreases a mobs mitigation to archery and throwing lasts 1.5min reuse is 2min so it takes 2 berserker's to chain this. It costs 650 end and is on your snare/stun timer so use it wisely.

Endurance Cost: 813
Re-Use: 120sec
Duration: 90sec
Where to Get: Rk1 is vendor bought, RK2 is dropped and RK3 is a rune turn in (I think)

Agitating Scream-持续1.5min的debuff , 降低怪物对射击和投掷的伤害减免,持续2min,2个bererker可以保持怪物这debuff(实际用的时候抵抗率惊人)和stun/snare/一个timer.用的时候小心

Jarring Smash- This is our de-aggro ability I know I know it sucks, but you will find you have to use it some times. It is on the same timer as volley (/mourn). Its about -803 hate every 12sec, even if it says its resisted it will still get rid of aggro dev confirmed. There has been conflicting talks on if jarring smash also adds 400hate making the total decreased hate only -403.

Endurance Cost: 244
Re-Use: 12 sec
Duration: N/A
Where to Get: Rk1 is vendor bought, RK2 is dropped and RK3 is a rune turn in (I think)

Jarring Smash-减仇恨技能和volley同一个timer实际减403 hate

Tendon Sever- This is our snare it is instant cast and lasts 1.5 min its a 55% snare, if you see something haul arse away have this out and ready to hit I can't count how many times the slacker rangers/druids and such have let something run away and I have to snare it asap. Another use for this is aggro in groups it is a bit-o aggro and is a noticeable amount lower endurance per cast then temple blow

Endurance Cost: 144
Re-Use: 12sec
Duration: 90sec
Where to Get: Rk1 is vendor bought, RK2 is dropped and RK3 is a rune turn in (I think)

Tendon Sever-瞬间snare

Battle Frenzy- Basically this is just like puma except that it only lasts 18sec or some such, its based off of your hp and will only proc if you are at 75% or lower hp.

Endurance Cost: 348
Re-Use: 10min
Duration: 18 sec - forever
Where to Get: Rk1 is dropped, RK2 faction and RK3 is faction

Battle Frenzy-patch刚刚nerf掉他,不想再翻译了..还是用shm proc把

Disc Stacking

(If you are confused by my acronyms I have the references at the end of the post)

The break down, disc stacking is the use of more then 1 disc at the same time. Our main discs that go into the combat ability window are as followed, Berserking, Savage Spirit, Cleaving Anger, Vengeful Flurry. We will call these Base Abilities for this post.

Discs that I will refer to as "stackers" are the discs that are stacked with the Base Abilities. These stackers are as followed, Reckless Abandon, Blood Pact, Blinding Fury, Cascading Rage. Glyph of Destruction (expendable), Glyph of Courage (expendable), Cry of Havoc and to a lesser extent our epic click. (You could consider other buffs like ruchu and auspice as stackable discs nearly)

Now we will go over stacking issues, normally the rule of thumb is that most stacking things will stack together if it is spell version (buff) or worn version (foci or other misc things like cleave). But that isn't always true that is why I am making this post to elaborate on the intricate things we call stacking discs.

Damage Modifications-
Damage Mods DO NOT stack with each other the basic, there for if you where to use Berserking and RA together since one is a base ability and the other is a stacker they wouldn't work. The abilities with damage mods are as followed,

Reckless Abandon
Glyph of Courage

Critical Rate Modifications-
Critical Rate Mods DO NOT stack with each other, worn abilities like cleave and I believe the Fellowship Fires or Guild Banner will stack with our stackers (unconfirmed though), but other stacks crit rate mods will not stack with each other. The abilities with Critical Rate Mods are as followed,

Cry Havoc
Cleaving Anger
Epic Click
Auspice (Ranger buff thing)

Hundred Hand Haste Modifications-
These do not stack, the abilities with HH haste are as followed,

All of our War Cries
Vengeful Flurry
Blinding Flurry

Critical Damage Modifications-
This MOSTLY stack there are a few exceptions, one of those exceptions being SS6 and CoD they do not stack, the abilities with Crit Dmg mods are as followed,

Ruchu (sham epic 1.5 and 2.0 clicks)
Glyph of Destruction
Savage Spirit

Double Attack Rate Modifications-
I am unsure on the stacking of these, but honestly it doesn't really matter since we are full DA with AA and fero (I think atleast, very close to say the least), but the abilities that have them are as followed,

Cascading Rage
Vengeful Flurry
Blinding Fury

Accuracy Modifications-
Honestly I don't ever remember a topic about the stacking issues of any information on the stacking issues of these but I'd think it follows the rules of Crit Rate stacking. The abilities with them are as followed,

Spirit of Vesagran (bard epic 2.0 click)

Just remember even though some parts of the actual disc doesn't stack then it doesn't mean you can't use them together to get more of a benefit then you would get with them alone. The only way you can truly mess them up is stacking base abilities and stackers that will NOT go up together. The abilities that will not stack together are as followed.

First up Glyph of Destruction and Savage spirit DO NOT STACK, you will waste 3aa if you hit them together.
Vengeful Flurry and Blinding Fury EXACTLY the same abilities except VF is a disc and BF is a procing buff, hitting them together will cause VF's timer to come and you will had totally wasted it.
Epic Click and Blinding Fury, when blinding fury procs you blind it causes your epic click to wear off, do not use together.

Feeling the Burn!

There are two different burns that you can use (test them out see which works best), I am posting both because there is a lot of conflict on the subject.

First Order -
Click MGB war cry
SS6 + RA3 + CR + BF then, (1min epic may be up still)
BK + epic + GoDestruction then, (30sec for BK then the rest will run into CA)
CA then,
VF + BP.

Second Order -

Click MGB war cry and epic
SS6 + RA3 + CR then,
BK + BF + GoDestruction then, (30sec for BK then the rest will run into CA)
VF + BP.

For the hotkeys bold are what you actually put in the lines nothing more nothing less. Also I would like you to note, if the hotkeys aren't working for you it could be lag related, just turn the /pause # up more, till it works well for you.

MGB War Cry Hotkey-
Name this MGB Cry or w/e you want as long as it is easily identifiable.

Line 1: /pause 7, /# MGB War cry is inc!! (where the pound is add the number of your guilds berserker channel)
Line 2: /pause 7, /alt act 505 (505 is Cry of Battle)
Line 3: /pause 7, /disc Ancient (Or /disc Battle Cry of the Mastruq if you don't have the ancient warcry)
Line 4: /rs War cry up and going!
(w/e you wanna put, just make sure the raid knows that you used your warcry same goes with berserker chat msg)

Burn Order 1 Hotkeys -

Hotkey 1-
Name this Burn 1
Line 1: /pause 7, /alt act 465 (465 savage spirit)
Line 2: /pause 7, /alt act 499 (499 Casc rage)
Line 3: /pause 7, /alt act 610 (610 Blinding Fury)
Line 4: /alt act 3710 ( 3710 Reckless Abandon)

Click epic after Blinding Wears off.
Hotkey 2-
Name this Burn 2
Line 1: /pause 7, /disc Berserking Discipline Rk. III (number of your berserking II, III)
Line 2: /alt act 589 (589 Glyph of Destruction)

Hotkey 3-
Name this Burn 3
Line 1: /pause 7, /disc cleaving anger
Line 2: /alt act 487 (487 7th vet)

Hotkey 4-
Name this Burn 4
Line 1: /pause7, /disc vengful
Line 2: /alt act 387 (387 Bloodpact)

Burn order 2 Hotkeys -
Hotkey 1-
Name this Burn 1 (click epic at start)
Line 1: /pause 7, /alt act 465 (465 savage spirit)
Line 2: /pause 7, /alt act 499 (499 Casc Rage)
Line 3: /alt act 3710 (3710 Reckless Abandon)

Hotkey 2-
Name this Burn 2
Line 1: /pause 7, /disc Berserking Discipline RK. III (number of your berserking RKI RKII RKIII)
Line 2: /pause 7, /alt act 589 (589 Glyph of Destruction)
Line 3: /pause 7, /alt act 610 (610 Blinding Fury)

Hotkey 3-
Name this Burn 3
Line 1: /pause 7, /disc cleaving anger
Line 2: /alt act 487 (487 7th vet)

Hotkey 4-
Name this Burn 4
Line 1: /pause 7, /disc vengful
Line 2: /alt act 387 (Blood Pact)


Accuracy- This is quite an important one it will help your dps quite a bit, the worn cap on this is 150 max it asap. Accuracy was said to improve your accuracy at about a 10worn acc = 1% increased accuracy which can be quite a lot of dps when added up (Generally at least I am unsure if it has been parsed recently). To also help achieve the worn accuracy cap use tribute, it counts as 15 worn accuracy per rank iirc.


Cleave- Very important one of the most important dps increases for berserker's. Since we have an innate 8% critical chance or so the increased crit chances from AAs and other things like DoN T4 rewards, gives our crits quite the edge. Crits are a large source of our dps and whats nice about them is a crit doesn't add more aggro then a non crit.

Cleave-非常重要,对zerker来说最重要的dps提升属性,Ber有8%的初始暴击率,外加AA和DON T4 AA的奖励让我们的暴击成为我们主要的优势,暴击伤害占了我们总伤害相当大一部分,同时并不会比普通攻击造成额外的仇恨.

Ferocity- Ferocity is increased double attack per rank, double attack is nice double attack adds aggro so I would rate this under cleave. This helps you to flurry and triple more so its nice. Though the newer versions of Fero also add triple attack chance.


Attack- Attack back in the day was used as 10atk = 1 % dps, but returns after its "softcap" is dramatically decreased. This is still a important stat to raise and such. The cap is 250 worn without AA and 400 with all the AA.

Attack-在以前atk被计算为10atk大约提高 1%dps,但是因为softcap的原因,他的边际递减很快.不过ATK依旧很重要,你要去努力提高他,基础装备上限是250,通过AA可以提高到400

Throwing Damage Focus- So your thinking "What the shat do I want a worn throwing damage foci for?", You want one because it increases volley damage, qvic gloves = 20% and TSS/Solt gloves are 25% increase in damage and when you take discs into consideration you get quite the nice lil lump of extra dps.
Throwing Damage Focus-用来提高我们volley的伤害,QVIC手套提高20%,TSS/TBS手套提高25%,考虑到开DISC的时候,他能给我们带来很不错的额外的伤害.

Frenzy Mods- Worn frenzy damage mods, there are only a couple out there actually DP shoulders and epic have them. They are not real game breakers like 4.5 sustained DPS per 15+ frenzy but it adds up so I keep it anyhow.

If you think it will increase your dps get it period.

Frenzy Mods-只有一小部分物品带这属性象demi肩膀和epic.他们提高的不多,每15frenzy大致提高4.5dps,所以有可能的话尽量提高他.


For tribute, I use Flurry AC and HP mods I would use the flurry for sure, I am unsure but I know that Double Attack tribute allows you a small chance of making a weird flurry (like you can flurry without flurry aa type of thing) I dunno if this can happen once you have flurry. So just keep this in mind.

关于贡献度,我用flurry ,ac,hp,这3个属性,我肯定会用flurry ,但是我不确定但我知道double attack tribute也能让你有机会打出奇怪的flurry(没flurry 技能的职业都行),我不知道这对有flurry技能的职业有没用,但是反正你知道有这回事就好,

In summery - Basically its the little things that matter and that will set you apart from the pack. If you give 110% it will show and you will be noticed, go out exp all you can and build yourself up. Having good dps just does not happen over night. I hope this guide was informative below are Acronym References encase you got lost.


Acronym Referances


SS or SS6 - Savage Spirit (AA disc, alt act code is 465)
BF or BF6 - Blinding Fury (AA disc, alt act code is 610)
RA or RA3 - Reckless Abandon (AA disc, alt act code is 3710)
GoD or GoDestruction - Glyph of Destruction (Expendable AA, alt act code is 589)
CoC or Courage - Glyph of Courage (Expendable AA, alt act code is I am not sure will add later)
BP or BP6 - Blood Pact (AA disc, alt act code is 387)
CR or Casc - Cascading Rage (AA disc, alt act code is 499)
BK or King - Berserking (level 75 Combat Ability Disc)
VF or Vengeful - Vengeful Flurry (level 70 Combat Ability Disc)
CA - Cleaving Anger (level 65 Combat Ability Disc)

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