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現時公會的APP 及 MAIN要求分為兩部分
就可以向各CL 或RL (要該CL不在) 提出MAIN申請
CL 與 RL 在判定共申請資格合格後將會進行一星期投票
當投票結束而具有足夠票數支持後APP 會員將轉為MAIN 資格


前一些日子在打完3500AA 後看了一下MAIN 資格算是緊緊合格(SK MAIN 要求只有3K AA 跟一些必要AA..當然我也不好意思拿著3K AA跟公會申請MAIN..因此我也待到3.5K才敢向LK 提出資格申請) 那時候得到的回應是: 血量有一點少,待到71K 回來再提請如何?
我同意意見因此放棄提請再回去修練了兩星期多跟多檢幾個RAID DROP

兩星期多後再次提出申請,那時候AA 4K剛好,血量也有72K多了,LK看了一下的回應是:[你的AC 低得有一點恐怖,不如打多一些AC AUG再回來申請如何?)

OK 回到正題

首先我同意RL 的說法(因為若AC AUG有打滿的話AC 最少也不會低於7.3-7.4左右)
簡單明白一點就是提MAIN 的HP/MANA/AC/AA 再行提高

其實跟了RAID 3個月差不多已把T2 檢完
多拿一個MAIN 資格純粹是榮譽>實際
只是一個不太會SOK 的RAIDER而已 ...



As a raider in guild, when i find that i meet the requirement to apply main rank. i send tell to our RL to get his accept
in that time ,my situation just meet the main rank .so RL suggest me to up more hp and gear and reapply again.
I agree his suggestion and try to upgrade my char. few weeks later i send tell to RL and ask the same question again,
RL reply me that my AC still low and should get more ac and reaply again.

I feel confused as i meet the guild main requirement why i cant get a main vote?if RL think our main requirement is low at this moment ,he should upgrade the main requirement now (same as app requirement ),no matter how many hp/man/AA/ac, it donesnt matter. just let all the raider know that what should he get "actaullly" to meet main requirement.

for me, i wont say iam a skillful raider (just a less sok ppl in raid actaully) main rank not very important for me at this moment as i got lots gears through these months. i hope the guild rule can make more clear and dont make people confused as many new member join guild these day.

thx a lot for your kind attention!


What is ur ac atm ?

if u need more, try to farm best ac augs from hot and VoA
dear shavin:

i know where can camp more ac aug and iam sure its easy for box army to get them nowadays

what i care is what should we "actaully " need for our main requirement now?
according to our main requirement atm , we will find that our class requirement
very easy to meet  ,even compare with war main requirement i should pass it a lot
(according to our main requirement atm )

so under the guild rule , if the app pass the main requirement and his raid skill accept by
RL/CL , he should get a main vote . of course it donesnt mean that RL need to give a "yes"
in vote. he can help u make vote but he still can vote "No" to you and give u a reason why u fail...

so thats why i ask RL should update the main requirement now
if u compare our app and main requiremnt , u will find that our main requiremnt lower
than app requiremnt (especially for some class hp)

PS: all my char is megolo updated ,so very easy to check my stats and AA
(hp 74105  ac 6898 now  )

其實要求個說法只是希望就MAIN 的條件要求有個清楚的說法
例如就SK 的MAIN要求來說..可以更新為
AA  4K
AC  最少7K  或以上

例如以我的情況就是"AC 要求不達標"
因為現時我們的CLASS MAIN要求沒有更新
因此比照之下,我就會奇怪為什麼SK 那邊的要求好像多了幾項?
當然,如果RL說我的CLASS 技術還不夠資格提出MAIN的申請的話我是不會有異議的
(說坦白昨晚SARTH 沒有小心注意引致要RESET實在不好意思在這裡說三道四...不過這個涉及制度的問題,我覺得去除我個人利益不談也應該要請軍官們交代清楚...)


PS:不管結論如何,暫時也不會再向公會提出MAIN 申請了,反正暑假還只有一個月左右,9月份開始會有新的工作,到時應該不能像這樣天天上線了,且看餘下的20多天能否拿個OSEKA 或 RT的首殺,當是給自己留個回憶吧:)

Post Last Edit by kakakuku at 2012-8-8 04:35

hi Yuma, 我写英语了照顾一下其他english speaker 玩家.

I agree! SK one needs to be updated, i think its kind neglected due to SK CL is a rare spawn these days, and RL(nemo) has to take in charge, but he has many things on his table already.

As far as I known, on tank class to become main:
1. Warrior has to be able to  tank both T2 bosses in raid and live ( well, 80-90%  considering unlucky latency, early die on healer and adds)
2. SK and Pal needs to tank T1 bosses and live ( again, at least 80-90% if unlucky)
3. DPS class needs to reach certain DPS in raid ( they got tested in both ggl dummy and t2 raids)
4. healer also got tested on their abilities. ie. Cleric has  to be able to keep MT with disc alive in BD etc etc

These are not solid rules with exact numbers ( how many ac, hp, aa etc, etc), but RL/CL do use these tests to evaluate app if they are up to Par for raid.  In your case, i believe RL thought your AC was a bit low to take on T1 boss. Perhaps, talk to Pallquire whats his ac as he recently just passed the test. My humble advise would be: " why not try to camp some decent AC aug for the remaining of this week and let RL set you to MT T1 boss this Friday, and see how it goes.  I think you are almost there....
thx kaka reply to my post :)
its ok for me and i just want to share some view to our main requirement only:)
i understand RL very busy these day so I dont want to let him feel pressured
what i worry is that if our main requiremnt dont make more clear
we will face some problem in future ...
so i suggest make a same formant  for all main class (just like LK updated for APP rank requiremnt before)

for alll main class  
1 HP
2  mana (of couse tank class no need )
3 ac (just for tank class only)
4 aa (as we get 4K aa bonus nowadays, idont think 3k aa for all class is hard to get)

if some class need some special skill or Test in raid . we can put in under this format
for SK class, i sugesst we can add these test besides hp/ac/aa

1 for T1 raid ,SK can tank boss for ?%

2 for VOL raid ,SK can kite adds when boss hp 50% and wont die (actually if u no lag and dont move to dmg aura u should safe and wont kill by adds until boss summon u)

3 for sarth raid ,sk know how to pull adds out for phase 1 and phase 2

4 for sarth raid,sk can tank shark nm1 and nm2 and no die (with defensive skill and enough hp should be ok..just need to move to boss when dps)

5 for BD raid ,sk know kite adds out and wont let dps down in raid , (again ...this just a test for kite skill...even ac/hp low we can still use skill to kite and let bard/enc mez add)

So, if the applyer can get all pass in test ,he should show that he had enough skill to let
RL/CL  believe that he know how to play his class

i think it should be more clear than our recent requiremnet before:)


其實不是行不行的問題,硬要說的話只是"姬魔子"的問題,現在提議只是想把制度的漏洞填補,不然將來或會發生公平性的問題,每個CLASS也有不同的要求,正如我不認為一個DPS CLASS要有AC一樣,但我們應該有一個共同的基本要求,就好像APP RANK一樣,最少HP要求 不能沒有....因此才提議應該以一個相同的格式來寫MAIN要求,再視各職業情況提出一些特別的AA/技術測試


hi  yuma :

you are a very nice eqer  ,  i  am sure , most of rfer  want that you are our   raid main.
i  am  sk too  , i see that ac aug how important for tank ,  i even hope i can mosaic  more ac aug in my armor , Of course  u can get a vote now , I really do not want to vote no to you ,just because your low AC  .

sorry, i have to do that  .
Post Last Edit by Yuma at 2012-8-8 10:42

THX LK for reply

i know what u want and why u give me a suggestion to get more ac
i just want to make the requiremnt more clear
for eample:  AC 7300 or 7500 something like that
it will make the requirement for clear and easy know
last time when you told me :[ u should get all ac aug in your slot ..]
i just feel frightened .... (yes.. with hot and VOA aug and some old zone aug should be ok to fit all ac aug in slot ,but i think we dont need to set the requirement too high , set a number for AC then let app to make their aug set is fine )

(簡單一點說就是有一個實際的AC數字要求,AC AUG有多個?要怎樣組合我不會理會只要你出來的數字符合我訂出的要求就好,這就是我的看法...因為只是要求TANK CLASS FULL AC AUG 實在太抽像...)

我暫時放棄申請 MAIN VOTE ,因為RL 的確有一點事情發生讓我無法估計9月後到底能否正面POP FOR RAID,我不希望爭取MAIN回來後又變了一個RARE POP的RAIDER...容許我把事情處理好後再提出MAIN VOTE 提請吧:) 最近想專心鑽研一下OSEKA 跟 RT的戰術...希望8月底前最少打掉一個...增加士氣

plz cancel my main vote apply atm as i have some thing need to solve in my RL ,when i sure all things are ok i will reapply again . thx a lot for LK ! i know what u consider and thx a lot for your help :)

Yuma, Magelo 上是 0 augment, 是否有錯?
老虎沒有看錯..某一些SLOT 是未有AUG的...
因此才說有打完的話大概有300左右的AC 差吧
(我放的AUG有一些只是HP沒有AC的,AC AUG不算多)
15周年的任務本身有幾個30左右 的AC AUG不過那時候等級不足夠無法BOX過關因此無拿到
如果直接買下BAZZAR 那兩個可轉移的 AC AUG 跟CAMP 幾個最簡單的20 AC AUG的話
要多增加200AC 應該不是太大問題
當然,如果要像KAKA 或是 KEN那一樣全SET 打滿就要花較長時間CAMP  AUG

因此若提要求定在AC 7100-7200左右我覺得都算合理
如果定在7500 或以上就真的只有全套T2 + CAMP 很多AC AUG才有這種水準

AC aug is essential for tank class...Yuma , add oil farm aug
如果我是一個賊, 我是一個偷心的賊
AC 7500 突破 =.=!!

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