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ROF info and raid plan Discussion

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-11-21 08:09

SOE allow us to talk ROF all info i can let you know all information i know for this new exp

1  u can do a quest in ROF starting  zone [one of progession quest in zone] to get VOA language 100 max!
so its easy to let your char grow up [ language 100> do COB quest> COB mission 1] , of course u can loot T4 armour
can easy combine buy yourself ,u can pass T3 armour part and just make T4 in box with templer :)

2 ROF only 2 Tie level ....even for raid or zone...all zone open when exp released except one end zone, group gear in
T1 zone also no drop....its different from VOA becuase this time only 2 tie lv only in this exp

3 ROF T2 raid gear hp/mana around 2600-3100 ....its a bit upgrade from VOA T4 raid drop. SO i guess T1 raid gear
should be aound VOA T3 VOA raid drop still useful for us atm until we get ROF T2 raid drop..

4  all 96-100 rk1 spell can buy from npc in starting language requirement this time...and rk2 same as voa
,give rune to npc and get your rk2 spell

For RF raid plan...i suggest

1 when we have around 40chars [include box] ,we can try NTOV raid first...its a alt raid in ROF and not affect we can easy get the raid task ,as i know from beta tester..NTOV has 8-10mn in zone..drop good
and nm ae weak...just hp we can try it in short time, if we succeed ...we will have  good loots to upgrade

2 for progession T1 raid....its a bit hard for us but still can try if we have more knight for kite and heal...
the phase run easy than RT or oseka but need knight kite and heal,raid run down lis:

1 a group people ass to do guess game [others raid members need to wait outside until win]
2 raid start when guess game finish
3 dps boss> hp locked in %> add pop >as ma kill add> all add die > boss hp unlocked> dps boss> hp locked>add pop>....repeated until boss down

rundown is not hard to understand but the most hardest part ia the last 2 round adds will pop 8-10
in 1 its for knight show time! adds also have some special effect such as against mez spell for 30sec /
charm ppl when add die something like this...

so, again...Win NTOV first then try ROF T1 raid...

our raid plan can in this way

Friday  BD> NTOV /RT
sunday NTOV(if not finish) > ROF T1/RT
monday VOA T2 [less pop day and we can use box to pass it]

after we have enough gear we can pass VOA T2 and let it becomes Pick up target for raider

after we win RT raid...then we can focus on oseka and try VOA T4 [COB /pillar]
of course i dont think we will move to VOA T4 in short time...
but we still have ROF raid to fill up our raid activities ..
so no need to worry we dont have target for raid

lets enjoy ROF raid and iam sure we can try it soon :)

dont forget to buy ROF if u do  not take action atm !!!!

comparison between ROF T2 raid armor and VOA T4 raid armor
of course its impossible to get ROF T2 atm
just let all have some idea in your mind for ROF gear

SO...we should start the ROF AUG call list again...
AS i know from beta
ROF wont have ember slot for class armor  this time
SO Culture armor maybe more powerful than armor gear in this EXP

so its better start MT raid aug plan again and let our tank powerup fast to tank boss:)

again...ROF raid still have raid coin sytem to buy the raid gear
so its a good news for us LOL

For the broker system...
its  different from EQ2 broker system..
u are not allow to run merchant while u are log in EQ
your merchant will work when u logout from EQ
so its different from EQ2 [in EQ2 u can run merchant while u are exp in EQ]
and u can check the bazaar info in need to run to bazzar

under the new system...u are no longer keep your char online when u start your
trader in bazaar:)

Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-11-21 12:47

這次的資料片與VOA 的差距沒有太大
大概是OOW > TSS [LV70>LV75] 兩個時代的差距吧
只要你身上穿的是VOA T2甚至是T3 RAID裝的話
基本上已接近SOF TIE 2 GROUP 裝的水準...

又 ,RF目前的情況要比HOT 進入VOA時代時的情況好很多
記得那時公會連BOX 計算後也只有3G 左右的戰力
現在只要維持RW 不掉到40以下
配合一些關鍵的KEY CLASS
要打ROF 應該不成問題


假如VOA T3 破關以及ROF T1能順利進行
相信RF一些老會員或許回來玩玩 (會內一些老會員AA封頂..RAID 裝早已打滿因此DEPOP.)


我必须要支持你, yuma,顶!
I must support you, yuma, ding! lol

BTW how to unlock ROF end zone
港語:含家產 又打 TOV : (
要把 golbin earing拿出来吗? click click click?
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-11-28 16:01

簡單總結一下ROF 的一些要點

1 在起始ZONE做一個簡單任務便可以將VOA 語言提升至100

2 全部RK1 法術可在起始ZONE買到,不用任何要求

3 RK2 與RK3 法術換領方法與VOA一樣,但不再有語言要求

4 ROF 開放的時候除了一個END ZONE外全部開放,沒有特別要求(END ZONE 好像叫DEAD OF VALLERY 忘記了...怪95CON 下起差不多全部紅色的...很多牛頭人與水哥布林....只要完成PROGRESSION任務就可以進入了,好像HOT 要進SS 便要求玩家拿到T4 FLAG一樣...即是一連串任務..但估計這次只要求玩家完成6人任務便可拿到FLAG..那一些PRE QUEST應該可以免除的..像HOT 資料片一樣]

5 ROF 只有 T1 跟 T2 兩個等級...ROF T2 GROUP 裝甲的數值上限大概接近VOA T2-T3 RAID 甲左右..至於ROF T1 跟 T2的RAID 甲數值可以參考上圖...T1數值應該在VOA T3 與T4之間...至於T2是比VOA T4強一些,但以我們的進度看看就好

6  ROF 更新了商人系統,只要你買了ROF 資料片,你可以在遊戲中任何地方打/BAZAAR ,便可立即看到市集的資訊(不過不肯定可不可以直接買),而掛商人的方法亦有更新,以後掛商人可以下線進行...只要將商人設定好便可離開遊戲,不像以前一樣要把人物呆在線上.但要留意一點,你在進行遊戲的時候不能同時掛商人..這一點是跟EQ2有不同的

7 ROF T1 RAID的難度大概在VOA T3與T4之間...起始的RAID不要求玩家跑大量的EMOTE,但一些基本的ASS MA KILL ADD,KITE 怪的要求是無可避免的..而ROF 有一個與進度無關的RAID ZONE..叫NTOV..
就是大家認識的SOV 那個NTOV [薇仙神殿?]...是一個ALT RAID ZONE..沒有特別的前置要求..ZONE內住了12條龍..是一個讓公會補強裝備的好地方..以RF目前的情況..應該可以花上兩天進行NTOV RAID[想像成VT 那樣的ZONE大概無錯了...一堆會CM BUFF的龍...打一會身上的BUFF便會脫光光LOL]

依BETA 那一些TOP GUILD 玩家回報,他們認為NTOV的龍AE與DOT也太弱..只有血多是真的..因此這個ZONE是目前我們最有可能在短時間內集結戰力嘗試的新RAID ZONE

8 這次ROF 會有新的POWERSOURCE 推出...暫時知道有 T1 T2的等級...T2的相信要打PROGRESSION才會開放...這次的SORUCE有機會增加HERO STAT

9 這次ROF的職業甲BP 沒有了SLOT 15..即不能放上EMBER那個石頭增加數值..因此ROF文化甲相對會強了一些..依照VOA RAID的慣例每場TIE RAID也有機會掉RAID AUG,我們大概很快便會重新啟動MT RAID AUG CALL LIST了 [因為文化甲 + RAID AUG 數值一定接近ROF T2甲的數值,而T2是短時間內無法進行的
因此RAID AUG的分配上一定要優先給予MT..以使RAID順利進行]


RoF T1 group    2090-2250 hp/mana
RoF T2 group    2150-2350 hp/mana

RoF T1 raid  2850-3090 hp/mana
RoF T2 raid  2890-3230 hp/mana
HeadShot Film:8mins run Fall of Tae EW
ROF BOX 軍團換裝大行動INC @@
希望可以打到一個像COB 一樣容易的副本
EXP 好裝兩相宜 ^.^

依ZAM 的說法

至於大家關心的NTOV RAID
11隻龍強度屬於ROF T1
第12隻是龍王VK...強度屬於 ROF T2...

我想光是NTOV 應該可以玩很久了XD

港語:含家產 又打 TOV : (
Skykline Post at 2012-11-28 13:35
PoN had a Druid called DLM, best to describe this!
ok ..just test T2 mob dps in this morning..
lv95 raid tank with 1 cle + 1shm can hold 2yellow /1 yellow + 1 red mob in zone
red mob max hit to 11-12k
hit fast and u need to up your merc lv first to exp in there

of course if u just box6 in there...
u can start your exp group in anytime XD

trash mob drop loot in T2....can trade but free member cant use it :)

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